The Era Of Pokemon: God-level Gacha System

Chapter 461: Everyone Is Staring At Him

Chapter 461: Everyone Is Staring At Him

Everyone read it in an instant, and they all retreated to the outside of the security cordon. They could only sigh that they came too late and couldn't squeeze into the forest. Now they want to work hard and it is too late. They can only watch others. Seize this opportunity.

When Officer Jenny was managing the order, he couldn't help but spit out Ye Chen's noise during this period of time to the team around him. She said: "Ye Chen is really restless when he is still "103". Two nights ago, he just went with us to carry out the criminal activity to wipe out the Pokémon dealers, and he did it in Petalburg Woods today. He really can’t be idle.”

"All day long, he knows how to find work for the police. He himself is happy. In the early morning, the trainer and the people who stayed here are almost boring to death. He doesn't even see himself. "

Ye Chen just got closer, and he heard Miss Jenny Sha's complaint to him. He couldn't help but laughed, "Officer Jenny's dissatisfaction with me is quite rest assured. After today, be sure to treat you guys. Everything has been handled properly, and there will be no such annoying things to bother you in the future."

Hearing Ye Chen's voice, whether it was Officer Jenny and the other police members or the ordinary trainers around, everyone became excited one by one, looking for the direction of the voice, and immediately looked at it.

Sure enough, Ye Chen led Luyao and the others slowly towards Petalburg Woods. The trainers around who had not had time to enter Petalburg Woods immediately boiled, and they rushed towards Ye Chen. Shouted, "Ye Chen, do you really have Mew in your hand?"

"Can the power of Mew really make Caterpie Evolution a Rayquaza?"

"Ye Chen, can you lend me your Mew?"

"Ye Chen lent me your Mew. Don't worry, I will have to borrow and repay it. As long as my Caterpie can succeed, after Evolution, I will not only return Mew to you, but also invite you to dinner."

"Ye Chen, has your Mew ever considered borrowing it? It can be paid for. I will borrow your Mew from you at a big price.

"Ye Chen, how many times have you experimented with Caterpie? Didn't you succeed once?"

"Ye Chen, do you think you will succeed in doing this Caterpie experiment in Petalburg Woods today?"

Ye Chen hasn't even walked into Petalburg Woods. The trainers who surrounded him outside Petalburg Woods immediately launched a fierce language offensive against him, each of them throwing their own questions at him. .

All of a sudden, Ye Chen walked along the road just like walking on the red carpet. On both sides of him, there were all the trainers who looked at him eagerly, all of them were playing his Mew's idea.

The crowd even blocked Ye Chen's way into Petalburg Woods. The Officer Jenny next to him was really helpless, so he had to send police to force Ye Chen to clear the way.

In front of the entrance of Petalburg Woods, Ye Chen finally stopped. He turned his head and said to the trainers who had not had time to enter Petalburg Woods. Just walk into my trap!"

Ps: Ask for full order, ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of 5.9 ask!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Say the important thing three times!!!!!

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