The Era Of Pokemon: God-level Gacha System

Chapter 471 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

471: Blacephalon Rescue

471: Broken Head Clown Rescue

Originally, Ye Chen was still thinking about how to contend with Song Yang, how to explain and prove these three Rayquazas, but in the end he didn't expect the most dramatic scene to appear--

Not only his own Pokémon was tuned by Song Yang, even the Pokémons of Lange, Ruiyao, and Miss Shenglan beside him were all tuned, and they were also replaced by the most sensitive ones right now. Caterpie.

If only Ye Chen's Pokémon were dropped, it would be "one one zero". At least Lang Ruiyao and Miss Sheng Lan could still fight for the Pokémon on them.

But now their Pokémon have all been reconciled. Looking at Caterpie, who is almost incompetent, they are all in trouble for a while, and they don't know how to reverse the situation.

Although the current situation is a bit stalemate, Ye Chen also has to admit that Song Yang's design invention is quite powerful!

The thing he asked Lange to bring was not only to be able to tune his own Pokémon, but also the people around him to be able to use their hands and feet. This is what Ye Chen did not expect. of.

Yaoyao looked at Ye Chen still calmly and calmly, she couldn't help but worry about Ye Chen, she could only urge Ye Chen to say, "Ye Chen, what should we do now? So many people are staring at us, In the end, we took out so many Caterpies. It seems that we can't wash the whole body of dirty water that has been splashed.

Although Ye Chen wants to comfort Luyao, don't worry, but he is clueless, so how can he comfort others!

Just as he was at a loss, suddenly, a familiar figure with a colorful body appeared!


When Blacephalon appeared, inside Petalburg Woods, the colorful and gorgeous Ember was suddenly lit.

For these people who fled in a hurry, a gorgeous Ember was added as a background.

Blacephalon saw so many people fleeing in a hurry, he was also interested, he took off his head at will, and threw it around as a blasting Ember.

Ever since, stunning and gorgeous fireworks lit up in the forest.

People's sharp Growl miserable Growl also made Blacephalon mistakenly believe that his gorgeous performance has won everyone's appreciation and recognition. Everyone received the Astonish and all the energy has been transformed into the energy of the broken head clown, so that he can release more gorgeous Brilliant and moving fireworks.

Blacephalon played more and more vigorously in Petalburg Woods, the number of fireworks exploded more and more, and at the same time it became more and more brilliant.

Seeing Blacephalon playing so happily, Ye Chen felt a little helpless. He couldn't help but remind Blacephalon loudly and said, "Blacphalon is almost done. It's time to come and help me with some business...

After hearing Ye Chen’s voice, Blacephalon then remembered what his main purpose was to come from home on the way.

Although Blacephalon is sometimes unreliable in doing things, he is too playful and always wants to tease others, but now Ye Chen and their Pokémon are all adjusted, only Blacephalon is able to obey Ye Chen. Theirs, so Ye Chen has no other choice now, only to let Blacephalon on it!

And as early as when Blacephalon appeared, how to use it to deal with the three fake Rayquaza, Ye Chen actually had a countermeasure!

Ps: Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for 5.9 flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Say the important thing three times!!!!!

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