The Era Of Pokemon: God-level Gacha System

Chapter 474 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

474: Abnormal

474: Blacephalon's Abnormality

"Could it be that he wants to Evolution?"

However, "Smashed Head Clown belongs to Ultra Beast, can Ultra Beast evolve?"

"Or is it that the Shattered Head Clown sensed that there is his companion around, so lighting up the purple light is equivalent to sending a signal?"

Anyway, everyone had their own guesses, and they all sat around Blacephalon and began to study him carefully.

Although the stelehead clowns on weekdays say that there is no way to communicate with Ye Chen directly, but because they have lived together for a long time, they are very familiar with each other, so they can still communicate without barriers.

But today since Blacephalon's body exudes the weird 113 deep purple light, he seems to have completely blocked the communication between Ye Chen and their verbal signals.

The whole person is like inviting to travel in space, completely out of state, let alone Ye Chen and the others.

So seeing what Blacephalon looks like, Ye Chen and the others are somewhat worried. Although they have guessed countless possibilities, Blacephalon doesn't seem to be consistent regardless of the type.

Rui Yao felt helpless, she looked at Ye Chen and said, "What should I do? Blacephalon is abnormal like this. Let's find a way to help him."

Even Louise, who had been helping Officer Jenny in the police station to deal with matters for this period, also returned to (bdfj)'s house. After hearing Ye Chen and the others say Blacephalon's abnormal state, Louise was also very worried.

Everyone flocked to Blacephalon, and then figured out a way to solve this situation for him.

But suddenly Ye Chen discovered that, except for their own anxiety, Blacephalon didn't seem to be anxious about his current anomaly.

That's why Ye Chen inferred that the abnormality of Blacephalon should only be an early sign, or rather mild, so it would not affect the rest of his normal life.

It's just that it's not a way to go on like this for a long time!

So Ye Chen called everyone together to think of a way to see if there is any feasible way.

Luyao suggested, "Why don't you send it to the Pokémon Center, and see if there is any way Miss Qiao Yi can check him. Maybe he is really going to prepare for Evolution, so the body will appear like this. Strange.

Ms. Sheng Lan also said, "If the Pokémon Center cannot do anything about it, maybe we can talk to Professor Oak and Professor Oak.

Everyone expressed their opinions, but Ye Chen felt a little unreliable in the way they said it.

After all, Blacephalon is Ultra Beast, which is different from the Pokémon on their plane, so if Nurse Joy or Professor Oak, they may not be able to solve and solve the abnormalities that appear in Blacephalon.

Everyone has their own opinions and opinions, and I feel that what I have said is reasonable, and I feel that the other party’s approach is somewhat improper.

After talking about it for a long time, I realized that everyone was just wasting time, and there was no way to solve the Blacephalon problem from the root.

At this time everyone finally reacted, so he put the final decision right on Ye Chen to see what Ye Chen wanted to say.

However, Ye Chen himself was also thinking about it quietly for a long time when they were talking about it. He felt that although Blacephalon was said to be Ultra Beast, it did not mean that they did not know them.

Ps: Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Say the important thing three times!!!!!

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