The Era Of Pokemon: God-level Gacha System

Chapter 477 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

477: Ask Professor for help

477: Ask Professor for help

"Professor Oak, have you heard of Ultra Beast?"

"What beast?"

Professor Oak is getting older, and he is still a little confused when he hears other people's words. He is not sure what Ye Chen is talking about.

Ye Chen said again afterwards: "Ultra Beast! Have you heard of Professor Oak?"

When he heard Ye Chen actually talked about Ultra Beast, Professor Oak's expression immediately changed. He immediately said to Ye Chen seriously, "Why are you asking about this?"

From Professor Oak's voice, Ye Chen could hear his alertness and dike, and rare seriousness.

So in order to get rid of Professor Oak’s vigilance, Ye Chen had to tell the truth, “Professor Oak, 13 Blacephalon, you should remember, it’s my Pokémon.”

"At the beginning I concealed you that he was a precious Pokémon I caught from other regions in other places. The race was almost extinct, and only this one was left. In fact, at the time... the real identity of Blacephalon who lied to you was. Ultra Beast."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Professor Oak immediately turned his face into a gloomy expression and said, "Okay, you kid, I know you are lying to me."

"Blacephalon, looking at him like that, I know it is definitely not our region, the Pokémon that will appear in this plane. If it weren't for your kid, you can find some weird Pokémon that no one else knows all day long. Otherwise I can't believe you."

Ye Chen didn't think that Professor Oak had never doubted him all the time, he had doubted Blacephalon and then thought of himself, because this had hidden Professor Oak for so long, and for a while, he became embarrassed.

He scratched his head and said, Professor Oak is really, sorry, the identity of the chief researcher is too special, and I don't want too many people to know about him and cause other unnecessary troubles, so this is even you. Concealed.

Although Professor Oak was somewhat angry about Ye Chen's concealment of his own affairs, he also knew Ye Chen very well. He was definitely not intentional, and since he is now willing to clarify the truth of the matter, it means that He must have encountered thorny troubles with the research head clown, otherwise he would definitely not come to him, and even took the initiative to identify Blacephalon's identity and origin.

So now that Ye Chen has confessed everything to him, it is naturally impossible for Professor Oak to care about him so stingly, so Professor Oak asked him: "Ye Chen, did you meet the clown with the stele head?" What's the trouble? Otherwise, I believe that according to your personality, it is absolutely impossible to tell me frankly so easily now, right? Is there anything you need to ask me for help?"

Sure enough, if you understand Ye Chen, just like Professor Oak, you can understand Ye Chen's needs.

Although Ye Chen is apologetic to Professor Oak, but since Professor Oak has already spoken, Ye Chen is no longer polite to him.


After all, the two people have known each other for so long, and they have always been rude to Professor Oak Ye Chen, and the same to Ye Chen Professor Oak. They also talk directly to what they have. They never play with Ye Chen.

Ps: Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Say the important thing three times!!!!!

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