The Era Of Pokemon: God-level Gacha System

Chapter 482 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

482: Go to Alola Region

482: Go to Alola Region

Professor Oak knows what Ye Chen means, but Professor Oak has contacted Russa Minay before. The reply given by Russa Minay is that he can help Ye Chen see what his Pokémon Blacephalon is from. This kind of abnormality occurs for the same reason, but the premise is that they must go to Alola Region.

After hearing what Professor Oak said, Ye Chen hesitated. He could not reply directly to Professor Oak for the time being. Instead, he said, “I can’t promise you to let me discuss with Luyao and others about Professor Oak for a while. Bar.

Professor Oak naturally knew what kind of concern Ye Chen was out of, so he didn't force it. He nodded and said to him, "Okay, you can discuss with Luyao and the others. As for Rusha Minai, I can do it again. Let me contact you. It should be impossible to come to her and ours, but if you can really go to Alola Region, you should be able to find more in Ultra Beast.

After listening to Professor Oak's words, Ye Chen was more or less interested, but he still asked and said, "What? Is there a lot of discovery and research about Ultra Beast by Russa Minai and others?"

Professor Oak was surprised and said, "That's for sure. You know that Ruza Minay's husband has been studying Ultra Beast before he was alive. Naturally, they have much more information and materials than us. You must have inquired a lot of news about Ultra Beast in time, right? Isn't it true that you haven't heard anything useful?

Ye Chen didn't expect Professor Oak to understand his trends so clearly over the period of time. In desperation, Ye Chen had no choice but to bite the bullet and said, "Yes, I inquired about it in the circle, and it turned out that there was no useful news. Inquired, is it because no one in our Region is studying the species Ultra Beast?"

"No, no, because no one in our Region studies Ultra Beast, which is almost all Regions. No one will study the Ultra Beast species together. Because Ultra Beast is very rare, only the Alola area will appear very few. Ultra Beast, but it is also very small in variety and quantity.

"For those who really want to study Ultra Beast, there is no one other than the Ruza Minay I know so far, so if you want to know more about Ultra Beast, you still have to You are going to take a trip to the Alola Region, this set is inevitable.

Now that Professor Oak has already spoken to this point, Ye Zhan naturally knows what he should do next, so he said, "Professor Oak, I know, I will contact you after I make a decision later.

Professor Oak also responded to him by saying, "Okay, then I'll tell you the contact information of Luza Minay and the address of her ether fund first. If you decide to go, you will be able to use these things. ."

"Okay, then you can send it over first."

After hanging up the phone, Yaoyao and Ms. Sheng Lan immediately walked towards Ye Chen, each with their faces full of concern and worry, and said:

"How about what did Oak117 Professor tell you?"

"Did Professor Oak find any information about Blacephalon?"

"Has Professor Oak contacted the person we talked about last time?"

Ps: Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Say the important thing three times!!!!!

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