The Era Of Pokemon: God-level Gacha System

Chapter 488 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

488: Attend a local party

488: Attend a local party

He curiously thought that the driver said, "Do you people in Alola Region like nightlife so much? It's already twelve o'clock in the night and you don't have a rest?"

When the driver picked them up from the airport, he knew that they must be foreign tourists visiting here, so it is not surprising that they did not know the customs of their locals, so the driver introduced him and said, "We Alola Region does not have the habit of going to bed early and getting up early. On the contrary, everyone's work and rest are very free and casual. Especially summer nights like this are a good time for us to hold celebrations and events."

"How can we waste such a good time to sleep? So everyone likes to be at home, gathering in twos and threes nearby, or gathering together to hold friends and friends, similar to a series of celebrations such as fire-raising activities. ."

Although Ye Chen had heard of the special enthusiasm of the humanities in the Alola Region before, he didn't know that the people in this place were so enthusiastic that celebrations were held almost every night.

He couldn't help but asked again, "Then you people in this place don't rest or work? Can they withstand playing so all night every night?"

The driver explained again, “It’s definitely not possible to get up early to go to work the next day after playing so late. Usually when we arrive in the summer, all work and rest will be postponed. Because the celebrations we hold in the summer are exceptional. Many, so it’s too late to go to bed, so the time to get up to work will naturally go later. This is the characteristic of our Alola Region!"

The things the driver said were things that Ye Chen didn't see when he came to do the Raiders, because he only knew that this time he came to Melody Island in the Alola Region, so he said that his main energy is to relax. After understanding the customs of the island, as well as who their island owner is, and also learned about the patron saints of Alola Region, such as Kapuwuwu, etc., and they are like this driver. He didn't understand anything in such details.

While they were talking, the driver had already sent Ye Chen and the others to the gate of the hotel. After getting off the car, the magnificent hotel lobby was on the left, and the fine silver-white sandy beach and the deep blue sea were on the right. .

On the beach, just as the driver said before, there is a fire waiting activity on the beach.

Seeing the excitement and excitement on the beach, everyone is wearing the unique ethnic costumes of Melody Island in the Corolla Region, cheering and dancing around the fire, and there are a lot of food around.

Yaoyao and Ms. Sheng Lan immediately came to their minds, and the sleepworm disappeared in an instant. They cheered around Ye Chen's side, and excitedly proposed: "Ye Chen, let's go, let's join them too. Let's play together!"

Seeing these people who suddenly became excited, Ye Chen felt helpless. He said, "Aren't you guys arguing just now that you are going to fall asleep directly after you come to the hotel? How come all of a sudden all of a sudden Are you going to participate in the fire-raising celebration?"

Luyao waved her hand and said indifferently, "Hey, what's the matter? It's more fun to participate in fire activities than sleeping, and we ran all the way here and just happened to bump into it. Just go and feel how to be worthy of the exhaustion on the road."

After speaking, Rui Yao took the lead and rushed to the lively fire-raising party for the first time.

However, how can this lively scene (get it) lack Blacephalon?!

Ps: Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Say the important thing three times!!!!!

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