The Era Of Pokemon: God-level Gacha System

Chapter 525 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

525: Blacephalon Kindergarten

525: Research Head Clown Kindergarten

Blacephalon slowly stretched out his hands and feet from Shell Smash's place, and at the same time, he was struggling constantly trying to make the broken hole bigger, so that all of his body could be explored. .

When they saw this scene, Ye Chen and all of them were silently cheering for Blacephalon in their hearts.At the same time, they also knew that no one could help in this step of Shell Smash, because only those who have really experienced their own efforts came out of Shell Smash. Pokémon can have a relatively healthy physique. If he blurts out Helping Hand through the hands of others, maybe this Pokémon will be weaker in the future.

So everyone in the room didn't dare to step forward to help, and could only watch Blacephalon working hard by himself.

The first thing is that Blacephalon himself is pretty good. When he broke free of the eggshell a little bit, and finally all Shell Smash came out, everyone in the laboratory was relieved.

Now that Blacephalon has completed the step of breaking the rule by herself, Miss Russa Minay suggested: "Why don't you put Blacephalon and the two together in a petri dish? Now Blacephalon is too young to stay with her mother. , Let his mother teach him something."

After Miss Russa Minay finished speaking, Professor Barnett and Zaobo immediately agreed, so the three of them found a larger petri dish and put the two clowns together.

Because Blacephalon is too young to pay back now, and he is not a mammalian Pokémon, so he could not breastfeed in the early stage, but I waited until it was a little bigger, and the big research head clown fed him.

Seeing that Russa Minay had placed the two Blacephalons quite well, Ye Chen said immediately, "Since the Blacephalon has now been born, and the two of them seem to be fine, let's stay here for now. After both of them have stabilized, I will pick them up again."

Naturally, Ruza Menet nodded in agreement, "Okay, then let these two Blacephalons stay with me during this period of time, so I can also take a video of them and watch. See how Ultra Beast like Blacephalon reproduces offspring."

The two hit it off.

In the laboratory on the road, I was smashing the things that Blacephalon hatched, and I was busy until the morning. Originally yesterday, I was very tired because of Blacephalon's upcoming production. Now it is directly because Blacephalon is about to break in the middle of the night. What happened, it was busy into the morning again.

So on the next day, Ye Chen and his family asked for leave together. Oak was very helpless about it, but there was no other way. They could only approve their leave.

Ask for flowers

After all, what happened to Blacephalon yesterday, Oak also personally participated in it, knowing that they originally came to Alola Region for Blacephalon, so naturally everything will give priority to Blacephalon.

Ye Chen and his family went straight to sleep after returning home. In the morning, the big country arranged by Miss Russa Minay came to the house and prepared all the food and snacks for them. After that, they quietly left, and waited until Ye When Chen woke up until noon, the kitchen was already ready for lunch.

He was sitting in the dining room enjoying the lunch prepared by the five-star chef, while reading the message sent by Miss Rosa Minai after leaving early in the morning.

Ps: Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Say the important thing three times!!!!!


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