The Era Of Pokemon: God-level Gacha System

Chapter 603 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

621: Obtain the Steel Spar

621: Obtain the Steel Spar

But Mr. Halla smiled and said, "As long as you beat me and officially pass the test of the big test, this is what you deserve. Although Pikachu is electrical, I think you already have it before this. There are enough electric spars, so this time I will give you spars with strong properties."

And I remember that Pikachu will also use Iron Tail, right. When using spar for the skill of rigid attribute, the power and attribute can be greatly improved by "20 three", so this crystal with rigid attribute Stone is useful for both you and Pikachu.

He was overjoyed for Ye Chen with a new attribute spar. Of course, he was very happy, but he still felt that this time the game was not that formal, and he received such a reward. appropriate.

But since Mr. Hara, the king of the island, felt that he was qualified to take it, he didn’t shirk anymore. After thanking Mr. Hara, the king of the island, Ye Chen was hosted by Mr. Hara, and then he took it with him. The classmates took a rest in the room beside them.

I plan to go back to school after making some adjustments.

In the end, I didn't expect that while everyone was drinking tea and chatting, Lillie suddenly held her Vulpix and stood in front of Mr. Hara, the king of the island.

When she took the initiative to appear, everyone immediately stopped talking and laughing, and looked at Lillie with a little surprise, not knowing what he wanted to do.

I saw Lillie flushed with nervousness, holding his newly acquired Pokémon Vulpix in his arms, swallowing nervously, but didn't know how to explain his intentions.

In the end, Ye Chen probably understood Lillie's thoughts. He sat behind Lillie and encouraged her to say, "Lillie be bold, just say anything if you want. My classmates and I are here, no matter what you do, we will Support you."

When Ye Chen finished speaking, other students also greeted them and said:

"Yeah, Lillie, come on, just say whatever you want!"

"Lillie don't worry, there are us, we are all there."

After hearing the encouragement from the classmates, Lillie's tension slowly relaxed. After taking a deep breath, he finally bravely said the thoughts he had been holding in his heart. She said: "King of the island, ha Mr. Ra, I also want to ask you for the test of the big test and formally conduct the assessment of the tour of the islands."

When Lillie said this, let alone the classmates, even Ye Chen was shocked. What they didn't expect was that Lillie actually wanted to participate in the assessment of the island tour.

Ps[Author's words]: Ask for full order, ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Say the important thing three times!!!!!


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