The Era of the Law of the People: Full-level Talent at the Start

Chapter 296 The Extraterritorial Demon Strikes Again

Our "human universe has cracked a big hole." The guard said in panic.

This time Zhou Fan understood. He walked to the high hall and peeped out.

It was found that the sky of the main star of the human race has been torn apart by a large opening, through which the outer star field can be seen, and these star fields have also been split into a large opening. In the entire human race universe, the stars on this path were all split in half, and their huge stars were falling towards the bottom of the star field at an extreme speed.

This opening is as if someone cut the rhyme with an axe.

But the question is, what kind of axe can split the entire universe in half?


The Reincarnation Supreme of the Feather Clan rang his request for a video call from Xiao.

As soon as Zhou Fan was connected, he saw the anxious face of the Reincarnation Supreme of the Feather Tribe.

"Zhou Fan, hurry up and come to the Blood Talisman Universe." The Reincarnation Supreme of the Feather Clan said, with a hint of panic in his tone. 04

"Senior, what happened?" Zhou Fan asked indifferently.

"The extraterritorial demons attack the source again." The Reincarnation Supreme of the Feather Clan said softly.

what. senior. It wasn't long before the extraterritorial demons were wiped out by us. Attacked again. Zhou Fan asked in disbelief.

"Yes. Zhou Fan. This time, the extraterritorial demons attacked harder than ever before. This time, they sent the extraterritorial demons who were only reincarnated and reincarnated to attack. Come and support." The Reincarnation Supreme of the Feather Clan said anxiously.

"Okay. Senior. What's the matter with this huge crack in the universe? Why does it seem like it was cut out by an axe." Zhou Fan continued to ask.

"Zhou Fan, this is from Pangu's axe. This time, the extraterritorial demon brought the axe that Pangu used to open up the world. This axe was cut down and destroyed three whole small universes. A little bit of the universe has also been cut with a huge crack." The Supreme Reincarnation of the Feather Clan said slowly.

So "terrifying, even brought the Pangu Axe. It seems that this time the extraterritorial demons want to completely kill the billions of creatures in the billions of universes." Zhou Fan said softly.

"Yes. Zhou Fan. We have assembled countless powerful cultivators in the bloody universe. We have set up three star defense lines to resist the attack of extraterritorial demons. Come and support them quickly." said softly.

"Okay. Senior. We'll be right here." After Zhou Fan finished saying this, he called Duan Li and the Feather Clan Samsara Supreme. Then he opened the video call with Ye Linger.

Not long after, Ye Linger answered the video call.

"Master, what's the matter?" Ye Linger said softly.

"What state are you in now?" Zhou Fan asked indifferently.

"Reincarnation Supreme Realm." Ye Linger said softly.

"That's good. You hurry up and come to the main star of the human race to ask me questions. Now the extraterritorial demons are attacking the creatures in the universe again. We have to hurry up and support." Zhou Fan said lightly.

"Okay. Master. I'll spray right away." After Ye Linger said this, she cut off the communication.

Not long after, Ye Linger arrived at Zhou Fan's side.

Zhou Fan launched a war mobilization order against the entire Terran universe. Order the monks above the Immortal King Realm to come to the main star of the human race to assemble.

The mobilization order rhymed, and the major star fields responded to the call.

Countless white jade immortal ships from various star fields, carrying countless monks, gathered above the main star of the human race.

Zhou Fan compiled them into an army. Then he took the army with the Nine Dragon Immortal Ship. Go to the Blood Rune Universe.

The Blood Rune Universe is extremely far away from the Human Race Universe.

Zhou Fan, they traveled through more than 300 universes, and it took a whole year to come to the Blood Rune universe.

The bloody universe has been breached by the extraterritorial demons, and in those occupied places, countless extraterritorial demons are frantically killing the bloody family members.

Zhou Fan led a huge human army to the defense line of the star field.

"Zhou Fan. It's the right time." The Supreme General of the Feather Tribe Samsara and Ye Linger personally welcomed them into the battle command room.

"Senior. How is the battle now?" Zhou Fan asked softly.

"How's it going? We can't resist anymore. The coalition forces we brought have already lost more than half. If the remaining half monks are slaughtered by the extraterritorial demons, then our billions of universes will no longer have the strength to resist. Trace. Our billions of universes will fall." The Supreme Reincarnation of the Feather Clan said lightly.

"Senior. How come the extraterritorial demons are so powerful this time. Are there many of them?" Zhou Fan asked indifferently.

"It's not a matter of quantity. Zhou Fan. The main thing is that there are ten extraterrestrial demons of the supreme level of reincarnation on the opposite side, and a Pangu axe." The supreme reincarnation of the feather clan said softly.

Could it be "Is there no way to solve it?" Zhou Fan continued to ask.

"With the two of you here, we are also going around the five Reincarnation Supremes, and we don't have any treasures of the Creation God-level police here. If you want to solve it, there is only one way." The Reincarnation Supreme of the Feather Clan said.

"What way?" Zhou Fan said softly.

"That is the birth of a master of Hongmeng. This master of Hongmeng will solve the invasion of the extraterritorial demon. Then let this master of Hongmeng go to the beginning of all eras to kill the source of darkness and turmoil. "The Reincarnation Supreme of the Feather Tribe said.

830 "But senior. It doesn't mean that there will be only one master of Hongmeng. It is unique. Will there be no new masters of Hongmeng in the entire universe?" Zhou Fan said indifferently.

"Yes. Zhou Fan. You are right. But we creatures in the universe will not have the chance to become the master of Hongmeng. But you are not like Zhou Fan, you have the opportunity to become the master of Hongmeng. Because I feel an aura that transcends this world in you, you seem to have a mysterious power that can break the rules of this world. If you can break the rules of heaven and earth, you can become the new master of Hongmeng. "The Reincarnation Supreme of the Feather Clan said softly.

Zhou Fan was shocked when he heard this. Could it be that the identity of the one who descended was discovered. But it shouldn't be, the Reincarnation Holy Tower generally keeps the identities of the descendants a secret. Ordinary native creatures will not find it.

It may be because the Reincarnation Supreme of the Feather Clan has reached the realm of Reincarnation Supreme. With his extraordinary insight, he senses an aura that does not belong to this world.

"Senior. I do have treasures that transcend this world." Zhou Fan calmed down and said lightly.

He has the Supreme Ruler of Heaven in his hand, who can arbitrarily modify the laws of heaven and earth in any world.

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