The Era of the Law of the People: Full-level Talent at the Start

Chapter 299 Returning to the Source Level Reincarnation Tower

Source Level Reincarnation Saint Tower

Zhou Fan opened his eyes and looked at the wheel mark. This time, he became the strongest person in Xiaoyi Wan Cosmos Sea, the master of Hongmeng, killed the demonized creation gods Pangu and Nuwa, and ended the source of the dark turmoil that plagued the billions of cosmos seas for countless epochs.

And as the strongest man of the billions of cosmic seas - the master of Hongmeng, he completely swallowed the power of the origin of the cosmic sea and starry sky.

【Name: Zhou Fan

[Realm: Supreme Ming Luo Level (Pure Origin Shaping)]

[Attributes: reincarnation, life, death, light, darkness, all things, destiny, destruction, human world]

[Dao fruit: 18950 pieces)

[Dao: 1. The origin of reincarnation: 1 thread, 2. The origin of all things: 1 thread, 3. The origin of the human world: 1 thread, 4. The origin of life: 50 threads, 5. The origin of destruction: 50 threads, 6. Light” 83 Zero" Ming source: 1 change, 7. Dark source: 1 change, 8. Destiny source: 1 thread, 9. Death source: 1 thread.

Treasures [: Rule Dao Seal Fragment, Supreme Rule Heaven, Origin Special Treasure World Bead, Origin Attack Magic Treasure Reincarnation Holy Sword, Origin Defense Magic Treasure Reincarnation Holy Armor, Top-Grade Road Legal Resources Five-color Glass Cover)

[Top-grade talent exercises: True Spirit level 100)

[Cultivation Technique: Code of All Things, Soul Essence Technique]

[Reincarnation points: 2020 trillion 80.7 million]

[Evaluation: Saint-level legend, 4th-level source-level legend]

[Reward: 4026 times of arrival, 406 times of free admission tickets to Lunying Santa)

Seeing this, Zhou Fan's face lit up with joy.

Unexpectedly, more than 18,000 Dao Fruits were directly condensed this time.

Sure enough, drastically changing the world situation line is the fastest way to condense Dao Fruit.

While Zhou Fan was checking the harvest, the other descendants also woke up.

In addition to the Human Race team, other Ming Luo-level teams, including the Ming Luo-level powerhouses of the seven supreme forces of Chaos Heaven, all had gloomy expressions.

Obviously, they spent hundreds of years in the world of the holy tower, using countless treasures, to cultivate to the realm of the peak of the Immortal Emperor. Then he joined the dark turmoil and the extraterritorial demons to participate in the battle.

As a result, Zhou Fan killed all of Xiao's extraterrestrial demons, ending the source of the dark turmoil. They didn't get any hair this time, it was a complete waste of effort, and they didn't even get a trace of the source of the Dao.

This time, it was a complete waste of effort. After all, at their level, apart from the Dao Fruit, the other rewards of the source-level Samsara Sacred Pagoda were completely ignored by them.

Even the original magic weapon is no exception.

"Which one is the descendant who can detach in the world of the source-level reincarnation tower, become the new master of Hongmeng, and end the source of the dark turmoil."

"It should be a treasure that involves the core authority of the source-level reincarnation santa."

This "luck might be a little more opportune."

The Ming Luo-level teams of the seven supreme forces of Chaos Heaven were talking about each other.


At this time, the spire of the source-level Samsara Sacred Pagoda descended, dividing all the teams into countless small rooms.

In the narrow room, several people including Nangong Xin'er were very excited.

They all know that Zhou Fan has become the strongest of the billions of universes in the source-level santa world - the master of the universe, completely destroying all the extraterrestrial demons, and completely ending the source of darkness and turmoil.

Under this general trend, members of the Puwei team, Lingyin, and two mentors, Yun Ying, all participated in the process of Zhou Fan ending the source of the dark turmoil.

Soon, the phantom of the source-level reincarnation tower in the middle of the room began to spin.

The light fell on Nangong Xin'er.

start evaluating

The human race team is not reduced to Jing Nangong Xin'er. In the billions of universe sea world, you conform to the general trend of the world and play an auxiliary role in ending the development of the source of the dark turmoil. There was a slight impact on the world situation push. Condensed 2,000 Dao Fruits and obtained the excellent evaluation of the source level.

Reward 3500 free arrivals in the small world, reward 20 free admission tickets to the world of Samsara Santa, reward 4000 Divine Seals, reward 3000 Reincarnation Lights, reward 1500 Colorful Samsara Crystals, 2700 Trillion Wheels Points back.

Obtain the treasure of the Holy Tower World: the Snow Sword.

Several other members of the Rose Squad were extremely shocked after hearing the evaluation.

What they didn't expect was that Nangong Xin'er just followed the general trend of the world in the billions of universe sea world, and did not play a big role in promoting the world situation. It got such a high rating

And the most important thing is that Nangong Xin'er actually condensed two shoes and dao fruit...

You must know that Dao Fruit is a good thing. When they reach their cultivation realm, only Dao Fruit can make them improve quickly.

The source-level reincarnation santa phantom continues to evaluate others. Mei Xiaoguo, Han Maran, Yan Bingru, Yu Yun, Lingyin, Yun Ying, and others all received excellent evaluations from Yuanji.

Finally, the phantom of the source reincarnation tower was delivered to Zhou Fan.

Brush brush.

All eyes were on Zhou Fan.

Want to know what kind of evaluation he can get.

After all, he was in the world of the billions of universes, but with his own power, he became the strongest of the billions of universes - the grand master, completely ending the source of the dark turmoil that plagued the billions of universes for countless epochs.

Zhou Fan, the human race team, you are in the world of the billions of universes, you promote the development of the world situation, and you have become the strongest in the world of the billions of universes - the master of Hongmeng, completely ending the scourge of billions of universes and countless epochs. The source of the dark turmoil has an instant and violent impact on the origin of the world.

Condensed more than 18,000 Dao Fruits, completely breaking the highest record of the source-level reincarnation holy tower, and obtained the source-level super god-level evaluation. 10,000 free arrivals to the small world will be rewarded, and 500 free admission tickets to the world of Samsara Santa will be awarded. The reward will be 13.85000 Wheel God Seals, 10,000 Reincarnation Lights, and 10,000 Colorful Reincarnation Crystals. 25,000 Trillion Reincarnation Points.

Obtain the treasures of the Shengta world: the unparalleled sword box and the six swords; Feiyu, Thunder, Magic Shadow, Dragon Scale, Fuyi, Hades. Get the Holy Tower World Exercise: Qinglian Sword Song and Six Paths Samsara Sword Technique. Obtain the Sword Intent of the Holy Tower World: One Hundred Thousand Paths of Supreme Sword Intent.

Obtain the Bloodline of the Holy Tower World: The Bloodline of the Master of Hongmeng (This bloodline is hidden in the real world and can only be activated briefly under certain conditions.

2000 World Rule Crystals will be rewarded.

[Congratulations to Zhou Fan of Biqing Academy in the Human Race World, for breaking the highest evaluation of the source-level reincarnation santa and obtaining the source-level super god-level evaluation. The original specification of the human race world has been increased by 2000 times. [The world level is increased by 60 levels. J.

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