After Jin Buhuan finished speaking, he left immediately, completely regardless of what Tianlong would do next.

Looks calm.

And such a move also made Tianlong feel that this guy should have no tricks.

if not.

How can anyone pretend like that?

However, he still had some plans in his heart.

Just trust that guy for a while, if you really notice something is wrong, or if it's too long.

You can still go in and take a look.


Zhou Fan was reminiscing about the words that just can't be exchanged.

his brother?

what's the situation?

Zhou Fan didn't understand a bit.

Isn't that guy's younger brother dead late?


Since the gold is not exchanged, I still want to do something to him.

The only reason is that his younger brother is not dead yet, and he still needs his own heart to save "two eighty zero".

In other words, the funeral was a lie at all.

In fact, the ultimate goal is to deceive him, and it is good to start in the place he is most familiar with.

This damn guy, actually kill Yun this kind of lie.

It's really impossible to guard against.


Just as Zhou Fan was thinking, a gloomy wind suddenly blew across the room, which made people shudder.

Originally the temperature was quite suitable, but Zhou Fan suddenly felt that the pores all over his body were expanding.

Every single hair stood up.

The goose bumps all over the body came instantly.

This feeling really makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

He immediately picked up the flesh on his body to maintain the temperature, and at the same time followed the surroundings to see what was happening.


Just when he was on guard.

Suddenly, one by one, Bai Lian rhyme appeared, directly covering the sky above Xiao's entire room, and a person's shadow lay there above Bai Lian.

A gloomy aura spread out instantly.

Zhou Fan frowned at that time, and it was not easy to feel this breath.

He is now in the realm of Tianluo, but the opponent's strength is at least in the realm of Wanluo. As far as the realm is concerned, the opponent can be said to be crushed.

"You are Zhou Fan?"

Suddenly the person in class started to speak, but his voice sounded hoarse and very light.

It felt like a serious injury, a very weak feeling.

Zhou Fan nodded: "Who are you?"

"Of course it's the one who will kill you!"

The person above Bai Lian was no nonsense at all. After confirming the identity of the other party, he showed a sneer.

Immediately after that, he spun around, lying on Bai Lian, constantly spinning his body, putting all the white lines on his body.

He was instantly wrapped into a mummy.


Landed lightly.

It feels like there is no weight at all.

Looking at this strange person in front of him, Zhou Fan was a little confused.

This guy was covered in white cloth all over his body, even his eyes and mouth.

Can't see or hear at all.

Is it a ghost?

"Are you Jin Buhuan's younger brother?"

Zhou Fan to confirm.

I thought there was only one possibility.

The other party ignored him completely, just said to himself, "After I was born, I will kill my poor parents.

Being able to survive until now is also because they sent their breath to me.

My brother has been trying to find a way to treat my illness. Although I have been in a coma, I know that he has everything to pay.

After I eat your flesh, I will be able to recover, and then I will be doubly good to him. "

"What's the use of telling me this?

Zhou Fan rolled his eyes.

However, it can be confirmed that the identity of the other party is indeed Jin Buhuan's younger brother.

What's the matter with this guy?

Doesn't it mean that you can't move when you're lying in bed all the time?

Why are you standing right in front of you now?

It seems to be using Xiao's special technique, otherwise, he wouldn't be wrapping himself up with these white skills.

At this moment.

Zhou Fan was aware of the breath on the other person's body, and it didn't look like a stranger at all, as if he was a dead person.

Could it be that.

Really ghost?

It's kind of weird.

The breath on the other side is really too cold, too cold, and it is not like a living person can have it.

At least.

A living person has some warmth, and even if he cultivates the yin to evil exercises, it will give people the feeling of a little bit of warmth.

Not like the guy in front of him.

"Okay, I explained that I said don't waste too long, otherwise it will be discovered.

And my parents didn't support it either.


The mummy moved instantly, came to Zhou Fan at a lightning-fast speed, and then raised the hand stiffly to 0...

The feeling of being photographed in an instant.


Zhou Fan still has some strength, and because the other party is wrapped all over his body, it is a little inconvenient to move.

This also gave him a lot of benefits, and was able to make up for the difference in realm a little.

When he felt that the other party was making a move, Zhou Fan immediately jumped away, only the other party's movements were a little dull and his pre-judgment in advance was able to subtly avoid it.

Otherwise, you will still get caught.


The ground was instantly smashed into a big hole by the opponent's hand, which was terrifyingly powerful.

A breath spreads out to the surroundings in an instant.

It was a gloomy aura, everything around seemed to be covered with frost, and the temperature in the room dropped a bit.

"This guy just went around saying that his parents didn't support him?

Zhou Fan recalled such a sentence in his mind.

This sentence is too abrupt.

The guy in front of Qian Qian said that his parents were already dead.

But why would you say rhyme?

It is clear.

This kind of abrupt remark is where the clue lies. Zhou Fan knows that this is an opportunity that the other party accidentally gave him.

Depends if you can hold it.

He thought about it carefully, and it was impossible to defeat the opponent in a tough way.

After all, the difference in realm is there.

It is impossible to attack by force, but to outsmart it.

3.9 Zhou Fan kept dodging each other's attacks, but fortunately he didn't ask any questions for the time being. During this time period, he had been thinking about how to solve the difficulties.

his parents?


Just inlaid with gold and the guy in front of them both said that their parents left the last breath to the person in front of him who is not like a ghost or a ghost.

That is to say.

The breath of his parents is the most basic source of energy that keeps him active. Once it is cut off, it basically means the end.


The other party will be so anxious to shoot, obviously because the breath is not enough, so the scriptures will rhyme this way.

It seems that the aura stored on the other party is running out, and he should be able to get through it just by wasting a little more time.


The formation around is really too much, so far, it is not clear what the effect is.

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