The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1003 Ambush and Blocking the Road

In the following months, Liang Ji, under the protection and transportation of Star Master Gaoyuan, walked among more than a dozen galaxies on the front lines of the Star Alliance's battlefield.

The power of the stars created by the sky demons in these galaxies, and the changes therein, are all reflected in the changes in the power of the nineteen-color stars of the 'Dragon Ball' that Liang Ji sacrificed. They are obviously objects carefully selected by the Covenant's frontline battlefield command.

With sufficient power of the nineteen-color sky demon to create stars, and the support of the 'Three Lights of Sky Dew', Liang Ji can fully activate the power of the 'Dragon Ball' to create stars in every galaxy, and stop the changes in the stars. It even distorts the power of stars and returns them to their original appearance.

Affected by this, the 'Star Map Arrays' in more than a dozen galaxies have gradually recovered, and all the flaws and loopholes have been repaired. The defense and combat power of various galaxies have greatly increased, completely resisting the Void Monster Clan, and even infiltration. Attack by gods, elemental spirits, etc.

In the process, Liang Ji also witnessed many high-level battles in various galaxies.

The battle between the high-level Star Lord and the seventh-level Void Monster Clan, as well as the battles with the high-level gods and elemental spirits that sneaked in, gave him a feeling of greatly increased knowledge.

Even, in a galaxy occupied by the Taiyi Star Palace development team, Liang Ji once again witnessed the attack of the eighth-order void demon clan.

But this time, the Star Alliance development team seemed to be well prepared for this. A vice-principal of the Taiyi Star Palace, the eighth-level star master, took action directly to capture the eighth-level void demon clan attacking the galaxy.

After Liang Ji restored the stars in that galaxy and repaired the 'Star Chart Array', he even received an interview from the eighth-level star master of Taiyi Star Palace, and was rewarded with many things that could be used for the practice of 'Bloodline Catalog' Resources, treasures.

According to what the other party said, Liang Ji studied both the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' and the 'Bloodline Atlas'. As a student of the Kunlun Star Palace and also from the Taiyi Star Palace, he naturally needed more care.

Likewise, Liang Ji created and restored stars and "star map arrays" in other galaxies on the front line. Basically, the forces that occupied these galaxies would give him some resources, treasures, etc. as a token of gratitude.

Although it is not as good as the gifts from Kunlun Star Palace and Taiyi Star Palace development team, it has greatly increased the resources and wealth in Liang Ji's hands, making him a huge fortune.

This made him very happy, and he greatly admired the handiwork of these star palaces, large companies and other forces in the Star Alliance. Along the way, the resources, treasures, etc. he received in his hands even exceeded what he gained from developing the "Pink Sun Galaxy" .

And these harvests will undoubtedly be of great use for his cultivation in the next sixth-level star master stage, purchasing various sixth-level spiritual roots, spiritual seeds, and even inheritance for the cultivation of his natal stars and dependents.

How unhappy it makes him.

In the void, Liang Ji was surrounded by starlight, escorted by the Gao Yuan Star Lord, traveling through the void to the next frontline life galaxy that needed to be rescued and restored.

His eyes passed through the starlight and continued to observe the changes in the void, turbulence, and various strange phenomena around him.

Under the protection of the Gaoyuan Star Lord, he has traveled through the void more than ten times in the past few months, observing and comprehending the changes and visions in the void more than ten times. Although due to factors such as cultivation and strength, he has not gained much. Limited, but not entirely useless.

At least, he has a more comprehensive and clear understanding of the various turbulences, anomalies, etc. in the void, which makes him understand the void better. In the future, after entering the seventh-level star master, he will also have the ability to travel through the void. I'm afraid it would be much easier to start and escape directly.

Of course, it will be difficult to gain more, let alone the power of the void that can be mastered with the current cultivation level.

After all, his cultivation and strength are still far behind the real seventh-level star master.

These gaps cannot be made up or smoothed by him observing and comprehending the changes and visions in the void more than a dozen times.

While Liang Ji was observing the changes in the void around him and feeling something in his heart, he suddenly saw the void in front of him tearing apart silently, as if a big mouth opened to swallow them directly.

"How brave!"

Seeing this, Star Master Gao Yuan gave a cold shout, waved his hand and shot out a beam of starlight that shattered the surrounding void and struck into the large mouth of the void.

Silently, the void was shattered, and the surrounding void was also shattered. A giant whale-like void monster tens of thousands of feet in size appeared in front, blocking their way.

The seventh-level void demon clan with void attribute swallows the void whale!

Star Master Gao Yuan recognized the Void Demon Clan blocking the road at a glance. This seventh-level Void-Swallowing Whale was a rare Void Attribute Demon Clan among the Void Demon Clan, and the Void Attribute it mastered was to directly devour the void, unlike those within the Void Shadow Sable. Traveling through the void, from this point of view, this seventh-order void-swallowing whale is undoubtedly more powerful and dangerous, and it is also rarer in the void star sea.

But this time, the sky demon created a star field, and various void demon clan civilizations and future changes evolved. Even the eighth-level void demon clan appeared several times, and various void demon clans that were rarely seen gathered together. Nothing strange anymore.

"Ha! I had expected that you wouldn't watch us repair the galaxy formations everywhere!"

At this time, Star Master Gao Yuan shot out another starlight to strengthen Liang Ji's protection. At the same time, he looked at the seventh-level Void-Swallowing Whale blocking the road and said in a deep voice: "However, if you want to rely on a seventh-level Void-Swallowing Whale, you can ambush and capture it." Get off us!"

"But you underestimated us!"

After saying that, he turned to look around and said in a deep voice: "If there is any ambush, let's show it together!"

"God said, let there be light!"

As his words fell, a voice sounded behind Gaoyuan Star Master and Liang Ji, and suddenly a bright, blazing white divine light was generated and created out of thin air in the void, illuminating the surrounding void and blocking their way out. Completely sealed.

And in that bright, blazing divine light, a figure of a god that seemed to be made entirely of light emerged.

"Seventh level god!"

Star Master Gao Yuan looked at the figure in the divine light, without any wrinkles and with a low voice.

With one word, this god distorted the essence of the surrounding void and turned it into a realm of divine light. Although they both belonged to the seventh level, their strength and methods were obviously greater than those of the seventh-level Void-Swallowing Whale blocking the road ahead.

At the same time, in the void beside the two people, there was the sound of water, and a river flowed directly from the depths of the void, submerging and swallowing the void wherever it passed, sealing off the surroundings of Liang Ji and Gao Yuan. Void.

"Seventh level elemental spirit!"

Seeing this, Liang Ji and Gao Yuan were not surprised at all.

Since there are seventh-level void monsters and gods coming to ambush and block them, it is not surprising that another seventh-level elemental spirit joins them.

"Hmph!" Star Master Gao Yuan snorted coldly and said in a deep voice: "You sneaky rats usually only dare to cause trouble in the dark, but now you dare to show your head and block the way."

"You are seeking death."

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