The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1012 The first achievement: Principal Huntian’s support

As the 'central black hole' closed and disappeared into the void, Liang Ji indeed discovered that the 'tide of the power of the sky demon' covering the star field had ended as Lord Huntian said.

They successfully survived the second 'tide of the demon's power' that unexpectedly happened.

However, Liang Ji still had many unanswered questions in his heart.

Especially the 'central black hole' that suddenly appeared and disappeared at the end, as if it were alive.

"Is it really a black hole, or is it the giant mouth of the sky monster that created this star field?"

Liang Ji suddenly had some doubts in his heart.

Perhaps, the Huntian Star Master and other high-level star masters at the frontline headquarters knew something. After the 'black hole' appeared, the starlight power that swept through the 'Zhou Tianxing Array' on the frontline was obviously spurred by the frontline headquarters to rush towards that' "Black hole", seems to want to rush into the "black hole".

As a result, the 'black hole' closed decisively and moved away, avoiding the power of the 'Sky Star Array'.

What's the plan in this? What does it have to do with the Star Alliance to develop this ‘Sky Demon Star Territory’?

It was a pity that the Huntian Star Master did not explain these meanings to him. After confirming that the 'tide of the power of the sky demon' around him was over, he turned to him with a smile on his face and said: "Liang Ji, congratulations! The tide of the power of the sky demon has ended." , the galaxies on the front line were saved, and your mission ended successfully."

Liang Ji also came back to his senses after hearing this, and said modestly: "I didn't do enough. In the end, it was all thanks to the frontline command headquarters to guide the power of the 'Celestial Star Formation' to end the impact of the 'Tide of Heavenly Demon Power'. Save all the galaxies on the front line."

However, Lord Huntian smiled and waved his hand, saying: "You don't have to be humble. Our frontline headquarters knows your achievements best."

"Without the creation and restoration of more than half of the frontline galaxies and the star map array, we would not be able to connect to the 'Celestial Star Array', let alone attract the power of the star map!"

"So, in this battle against the 'tide of the demon's power', Liang Ji, your meritorious service ranks first!"

"This is recognized by our frontline command and no one can deny it!"

"With this first achievement, I believe that even the senior leaders of the Star Alliance will not refuse any reward you want."

When Liang Ji heard this, his heart moved and his eyes turned slightly.

The Lord of Huntian Star obviously saw the change in his expression at a glance, and he couldn't help but smile and asked: "What, is there any reward you want?"

After Liang Ji pondered for a moment, he said directly: "Principal, during this period of time, students have been creating stars and restoring the 'Star Map Array' in various galaxies on the front line. They have indeed discovered some shortcomings and want to make some corrections. "

"Oh, if you have any requests, it's okay to ask." Hearing this, Lord Huntian smiled immediately.

"The student wants to learn another Star Palace inheritance!"

Liang Ji said directly immediately.

Upon hearing this, Lord Huntian Star couldn't help but frown slightly and said, "Are you going to practice another Star Palace inheritance?"

"You have now mastered the two star palace inheritances of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' and the 'Bloodline Atlas'!"

"You should know that it is difficult to cultivate the Star Palace inheritance at the same time. It is even more likely to cause conflicts when attacking high-level star masters. At least it will lead to failure of advancement, and at worst, life will be in danger."

"You are now practicing two Star Palace inheritances. When you advanced to high-level Star Master, you were already in conflict and quite dangerous. The Star Alliance also recognized you because of your accomplishments in the study of the power of heavenly demons to create stars. By practicing both Star Palace inheritance, I hope you can create a miracle."

"But now, I actually want to study three inheritances at the same time!"

"The difficulty and conflict will probably be increased a hundred times!"

"Have you really thought about it?"

"Yes, Principal!" Liang Ji immediately affirmed: "In the process of creating stars in various galaxies and reversing the changes in stars, the students have a deeper grasp and understanding of the power of the sky demon to create stars. They have already understood that this is important for the creation of stars. The research on the power of heavenly demons to create stars is an important help for students to advance to high-level star masters!"

"The student now masters the power of nineteen kinds of celestial demons to create stars. He is already confident of integrating the inheritance of the two star palaces and advancing to a high-level star master."

"As long as we can study and master more types of the power of heavenly demons to create stars in the future, we will be confident enough to integrate the third star palace inheritance and advance to the high-level star master."

Liang Ji's answer was very firm, and in fact, after he used the 'Dragon Ball' to fuse the power of eighteen kinds of heavenly demons to create stars, he was already confident of integrating the inheritance of the three-door star palace to advance to the high-level star master.

At this time, it is just a matter of safety to say that we are studying and mastering more types of the power of heavenly demons to create stars.

After hearing what he said, Lord Huntian didn't refuse. Instead, he showed a bit of hesitation on his face and asked uneasily: "Are you sure this is not a joke?"

"Of course!" Liang Ji confirmed: "How dare students mess around and make fun of their own cultivation prospects and lives."

"In this case, it is indeed possible..." Star Lord Hun Tian pondered, and then asked: "Then what is the third star palace inheritance that you want to cultivate at the same time? The 'World Tree' inheritance of the Creation Star Palace? "

He still remembered that when he was watching Liang Ji's process of creating stars and galaxies, he praised him and said that he was suitable for cultivating the 'World Tree' inheritance of the Star Palace. At this time, he couldn't help but ask.

Liang Ji shook his head and said: "Although the inheritance of 'World Tree' is good, it is not suitable for students."

“The third star palace inheritance that students want to study concurrently is the ‘melting pot’ of all things and stars.”

This was something he had already decided on.

"Huh?" Lord Huntian Star was quite surprised and asked doubtfully, "Why?"

"You have studied the power of the sky demon to create stars very deeply, and you are extremely talented in the cultivation of the power of creation. You should also cultivate the 'World Tree' inheritance of the Palace of Creation. How can you think of cultivating the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods' at the same time?" 'Woolen cloth?"

"Principal, the inheritance of the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' will help students research and master more types of the power of heavenly demons to create stars, and can integrate more types of star power!"

“This has been confirmed by students’ experiments and research.”

"Oh?" Lord Huntian Star's eyes brightened slightly when he heard this, and said, "Does the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Dharmas' in the Wanxiang Star Palace still have such a function?"

"Perhaps, the Star Alliance should also try adding some of the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' to its several experiments on the 'Celestial Demon Creation'..."

However, he only changed his mind for a moment, then retracted his thoughts and looked at Liang Ji, pondering: "Generally speaking, when the Star Master has reached the sixth level of cultivation, he has a clearer understanding and direction of his own path, especially The star master who was born in the nine star palaces."

"So, since you said that you are sure to integrate the three-door star palace inheritance, I am willing to believe you."

"As for you who want to cultivate the 'Cultural Furnace of Ten Thousand Dharma' inheritance of the Wanxiang Star Palace, there is no need to waste the merits of this first achievement. Just let me arrange it for you. It can be regarded as my and Kunlun Star Palace's performance for you this time. Thank you for your investment and support.”

"You can still keep the merit of your first achievement, and you can figure out how to use it later."

Hearing this, Liang Ji suddenly showed a look of surprise, and saluted Lord Hun Tian Star: "Thank you, principal!"

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