The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 102 Obtaining the ‘Root of Spiritual Vein’ (please subscribe)

Seeing that Liang Ji was indifferent, a Star Master student in the circle immediately raised his voice and said: "Let's do it together..."


However, before the opponent could summon their men, Liang Ji, She Yuanjie and others launched the attack first.

Rains of arrows, flying spears, and boulders were fired from all sides and from the air, attacking the surrounded Star Lord student dependents.

The Star Master's students and dependents in the encirclement were already much weaker than the alliance of Liang Ji, She Yuanjie and others, both in terms of numbers and combat power.

What's more, these people's dependents are still scattered in various cracks in the ground, searching for the 'roots of spiritual veins', and are even fighting and robbing each other, a mess.

At this time, facing the joint attack of Liang Ji, She Yuanjie and other family members, these people's family members were suddenly in chaos, making it difficult to form effective resistance and counterattack.

Large swaths of members of the clan were shot dead and injured on the spot, adding large swaths of corpses and blood to the center of the city that was already torn apart and covered with the corpses and flesh of natives and members of the family.

Seeing that the casualties were getting heavier and heavier, Liang Ji, She Yuanjie and others still showed no intention of stopping their attacks, obviously wanting to destroy all their families here.

The Star Master students in the encirclement, after all, were all the top Star Master students and proud sons in each city. They all reacted at this time, and despite the huge casualties, they quickly gathered the family members and prepared to break out.

They glanced around and finally set their direction of breakout on the side of Liang Ji and Peng Yue's family members.

In this aspect, although Liang Ji and his two family members have the smallest number, they seem to be the weakest and most suitable for breaking out.

Compared with the famous 'proud sons' of Tian Snake City, Sea Snake City, Soaring Snake City, and Viper City, although Liang Ji's family half-dragon performed very well in the battle just now, in the judgment of everyone, , you will still instinctively feel that he is weaker than She Yuanjie and others.

On the other hand, there is no intention of revenge on Liang Ji, the 'traitor'.



"Destroy this traitor's family!"

A group of Star Master students organized a clan team and rushed forward with shouts, like a torrent rushing towards the team of Liang Ji and his two people.

"Lianshan Shield!"


Liang Ji's half-dragon team was standing at the front. At this time, they all raised their giant shields and used the 'Mountain Shield' skill.

They were running the bloodline magical power of "Big and Small Ruyi". Each of them was two to four feet tall, and the special giant shield they raised were also three to four feet in size. At this time, they used the "Mountain Shield" skill, which was even more... Huge mountains stood in front of them, directly suppressing and blocking the oncoming torrent.

The magical power of the bloodline of ‘Big and Small Ruyi’ allows the half-dragon family members to be as strong as a mountain when attacking, but as immovable as a mountain when standing by.



The Star Lord's student family members in the encirclement were like a torrent of continuous impact, shouting to kill the sky, rain of arrows, long-distance attacks with flying spears, and close combat with spears and swords, but they were all unable to shake the mountain of defense of the half-dragon warriors.

On the contrary, She Yuanjie, Heidi, Peng Yue and others seized the opportunity to launch an increasingly fierce attack on the blocked and blocked Star Lord Familia.

The killings and casualties increased rapidly.

When the casualties among the dependents of these Star Lord students gradually reached nearly half, some finally began to be unable to hold on any longer.

After all, this time is only the third model assessment, and there is the college entrance examination after the third model. That is the time when their fate will really be decided. The damage here is too much, and in the end they cannot get the 'Root of Spiritual Vein' to compensate for the loss. It is impossible to say that they will If it affects the subsequent college entrance examination, then the gain outweighs the loss.

"Armistice! Armistice..."

"I wish to surrender! I wish to surrender!"

"The 'root of spiritual veins' is yours!"

A Star Master student shouted repeatedly and led the remaining members to withdraw from the attack on the half-dragon team of the Liang Ji family members.

Due to the ebb and flow of one another, the remaining Star Master students' dependent team naturally became even more unmatched and difficult to support.

Even Liang Ji's half-dragon team had enough energy to launch an attack on the remaining Star Lord student family team from behind the defense of the 'Lian Shan Shield'.

When the battle ax strikes down, the force of the shock can tear the earth apart.

The attacking team, which was already at the end of its strength, was split open and killed on the spot. The remaining team of the Star Master's student family members could no longer support themselves and retreated and dispersed.

"Surrender! Surrender!"

"We give up..."

The other Star Master students could only choose to surrender, give up, and put down all the 'roots of spiritual veins' they had found and grabbed.

Liang Ji and others each sent a team of family members forward to search the entire central area, including those handed over by the Star Master students who had surrendered and given up. In the end, they found exactly ten 'roots of spiritual veins'.

According to the previously agreed distribution plan, Soaring Snake City, Tian Snake City, Sea Snake City, Viper Snake City, plus Xiu Snake City represented by him and Peng Yue, there are exactly two 'roots of spiritual veins' on each side.

Liang Ji finally saw what this 'spiritual vein root' looked like. The texture looked like jade, the shape was like a rock, and it was like a tree root. There was nothing strange about it.

But at a glance, you can feel the vigorous vitality, mysterious Taoist rhyme, and abundant spiritual energy, which can make people recognize it at a glance. This is definitely a treasure.

The two 'roots of spiritual veins' were divided equally between Liang Ji and Peng Yue, one for each of them.

In addition, Liang Ji's half-dragon family had snatched two 'Rune Seeds' before. They were fighting for the 'Spiritual Vein Root' and had no time to check them just now.

Looking at it at this time, the two 'rune seeds' are like two jade bones, each of which is wrapped with a rune, the most primitive 'rune' that fits the Taoist rhyme.

Liang Ji and others have also learned about runes. Although they are somewhat different from the most primitive and clumsy alien star ‘runes’, they are all of the same origin and can be identified with a little research.

There are two 'rune seeds', one of which has the rune 'wing', which represents wings, flying, etc.; while the other has the rune 'force', which can increase strength after refining.

Liang Ji wanted to share the two 'rune seeds' with Peng Yue, but was rejected by the other party.

Peng Yue shook his head and said: "In this battle, your family members have always been at the forefront. My family members just followed behind and provided some assistance in the battle."

"Furthermore, the allocation of the 'roots of spiritual veins' is also obtained by relying on the combat power of your family members."

"This time, it was me who followed you and took advantage."

"If it weren't for the 'root of spiritual veins' that is indeed very important to me and cannot be bought at a price, otherwise I shouldn't even want this 'root of spiritual veins'."

"I said I can't take this 'rune seed' anymore."

"You and your family should need this 'rune seed' more than I do."

Seeing that the other party insisted, Liang Ji put away the two 'Rune Seeds' and asked at the same time: "I still have a totem icon that I captured before. How can I extract the 'Rune Seeds' when I go back?" ?”

"This needs to be extracted from a Fu Dao master." Peng Yue said immediately, "If you can't find a suitable person after you go back, I can introduce you to a Fu Dao master."

"Thank you." Liang Ji thanked him immediately.

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