The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1023: Ambush in the Twisted Galaxy, the Three-Gate Star Palace Heritage takes full action

Liang Ji reached out and made a move, and the 'Dragon Ball' flew out from the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts'. The light of creation shining on it had changed from nineteen colors to twenty colors, with the addition of scarlet.


Looking at the 'Dragon Ball' shining with twenty colors of light, Liang Ji sighed in admiration, then raised the 'Dragon Ball' and faced the Fei Yang in the center of the galaxy.

"Next, let me see if there are any secrets hidden in this galaxy!"

As he spoke, he activated the power of the 'Dragon Ball', and twenty colors of light of creation shone out from it, hitting the 'Crime Sun' in the center of the galaxy.

The next moment, Liang Ji clearly felt that the 'Fei Yang' in the center of the galaxy was shaken and distorted by the power of creation of the 'Dragon Ball' that he had stimulated, just like the creation and distortion everywhere in the 'Tide of the Power of the Sky Demon' A star distorted and changed by the 'power of the sky demon'.

"There is indeed a problem!"

Liang Ji sensed the changes in the stars, and a flash of light suddenly burst out in his eyes.

The 'Crime Sun' in front of us is not the real star condition of this galaxy, but is distorted and obscured by the power of the sky demon!

Just like the original 'Rose Yang' was temporarily distorted and transformed into 'Blood Yang'.

Under normal circumstances, the star that the Sky Demon has created should have been finalized. Even his creation power of "Dragon Ball" cannot create or distort it.

Only the stars that were temporarily distorted and created by the power of the sky demon in the previous 'Tide of the Power of the Sky Demon' will be returned to their original state under his 'Dragon Ball' creation and restored to the original star state created by the sky demon. .

And the 'Feiyang' in the center of the galaxy in front of him was actually able to be shaken and reversed by his 'Dragon Ball' creation.

It is undoubtedly proven that there are obviously secrets hidden in the stars and galaxies in front of us, which are temporarily created and distorted by the power of the sky demon.

Liang Ji's eyes flickered, and his face looked thoughtful. He did not immediately distort the 'Fei Yang' in front of him and return it to its origin. Instead, he contacted Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others first to ask them to be prepared in case this galaxy Something unexpected happened.

Soon, the starships of Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao, and Xu Mao were deployed inside and outside the galaxy. They also summoned a large number of family members to drive starships, spaceships, etc. to guard the surroundings.

Seeing this, Liang Ji mobilized the power of creation of the 'Dragon Pearl' with all his strength. The 'Fei Yang' in the center of the galaxy suddenly changed, and one of the 'Fei Yang' gradually transformed into a 'red sun'.

Obviously, this 'red sun' is the original star appearance of this galaxy.

As the star in the center of the galaxy changes from the 'Red Sun' to the 'Red Sun', the stars and void in the entire galaxy begin to gradually twist, shift, and change.

hiss! Roar! Ouch...

Under the distortion and changes of this galaxy, the roars and roars of many void demon clans suddenly sounded.

It's like pulling apart a curtain covering the entire galaxy, or like the space in the entire galaxy is flipping, revealing another galaxy space.

In another space covered by this curtain, the entire galaxy is no longer a dead galaxy, but a living galaxy full of vitality.

Not only that, there are a large number of void monsters entrenched in this galaxy of life. The number far exceeds the number of void monsters in a galaxy under normal circumstances. There are also many high-level void monsters entrenched in it. .

Looking at the overall situation, this covered and hidden galaxy does not look like a normal life galaxy, but more like a military garrison where a large number of void monsters are hiding!

Liang Ji, Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao, Xu Mao and others looked at the galaxy that was suddenly opened, and at the large number of void demon clans and numerous high-level void demon clans densely packed in the galaxy. They were all stunned for a moment. I felt dumbfounded and shocked.

"Let me just say that my investigation was not wrong. There is indeed a lot of life entrenched here..."

During the starship contact, Xu Mao's murmured words came, waking everyone up immediately.

"This is a trap! It's an ambush!"

"Get out! Get out!"

Bian Yujiao, Liang Ji and others hurriedly issued orders.

With the large number of void monsters accumulated in the galaxy in front of them, as well as the large number of high-level void monsters, it is simply not something that a few of them and the three flagship starships can resist and capture.

Therefore, even though the veil of this galaxy has been lifted and the true situation in this galaxy has been discovered, Liang Ji, Bian Yujiao and others have no intention of attacking at all, but directly ordered to retreat and escape.

Evacuate this galaxy and escape from the attacks and pursuits of these numerous void demon clans and even high-level void demon clans.

Amidst the roaring and shaking, the three starships all headed out of the galaxy. A large number of family members drove starships and spaceships to guard the escape of these starships.

hiss! Groan...

On the 'Dragon Snake' starship, the sound of snakes hissing and roaring sounded, and the illusory and real 'Dragon Snake' appeared, opening its mouth and spitting out 'Elemental Dragon Balls' one after another, bombarding forward, filling the entire galaxy, densely packed Among the countless demon clans in the void, they bombarded and opened a flesh-and-blood road leading to the outside of the galaxy.

Roar! Ouch...

The high-level void monsters entrenched in the galaxy roared and roared, and immediately charged towards several starships, wanting to destroy them.

The power of various laws and natural disasters shook the void and stars, and bombarded the starship.

"Can't be held back by them!"

Seeing this, Liang Ji knew very well that they must not let these high-level void monsters hold back their starship, otherwise they would be completely overwhelmed by the numerous void monsters in the galaxy and fall into this galaxy.

Groan! Roar……

The roars of dragons and beasts rang out from the family members guarding the starship.

Among those starships that looked like "dragon beasts", each sixth-order family member roared and transformed into a "dragon beast", and merged with the "dragon beast" starship.

At this time, these 'Dragon Beast' starships are more like the mechas on these sixth-order families, greatly increasing and amplifying the combat power of the sixth-order families.

Not only that, the ‘God List’, ‘Bloodline Catalog’, and ‘Ten Thousand Methods Melting Furnace’ summoned by Liang Ji also all showed their power at this time, falling divine light, blood light, and elemental light to bless these sixth-level dependents.

Liang Ji once again activated the 'Star Alliance', and dragon beasts' 'elemental spirits' born from the elemental veins of their natal stars rushed out from it, directly fighting those who transformed into dragon beasts and wore dragon beast starship mechas. The sixth-level dependent families are in harmony.

At this time, these sixth-level dependents have gathered the power inherited from the three star palaces of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods', the 'Bloodline Catalog' and the 'Metal Furnace', consuming the original power of the stars and pushing their combat power to the peak. , even faintly breaking through the limits and touching high-level power.

Amidst the roars and dragon chants, these 'dragon beasts', which were no less than the size of the seventh-level void demon clan, swept the divine light, blood, and elemental power transformed from the source of the stars, and directly crashed into the high-level people who were rushing towards them. Void demon clan.

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