The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1033 Regaining ‘Innate Qi’

"Deploy the 'Star Map Array' first!"

Liang Ji and others checked that there were no problems in the 'Red Sun Galaxy', and immediately took action under the order of Senior Sister Bian Yujiao.

They did not rush to explore the situation and resources on a few newly born life stars, but first set up a "star map array" in this galaxy.

Although there is no danger in the "Red Sun Galaxy" now, it does not mean that there is no danger behind it.

After all, the 'Red Sun Galaxy' has been exposed, and there is no guarantee that it will not be attacked by void monsters, gods, elemental spirits, etc. in the future.

Therefore, it is better to set up the ‘Star Map Array’ for protection first.

Moreover, this 'Star Map Array' is not only for protection. There are no seventh-level star masters in the team of Liang Ji and others. The 'Red Sun Galaxy' is a newly born life galaxy, and some of its resources, Treasures, such as the stars of life that are being formed, are often impossible to detect. At that time, you still need to rely on the 'Star Map Array' to detect them.

Even the subsequent development of resource points such as the life stars that are emerging will also require the help of the 'Star Map Array'.

It has been another busy month in recent months. The arrangement of the "Star Map Array" covering the "Red Sun Galaxy" has been successfully completed. The starships of Liang Ji and others sailed into the galaxy and began to explore and mine several life stars contained in the galaxy. , as well as various wild treasures and other resources on it.

Peng Yue, Chu Yue, Wu Shan and others are responsible for these.

Liang Ji, on the other hand, came to the center of the galaxy, in front of the star ‘Red Sun’.

Sacrifice the 'Dragon Ball' again, prompting the 'Light of Creation' to fall on the star, but this time it is not to turn the 'Red Sun' into the 'Fei Yang', but to use the 'Dragon Ball' to control and sense the 'Red Sun'. The spread and illumination of Yang's power in the galaxy.

At the same time, on the other side, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others activated the 'Star Map Array' that enveloped the galaxy.

Use the power of the 'Red Sun' and the 'Star Map Array' to explore the entire 'Red Sun Galaxy' and look for possible stars of life that are being nurtured.

Having had the experience of the Green Wing Galaxy, Liang Ji certainly knew very well that in such a new life galaxy, the most precious resources and treasures were the life stars that were being nurtured.

Not only does it contain the 'innate energy' that can accelerate the growth of the natal star, but the star owner can also use the dependent family to develop civilization and conduct various experiments and attempts in the life stars that are nurtured.

Therefore, although Liang Ji also attaches great importance to the life stars and resource points that have emerged in the galaxy, he can only let his teammates occupy and develop them.

His real goal is to search for the stars of life that are being nurtured.

"I hope I can gain something!"

Liang Ji prayed secretly, and then searched carefully, not sparing any star in the galaxy. He used the power of the "Red Sun" and the "Star Map Formation" to carefully explore the situation in each star. , to see if there is any vitality that is brewing.


The hard work paid off, and with Liang Ji's meticulous exploration, he finally found a star in the galaxy that was nurturing vitality.

With a happy face on his face, he immediately left the Chiyang area and rushed to the star that was nurturing vitality.

Observing this star carefully, it turns out that it is the largest star in this galaxy, even much larger than the star that Liang Ji and Peng Yue enjoyed the benefits of the 'Innate Qi' in the 'Green Wing Galaxy'.

Liang Ji observed the environment in the 'Red Sun Galaxy' and gradually understood.

This largest star has the best environment in the galaxy. It should have been nurtured into a life star long ago, but because it is too large and its origin is too thick, it has been nurtured slower.

In addition, the Void Monster Clan set up an ambush here and twisted the 'Red Sun Galaxy' into the 'Crimson Sun Galaxy' to cover it up, which further slowed down the process of the star's vitality.

Therefore, it has been postponed until now, leaving Liang Ji and others with a star of life that is being nurtured.

Soon, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao, Xu Mao, and Peng Yue all got the news and came over.

As early as the "Green Wing Galaxy", the principal of Tian Serpent Academy said that only the intermediate star master students who have practiced the inheritance of the nine star palaces can come into contact with the "innate energy" in the positive nurturing stars and enjoy " The benefits of innate energy'.

Therefore, only Bian Yujiao and Peng Yue came at this time. Other inherited star owners such as Grandma Peng Yue did not have access to the innate energy here. They did not come now, but continued to develop in various parts of the galaxy. Resources, treasures.

Looking at the huge stars in front of her, Bian Yujiao couldn't hide the excitement on her face and asked, "Junior Liang Ji, are you sure? There is 'innate energy' in this star?"

The matter of 'Innate Qi' is something that few Bian Yujiao and others know about. Usually only high-level star masters know about this matter. Although Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao, Xu Mao and others have their own origins, none of them really have it in their families. The existence of high-level star masters.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have to form their own team and come here to open up the battlefield and work hard on the front lines. They would have already followed the high-ranking star masters in the family.

Therefore, they don't know much about the 'innate Qi', and most of them know it through Liang Ji and Peng Yue.

Knowing that the life stars that are being nurtured can produce 'innate energy' in their origins, which can accelerate the growth of the star owners' natal stars, they are naturally very excited.

Previously, they wanted to search for new life galaxies. Even after the new star systems in the rear star field were occupied by top forces, they did not hesitate to take the risk to explore and search for new life galaxies in the front star field. One of the main reasons was to Search for this 'innate energy'.

After all, they are all sixth-level star masters. They have already suffered enough from insufficient cultivation and insufficient strength on this frontline battlefield. If they can use the help of 'Innate Qi' to speed up the improvement of their natal stars, let alone advance as soon as possible. As long as the seventh-level star master can slightly improve their combat power, it will be good for them.

Especially since everyone had just experienced an ambush and everyone suffered heavy losses, an opportunity was needed to improve their strength.

Liang Ji naturally understood everyone's mood, so he didn't say much and nodded directly: "Yes, this star is cultivating vitality, and there must be innate energy in it!"

"Furthermore, with the size of this star, it must contain a lot of innate energy."

"Okay! Okay! Haha..." Chen Zhao laughed immediately after hearing this and asked anxiously: "What to do next? Directly sacrifice the inheritance projection of the Star Palace and imprint it into the origin of the stars?"

Liang Ji nodded, then shook his head and said: "It's not that simple. Next, we need the help of the 'Star Map Array'."

"Moreover, before using the 'Innate Qi' to accelerate cultivation, we need to prepare enough demon pills, spiritual roots, spiritual seeds, and inheritance."

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