The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1036 The reverse development of Dragon Beast Star from Dragon Beast to Familia

Every star master monk has a natal star. They can carry out various attempts and experiments in their natal star, cultivate various lives, and evolve various civilizations.

However, in history, there are many cases where experiments were excessive and the evolution was out of control, causing one's natal star to lose control and backlash, and even ended up with the destruction of the star and the death of the star owner.

For this reason, within the Star Alliance for hundreds of thousands of years, many teaching models of schools, palaces, and star palaces have been formed to provide a large number of star master monks with some safe and reliable models for the development and training of their natal stars.

Up to now, most of the star master monks in the Star Alliance have basically followed the experience of their predecessors and used a safer model to develop their own stars and cultivate their families and civilizations on the stars.

This makes Star Lord monks much safer, but it also makes creativity, change, and progress much less.

Naturally, the senior leaders of the Star Alliance will not completely cut off the progress of these ideas and changes. They will also allow the Star Lord monks to conduct new attempts, research, and experiments.

However, such research, experimentation, and innovation are all conducted in a safer and controllable way.

Such as experimental research led by high-level star masters, experimental research hosted by academies, academic palaces, and even star palaces.

Just like what Liang Ji and Peng Yue had visited before, the research on the 'Snake Bloodline Laboratory' of Tian Serpent Academy was one of them.

Also, Liang Ji's current practice of practicing the three-door star palace inheritance is also an attempt approved by the senior leaders of the Star Alliance.

Another example is now like this, acquiring a newly born life star in the Sky Demon Star Territory, investing in it with the origin of the natal star, the family and other forces, and participating in the creation of life and the evolution of civilization of the life star.

Use this life star to simulate the star owner's natal star. On the one hand, you can observe the various changes and evolutions that have occurred under the creation of the sky demon. On the other hand, you can use this star to do various things that are not suitable for the natal star. Try, experiment, etc.

This is undoubtedly a very good opportunity to try and experiment.

Even if there is a problem in the final experiment and creation goes out of control, the most it will destroy is the new life star, but it will not cause any damage or threat to the star owner's natal star.

On the contrary, the star master can harvest a large amount of experimental data and results in the process of experimentation and creation, and avoid some evolution directions that may lead to the star's backlash and destruction.

These will undoubtedly be huge gains.

At the beginning, the principal of Tian Serpent Academy occupied the newly born life star in the "Green Wing Galaxy" and conducted various experiments on life creation and civilization evolution, and gained a lot.

At this time, Liang Ji also had a newly born life star of his own in the 'Red Sun Galaxy', and naturally he would not miss this good opportunity.

Through the projections of the 'Bang of Gods', 'Bloodline Catalog', and 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' imprinted on the origin of the stars, he conveys the original power belonging to the natal star, and transforms and affects the origin and law of the star, influencing It represents the creation and birth of life in the stars.

At the same time, the Ten Meridians Familia are sent into the stars to participate in the creation and reproduction of life in the stars.

But soon, he frowned.

He discovered that he did not have the strength of a high-level star master like the principal of Tian Serpent Academy. Although he had tried his best to use his family to create the life contained in the stars, he was still a little behind.

After thinking about it, he sacrificed the 'Dragon Ball' again, activating the light of creation to participate in the creation of life in the stars.

This time, it seemed that the conditions were finally met, and new life began to be created and born in the newly reborn stars.

"Qiu Niu, Ya Sui, Suan Ni, Xiao Feng, Chi Kiss, Ba Xia, Bi Yan, Pulao, Jiao Tu!"

"They are all in the form of dragon beasts..."

Liang Ji looked at the various lives created and born in the stars, his thoughts turned around, and he soon understood.

"This is the influence of the power of the demon!"

He remembered that among the stars where the high-level void monsters in the Sky Demon Star Territory participated in creating life, various star monsters were born first.

For example, the various 'Wing Dragon Monsters' born in the 'Dragon Wing Star', as well as the 'Snow Wolf Star' and 'Fire Lion Star' in the 'Rose Sun Galaxy', in the high-level Void Snow Wolf and Void Fire Lion Under the influence of his participation in creation, various wolf and lion monsters were born first in the stars.

When civilization develops later, these monsters will transform or semi-transform, thus forming a unique civilization of transformed monsters.

After all, this is a star domain created by the Sky Demon, and the influence of the Sky Demon's power is everywhere.

"But this is fine!"

"In the natal stars, the Familia transform into various dragon beasts through the power of blood. If you transform into dragons and beasts on this star to form the changes and civilization of the Familia, you may have different gains and discoveries!"

"Moreover, after these dragon beasts can transform into the appearance of the Familia, they can also do some experiments and rehearsals in this star that are not suitable for doing in the natal star."

"For example, try the fusion of three star palace inheritances, a preview of advancing to a high-level star master..."

Liang Ji's thoughts swirled in his mind, and a smile appeared on his face. He had already thought of more than a dozen experiments and attempts that were not suitable for his natal star, but could be carried out on this star.

"In this case, let's name this star 'Dragon Beast Star'!"

"I just hope that those experiments and research will go well, and this 'Dragon Beast Star' will not be destroyed."

For a time, Liang Ji was immersed in various research and experiments on the creation of dragon beasts and the evolution of civilization in the "Dragon Beast Star". He gained a lot from comparing the development and creation in his natal star.

Occasionally, I took the time to try to integrate the power of various heavenly demons and stars sent by the frontline command into the light of creation of the 'Dragon Ball' to form a new experimental report and submit it to the frontline command.

Even the new development war has been temporarily put aside.

It's not just him, though.

It is the entire Star Alliance's development team that has slowed down its development and attack speed in the past two years.

On the one hand, in the past two years, the pioneering team of the Star Alliance has begun to inspect various galaxies at the rear of the star field and in the frontline areas. They have actually discovered several distorted and obscured galaxies, and there are a large number of void monsters in them. Stationing troops, hiding, planning ambushes and sneak attacks.

As a result, in the past two years, the Star Alliance has focused most of its attention on internal cleaning when developing its team.

On the other hand, according to the news that Liang Ji received, outside the Sky Demon Star Territory, the gods of the divine world and the elemental spirits of the spiritual world have once again increased their troops and stepped up their attacks on the 'Tian Demon Star Territory'. Interception outside the Demon Star Territory is becoming more and more difficult, and more and more gods and elemental spirits are entering the Demon Star Territory.

All these have caused the Star Alliance's war to develop the 'Sky Demon Star Territory' to become more and more complicated, so the war to develop has to be slowed down and wait for a better time.

As for the team of Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao, Xu Mao and others, they naturally have no intention of continuing to move forward.

On the one hand, the benefits of the "Red Sun Galaxy" have not yet been fully digested. On the other hand, they have not yet recovered from being ambushed and severely damaged by the Void Monster Clan. Naturally, this is not the time to continue to develop forward.

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