The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1044 Dragon Soul Star Spirit Half-Step Seventh Level State

Elemental Escape!

The most troublesome ability of the elemental spirit is that if you are not careful, the loot you get will fly away.

Liang Ji naturally paid great attention to this, and the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods' that had been prepared for a long time was immediately activated. The bright light of the elements shone in all directions, suppressing the chaotic earth element power in the surrounding mountains and preventing the heavily damaged earth elements. 'The Nest of Elements' and the escape of the elemental spirits within it.

Although Liang Ji's 'Fortune of Ten Thousand Methods' was not blessed by the original power of the 'Elemental Sea', the suppression and confinement effects of the burst of elemental light were not as good as Peng Yue's 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods', but he invested in 'Ten Thousand Methods'. There are more natal stars in the furnace and no expense is spared.

To a certain extent, this also makes up for the gap in the power of the elemental light of the 'Furnace of All Arts'.

So at this time, the bright light of the elements successfully forced out the earth-like ‘Elemental Nest’ that had mostly escaped into the Chaotic Mountains.

Click! Click...boom!

The next moment, the earth element's 'nest', which had already suffered heavy damage and was full of cracks, directly collapsed and exploded. The terrifying power of the explosion and the chaotic power of the earth element instantly impacted all directions, turning the surrounding battlefields and voids. All stirred up into a chaotic and broken mess.

And in this explosion and impact, several earth-escape lights instantly escaped from the exploded 'Elemental Nest', and they had to use this chaos to escape.

Obviously, the explosion of the earth element's 'Nest of Elements' did not happen naturally. Rather, it was the means of the earth element spirits in the 'Element's Nest' that directly detonated the earth element's 'Nest of Elements'. This gives them a chance to escape.

In terms of level and combat power, the Elemental Spirit's 'Elemental Nest' is similar to the Star Lord's starship and the temple of the god, basically reaching the seventh level.

At this time, the earth elemental "Elemental Nest" controlled by these earth elemental spirits was in a desperate situation due to the attack of the "Dragon Snake" starship and the siege of Liang Ji's family members, and even had to choose to self-destruct. The heavily damaged 'Elemental Nest' sought opportunities for escape and escape.

This is equivalent to when Liang Ji and others were besieged by a steady stream of void monsters in the Feiyang Galaxy, and were even crushed by high-level void monsters. In the end, Senior Chen Zhao had to self-destruct himself and suffered heavy injuries. Flagship' just gave everyone the same opportunity to escape.

At this time, under the attacks and crushing attacks from the Liang Ji Familia, the 'Dragon Snake' starship, and the three-gate star palace inheritance, the elemental spirits in the earthly 'Elemental Nest' suffered from pressure and danger. It was no less than what Liang Ji and others encountered in the Feiyang Galaxy.

This shows Liang Ji's current methods and strength, although the three upgraded "Dragon Snake" starship is indispensable for the help.

But the 'Dragon Snake' starship, as the 'flagship' controlled by Liang Ji, is naturally part of his power. Even before he advanced to high-level star master, it will always be his strongest power.


Looking at the escaping Tu Xing Eun Guang, Liang Ji sneered. Back in the Feiyang Galaxy, they escaped with the help of Senior Chen Zhao's self-destructed 'flagship', but now he would naturally not let the enemy succeed.

Just as the 'Nest of Elements' exploded and broke through the elemental light suppression of the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts', there was bright divine light and blood light shining from the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' and 'Bloodline Catalog' suspended in the void. Down, directly towards those fleeing Tu Xing Dunguang suppression.

Although the ‘Bang of Conferred Gods’ and ‘Book of Bloodlines’ do not have as strong a restraint effect on elemental spirits as the ‘Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts’, the sixth-level ‘Bang of Conferred Gods’ and ‘Catalog of Bloodlines’ are powerful enough.

Under the force breaking method, he also directly intercepted and blasted away the several escaping earth elemental escaping lights, and bombarded the escaping earth elemental spirits out of them and fell into the battlefield.


"Damn it!"

"Everyone, be careful!"

"I have sent out a message for help, everyone, hold on..."

Several escaping earth elemental rays were intercepted, and the escaping earth elemental spirits were blasted out, followed by roars and roars.

Of course, these roars and roars were easily grasped by Liang Ji, and he understood the meaning contained in them. Naturally, he also knew that these elemental spirits had sent out messages for help.

And with the power of 'Elemental Escape' mastered by the elemental spirits, the rescued elemental spirits, even high-level elemental spirits, may soon use the power of the chaotic elements that exist everywhere in the battlefield to escape!

"So, we must fight quickly!"

Liang Ji made a decision in his heart instantly, and the next moment, the roar of dragons sounded in the 'Star Gate'.

The 'Dragon Star Spirit' formed by the combination of the dragon soul and the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei' walked out directly from the 'Star Gate'.

At the same time, on the 'Dragon Snake' starship, in Liang Ji's body, the soul walked out of the sea of ​​consciousness, entered the void, merged with the 'dragon soul', and immediately transformed into the 'dragon soul' star spirit. Standing tall in the void of the battlefield.

Liang Ji used the dragon soul as an intermediary and used his soul to combine with the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei', so that the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei' that had not yet grown up in the natal star was born early and walked out of the natal star. Although he did not dare to say that it was the same as Qi. The same as the "Star Spirit Body" of the Star Lord, reaching a high level.

However, the 'Dragon Soul' star spirit itself will naturally possess the power and means of some high-level star masters. It is not a bad idea to say that it is a half-step seventh-level state.

For example, if you project the 'natal star', you can control the origin, laws, power of heaven and earth, etc. of the natal star at will.

At this time, under the control of the 'Dragon Soul' star spirit, the power of the inheritance of the three star palaces of the 'God List', 'Bloodline Atlas' and 'Ten Thousand Methods Furnace' was stimulated to the extreme.

The bright light of elements erupted from the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts', sweeping across the entire battlefield and killing several escaped elemental spirits, whether they were fourth-, fifth- or sixth-order beings. Suppressed by it, there is no way to escape or resist.

Then, the bright divine light and blood light were shot out from the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' and the 'Bloodline Catalog' respectively, bombarding the suppressed elemental spirits, almost reaching the seventh level of majestic power, directly destroying them all. , the elements collapsed, and the spiritual crystals fell out.


Mysterious elemental light suddenly erupted from those fallen elemental 'spiritual crystals', trying to sense the power of the surrounding elements and escape into the elements to escape.

However, the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' suppressed on the battlefield has already suppressed, imprisoned, and isolated the surrounding elemental power. It not only prevents the elemental spirits coming to help from escaping, but also prevents these fallen 'spiritual crystals' from escaping.

Now it really works.

In the void, Liang Ji's 'Dragon Soul' star spirit scout hand shed a ray of starlight. He took a few earth elemental 'spiritual crystals' into his hand and examined them, with a smile on his face.

With the first sixth-level elemental 'Spiritual Crystal' in hand, he is not far away from being promoted to the sixth level of his 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts'.

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