The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1062 The killer move and the demon pill are obtained


Under the siege of Liang Ji's family members, star ships, and 'dragon beast' elemental spirits, the power and vitality of the seventh-level Void Green Ox were constantly weakened and suppressed.

After the green light on its body had been weakened by nearly half, the seventh-level void green bull finally couldn't hold on anymore and raised its head and let out a moo.

At the same time, Liang Ji also saw that the void around the seventh-level void green bull began to twist and tear, and it was obvious that it was trying to escape into the void.

At that moment, he immediately activated his killing move.


In the opened 'Star Gate', a dragon roar sounded, and a brilliant dragon ball blooming in thirty-six colors flew out from it, directly suspended in the three star palaces of 'Apotheosis of the Gods', 'Bloodline Catalog' and 'Ten Thousand Methods Furnace'. above.

The thirty-six-color 'Dragon Pearl' light of creation shines from it and falls on the inheritance of the three-door star palace.

The next moment, the three-door star palace inheritance fell directly from the void.

The 'Bloodline Catalog' fell directly onto a Yaju dragon beast transformed from the Yaju clan, and no blood or light entered its body.

This Yaju Familia that transformed into the Yaju Dragon Beast is the current emperor of the Yaju Clan, the ‘Yaiju Emperor’, and is also the strongest being in the current Familia.

The 'Bloodline Catalog' fell on him and immediately stimulated his body shape and bloodline again, growing and becoming stronger almost at any cost, towards the limit of one hundred thousand feet.

On the other side, the 'Feng Shen Bang' also fell on a 'Yaijue Star Ship'. Illusory divine decrees fell into various parts of this 'Yaijue Starship', and the bright divine light blended into it, making this 'Yaijue Starship' 'Become a 'ship of gods', almost a divine realm.

The power of this 'Yaiju Star Ship' was also pushed to the extreme, approaching the seventh-level star ship.

Finally, the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods' also fell on a 'Yai Cane' elemental spirit. The bright elemental light rushed out from the 'Ten Thousand Methods Furnace' and submerged into the body of the 'Yai Cane' elemental spirit, causing it to lose its shape. , the power of elements mastered, etc. have also increased several times, and they are pushed to the extreme at any cost.


The three heads fused with the ‘睝睷’ inherited from the Three Gate Star Palace and simultaneously roared like a wolf howling and a dragon roaring.

Then, the three heads of 'Yai Can' flew up at the same time and met in the air. The three heads of 'Yai Can' immediately merged into one, turning into the strongest 'Yai Can' dragon beast.

As for the inheritance of the three star palaces, the power of the ‘Apotheosis of the Gods’, the ‘Bloodline Catalog’, and the ‘Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts’ also began to merge with each other as the three ‘Yai Can’ dragon beasts met.


This fusion was obviously not smooth. There were constant roars and vibrations coming from the powerful 'Yai Can' formed by the fusion of three types of 'Yai Can'. Divine light, blood light, and elemental light continued to burst out from it, almost destroying this head. The powerful 'Yai Can' dragon beast was destroyed.

But with a dragon roar, the 'Dragon Pearl' blooming with thirty-six colors of light of creation descended, directly suppressing the conflict between the three star palace inheritance powers in the 'Yai Can' dragon beast.

At the same time, from the opened 'Star Gate', the power of the Star Spirit, the power of Dao Fruit, etc. flew out to help, and the power of the three star palace inheritance gathered in the 'Yai Can' dragon beast was barely integrated together.

With the preview of the 'Dragon Beast Star', Liang Ji had already mastered the method of integrating the inheritance of the three star palaces.

The killing move developed is based on the fusion of these three star palace inheritance powers.

hold head high!

As the power of the inheritance of the three star palaces was integrated, the dragon beast formed by the fusion of the three kinds of 'Yai Can' also successfully completed its transformation in the bright divine light, blood light and elemental light.

The 'Yai Can' dragon beast has also completely grown to the limit of 100,000 feet. With its head raised and the dragon roaring, even the surrounding void began to twist and change, as if it had reached the seventh level.

Then, the 'Yai Can' dragon beast directly turned into a golden light, like a long sword that was one hundred thousand feet long and stretched across the starry sky, directly cutting through the void and slashing at the seventh-level void green bull.

The twisted and torn void surrounding the seventh-level Void Green Ox was directly chopped into pieces by the long knife transformed by the 'Yai Can' dragon beast, cutting off its escape path.


And after the long sword struck the seventh-level void green bull, the opponent obviously felt a huge threat. He raised his head and let out a moo, and the green light on his body instantly exploded to the extreme.

The entire seventh-level void green bull seemed to turn into a bright blue star, resisting with all its strength the long sword transformed by the 'Yai Can' dragon beast.

However, everything was in vain. The seventh-level Void Green Ox, which had already been suppressed and consumed more than half of its power, was now unable to resist the killing move of the dragon beast that combined the inheritance power of the three star palaces, the 'Yai Can'.

Whether it was the dazzling green light, the endless vitality, or the ability to transform into stars, they were all cut to pieces under this long sword.

The green light died, life was cut off, the stars were cut in half, and instantly reshaped into the appearance of a seventh-order green bull in the void.


At the same time, the long golden sword that cut through everything also disintegrated in an instant, re-forming into the form of the 'Dragon Beast' Yaizhen, and then disintegrated directly after a wolf howl like a dragon, re-forming into the family members and starships. , the three '睚禦' states of elemental spirits.

At the same time, the three star palace inheritances of the ‘Bang of the Gods’, the ‘Bloodline Atlas’ and the ‘Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts’ also flew out from the three ‘Yai Can’ dragon beasts and returned to the void.

The next moment, the three 'Yaiju' dragon beasts, the Yajuan family, the Yajuan star ship, and the Yajuan elemental spirit, began to disintegrate and fall one after another before they even had time to roar.

Under the suppression of the 'Dragon Ball', the sixth-level body forcibly fused the power of the three star palace inheritances, thus bursting out with a seventh-level killing move, and could even kill the seventh-level void green bull that had been weakened by more than half in one fell swoop.

This is obviously not without cost, and the collapse and death of the three 'Yai Can' dragon beasts at this time is the most obvious cost.

That killing move was not only the fusion of the inherited power of the three star palaces, but also the stimulating power of the sixth-order Yajuan family, the sixth-order Yajuan star ship, and the sixth-level Yajuan elemental spirit at any cost, exceeding the limit. Only then could it be achieved.

In the end, the six most powerful Yaijuan families, the emperors of this generation of the family members in the natal stars, completely fell. Not only the body of the powerful dragon beast was broken into ashes, but even the soul became broken.

Liang Ji quickly took his remnant soul back into his natal star, and sent it into the Jiuquan underworld, and into the 'merit pool' to warm, refine, and even use the power of Tao Fruit to bless the original power of his natal star. The remaining soul was barely saved.

On the other side, the sixth-order Yaju star ship also disintegrated and shattered, most of it turned into ashes, and the remaining half was turned into useless broken spiritual materials, and not even a single complete material could be found.

Liang Ji didn't pay much attention to this. This starship was made of spiritual materials contained in his natal stars. Even if it was destroyed, the materials could be collected and recast.

Finally, the elemental spirit of '睚禦' also disintegrated, leaving behind a mostly broken elemental 'spiritual crystal'. After Liang Ji accepted it, he sent it directly into the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods' to enhance the 'Ten Thousand Methods'. The power of the melting pot.

At this time, the family members who were cleaning up the battlefield also collected the seventh-level Void Blue Bull Demon Pill that he needed from the body of the beheaded seventh-level Void Blue Bull and sent it to him.

The demon pill is obtained and the goal is successfully achieved!

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