The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1071 Return to the front line, the first battle of development for the seventh level

Although, Liang Ji already knew that the further the Star Alliance's pioneering war to open up the 'Sky Demon Star Territory' progresses, the more intense the resistance and fighting will be.

But when he heard what Peng Yue and others said, in the battle to open up the galaxy, he encountered the aftermath of the battle between the eighth-order star master and the eighth-order void demon clan, which had just caused the team to suffer heavy losses and Xu Mao's death, and he still couldn't help it. Somewhat frightened.

Having just advanced to the seventh level of Star Master, the confidence that had soared suddenly dropped.

Let him know that at the current stage of the development war, even seventh-level star masters may not be able to guarantee safety. Seventh-level star masters are only the most basic requirements for the development team on the frontline battlefield.

If he wants to survive in such an increasingly fierce and dangerous pioneering war and obtain enough resources, benefits, and achievements, he, the newly promoted seventh-level star master, still needs to be more careful and cautious.

After a month of rest, as Liang Ji advanced to the seventh level Star Master and returned, the morale of the alliance team recovered again.

Liang Ji and others organized the team and set off again, heading towards the frontline battlefield.

Even within this month, Bian Yujiao and Chen Zhao each urgently purchased two starships through family and posthumous connections to join the team, expanding the alliance team's remaining thirteen starships to fifteen. starship.

After all, this alliance team was originally composed of Senior Sister Bian Yujiao liaising with everyone, with her as the main leader, but everyone has about the same strength, they cooperate more equally, and the proceeds from the pioneering actions are evenly distributed.

But now, as Liang Ji has advanced to the seventh level Star Master, his rank, monk, and strength far surpass Bian Yujiao and Chen Zhao. He has replaced Bian Yujiao as the core and captain of the alliance team. The subsequent pioneering actions will definitely be based on him. Lord.

Although Liang Ji had promised Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others that all the merits, benefits, resources, etc. obtained from the expansion of the galaxy would still be distributed according to the previous plan.

This is also the main reason why Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others are willing to stay and follow Liang Ji, the newly promoted seventh-level star master.

Instead of choosing other seventh-order star master teams that have been cultivated for longer and are stronger, after all, other seventh-order star master teams cannot give them such a good distribution plan.

But Bian Yujiao and Chen Zhao also knew that in such a pioneering war, it would definitely be difficult to survive for a long time just relying on Liang Ji's human care.

Therefore, when their own cultivation and combat power are not as good as Liang Ji's, they can only prepare more starships and strive to make more contributions on top of the starships and mid-level combat power, so that they can live up to their efforts in developing the galaxy. Only by enjoying the resources, benefits, etc., can such alliances and cooperation be maintained for a long time.

Fifteen starships formed a team and set off from the 'Red Sun Galaxy'. They did not leave a single starship behind. This battle was Liang Ji's first battle after he advanced to the seventh-level star master. Whether it was against him or against the alliance team They are all vital, so they bring all the combat power they can use with no intention of holding back.

The starship turned into starlight and flew all the way through the void and the galaxy. Now these areas are considered to be the rear areas of the star field developed and occupied by the Covenant Alliance, although occasionally there are some void monsters, gods, elemental spirits, etc. that sneak in. There were attacks and troubles, but overall it was stable and safe.

Therefore, they did not encounter any surprises along the way.

Two months later, the starship team led by Liang Ji and others arrived at a ‘Gray Sun’ galaxy.

This galaxy was the only galaxy that Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao and others had successfully captured after many pioneering battles when Liang Ji had been in seclusion for more than 60 years.

However, this galaxy is only a small galaxy. There is only one living star in the entire galaxy. The area of ​​the galaxy is not large enough. The number of stars in it is limited, and resources, spiritual objects, etc. are also limited.

In addition, it is closer to the frontline battlefield and suffers more and more severe attacks and harassment from the infiltrating void monsters, gods, and elemental spirits. Therefore, after the team of Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao and others suffered heavy losses, they even chose to return directly. The 'Red Sun' galaxy was trimmed instead of selecting the 'Gray Sun' galaxy.

It is because there are insufficient resources and insufficient security.

Even for Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others, they took all their power back to the "Red Sun Galaxy" for cultivation and recovery, and the power left in the "Gray Sun" galaxy became less and weaker.

In a sense, this 'Gray Sun' galaxy is already in a state of semi-abandonment.

If during the process of their cultivation and recovery, some void monsters, gods, elemental spirits, etc. sneak in and launch an attack on the 'Gray Sun' galaxy, they may not be able to defend the 'Gray Sun' galaxy with the strength they have left behind.

By that time, whether the 'Gray Sun' galaxy is breached and occupied by infiltrating enemies, or other teams from the Covenant take action to drive the enemies away, it will basically be difficult for the 'Gray Sun' galaxy to remain in their control.

Fortunately, until now when Liang Ji led the team back here, the Gray Sun Galaxy had not been attacked by infiltrating enemies.

Perhaps, it is precisely because this galaxy is too small, has too few resources and benefits, and is too inconspicuous that the enemies who have finally sneaked in have not chosen to launch attacks here.

But no matter what, this galaxy is still under the control of Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao and others. It also allows Liang Ji and others to have a safer and more stable base close to the frontline battlefield, making it easier for them to carry out pioneering operations. .

The starship team sailed into the 'Gray Sun' galaxy and parked. Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others began to contact their personal connections and networks to learn more about the latest news on the frontline battlefield.

Liang Ji also began to contact people and learn about frontline news.

Now that he has been promoted to the seventh-level Star Master, his status in the Star Alliance is different, and his position on the front line of this open battlefield is naturally different.

After logging into the star network on the frontline battlefield, Liang Ji was immediately able to access more, newer, and higher-level news and intelligence.

Then, he contacted Star Master Gao Yuan and Vice Principal Huntian. After receiving their blessings, he learned more secret information about the frontline battlefield from them, even in the frontline star network. Not registered.

Especially from Vice Principal Huntian, Liang Ji learned about some information about the eighth-level void monsters that the Star Alliance already had in the Star Territory battlefield, including their haunts, possible places to fight, etc.

Undoubtedly it is particularly important, related to the success or failure of their development, and even their lives.

Liang Ji didn't want to lead his team in the first pioneering operation after he advanced to the seventh-level star master, but directly collided with the aftermath of the battle between the eighth-level star master and the eighth-level void demon clan, or even directly collided with the eighth-level void demon clan. clan, which led to the failure of development and even heavy casualties again.

If this is true, the team and morale that have been finally reunited may completely collapse by then.

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