The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1073: Entering the Huangyang Galaxy, the first battle of the seventh-level star master (I wi

Liang Ji used the power of the 'Star Spirit Body' to operate the 'Star Spirit Eyes', and soon he could clearly see the situation in the entire 'Huangyang Galaxy', and also initially realized the convenience and convenience of high-level star masters fighting. powerful.

At the same time, Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others also sent starships to fly around the 'Huangyang Galaxy', using various formations, magical weapons and other means to explore the surroundings inside and outside the 'Huangyang Galaxy'. Condition.

Liang Ji did not stop this, although he had already checked the internal situation of the galaxy with the 'Eye of the Star Spirit'. In fact, Peng Yue and others' starship exploration situation may not be as clear as his 'Star Spirit Eyes'.

However, when time and conditions permit, sending starships to explore the situation inside and outside the battlefield is the right choice.

It is also the conventional fighting method in the Star Alliance's pioneering war.

After all, this pioneering war does not only belong to high-level star masters. There are more intermediate-level star masters and starship teams below the high-level ones. They have an equally important position in the pioneering war and are no less important than high-level star masters.

In such a pioneering war, it is impossible for mid-level star masters and starship teams to have high-level star masters surveying the battlefield for them and charging ahead for them in every battle.

Therefore, it is undoubtedly very necessary for mid-level star masters and starship teams to have their own survey methods and actions.

And soon, the results of the starship explorations from all parties came out. When they were put together, they came to a conclusion: there are ten seventh-order void demon clans entrenched in the Huangyang Galaxy!

Compared with the number of seventh-order void monsters seen by Liang Ji's "Star Spirit Eye", it was one less.

Liang Ji shook his head slightly, and directly clicked on a position in the star map showing the Huangyang Galaxy: "Here, there is also a seventh-order void monster lurking, a seventh-order void horned crocodile, who masters the origin and law of the void. The power is hidden in the void, no wonder you can't detect it."

"There are actually eleven Void Monsters, and one of them controls the original power of the Void!"

After listening to Liang Ji's words, Chen Zhao was suddenly shocked and said in a deep voice:

"This is more numerous and more difficult to deal with than the seventh-order Void Monster Clan when we first opened up this 'Huangyang Galaxy'!"

"How long has it been since then, and the difficulty has increased so much again!"

On the side, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao shook her head when she heard this and said: "The further the development war goes, the more difficult it will become!"

"If we can't take down the 'Yellow Sun Galaxy' this time, it will be even harder in the future!"

As she said that, she looked at Liang Ji and asked, "Captain, are you ready to take action?"

But it is clear that the alliance team is now led by Liang Ji. Whether they want to take action or not, whether they can win the Yellow Sun Galaxy depends on Liang Ji's methods and strength.

Otherwise, with just these people and starships, even if there is no aftermath of the battle between the eighth-order star master and the eighth-order void demon clan, it will be difficult for them to win the Huangyang Galaxy where the eleven seventh-order void demon clan are entrenched.

"Of course we have to take action!" Liang Ji nodded directly and said: "It's just eleven seventh-order void monsters."

As he spoke, he reached out and pointed directly at the hiding place of the seventh-order void horned crocodile, and said in a deep voice: "Among these seventh-order void monsters, this seventh-order void horned crocodile is the most difficult to deal with, so I will kill it first. Take it and give this pioneering battle a good start!"

Liang Ji knew very well that he was able to gather Senior Bian Yujiao, Senior Chen Zhao, and the remaining starship team of Senior Xu Mao around him this time by being promoted to the seventh-level Star Master!

But seventh-level star masters are also strong and weak, and he is a newly promoted seventh-level star master. How much combat power does he have? Can he lead them to survive in this pioneering war and even seize more galaxies and resources? , meritorious service and other benefits are yet to be known!

This time, exploring the Huangyang Galaxy is undoubtedly a test for him.

If he can lead everyone to successfully win the Yellow Sun Galaxy, he will naturally be able to maintain the alliance team and even boost everyone's morale.

But if the development fails this time, not to mention, the team and morale that have been reunited with the title of seventh-level star master will immediately collapse. Senior Sister Bian Yujiao, Senior Chen Zhao and others may directly lead The team left and joined other stronger high-level star masters in order to save their lives and earn more benefits and merits in this open battlefield.

Therefore, without any hesitation, he directly selected the strongest seventh-order void horned crocodile in the Huangyang Galaxy as the object of his first battle after advancing to the seventh-order star master.

In the void, a 'star gate' opened. After Liang Ji was promoted to the seventh-level star master, the 'star gate' leading to his natal star seemed to have different changes.

Become bigger, more real, more starry.

In this starry 'star gate', Liang Ji's star spirit body turned into a 'star spirit giant' and walked out of it, stepped into the void, and walked step by step towards the Yellow Sun Galaxy.

Liang Ji's mind and consciousness were integrated with the 'Star Spirit Giant', and he controlled the 'Star Spirit Giant' to walk in the void. He felt the surrounding void, sea of ​​stars, the origin of the universe and the power of the laws of the great road, and felt extremely comfortable.

Like a dragon entering the sea and an eagle soaring into the sky, the surrounding void, sea of ​​stars, chaos, and the power of the universe seemed to be flowing in his palms and thoughts, and moving with the breath of his 'celestial spirit giant'.

In the past, Liang Ji had seen many seventh-level star masters take action as a "star spirit giant". This time he personally walked out of his natal star as a star spirit and entered the vast and free void universe and the chaotic star sea. Same feeling.

"No wonder, the high-level Star Lords of the Star Alliance all like to use the 'Star Spirit Body' to fight. Under normal circumstances, they even use it sparingly for their families and starships."

"I finally understand now that the feeling of freedom and power of walking in the universe as a 'celestial spirit' is really fascinating."

"However, I am only a newly promoted seventh-level star master, but I am still not able to do what those veteran high-level star masters can do. I can run across the universe and suppress enemies from all sides with a 'star spirit body'!"

"So, we still cannot lack the combat power of the Familia!"

Groan! hold head high……

The thoughts in Liang Ji's mind were spinning. Behind his 'Star Spirit Giant', dragon roars and roars came from the 'Star Gate'. Seventh-level Prison Niu, Yaizhen, Chaofeng, Chiki, Baxia, and Jiao were all Tu, half-dragon and other dependents, followed closely behind his 'Star Spirit Giant', rushed out of the 'Star Gate' and rushed into the Yellow Sun Galaxy.

Roar! Ouch...

The many void demon clans entrenched in the Huangyang Galaxy were like a group of excited beasts, roaring and turbulent one after another. A large number of void demon clans, led by the seventh-level void demon clans, moved toward Liang Ji's star spirit. He and a dozen seventh-level family members behind him rushed towards him.

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