The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1075 The Star Technique ‘Star Cauldron Suppression’ The blessing power of the original myste

The body of the star spirit controls the origin of the sea of ​​stars in the universe, and the three-door star palace inherits and merges the origin of the mysterious light, and controls the origin of the body, spirit, and energy.

After Liang Ji advanced to the seventh-level star master, his first opponent was the rather difficult seventh-level void horned crocodile. Although he failed to capture and capture him in the end, he still forced the opponent to self-destruct directly.

It can be considered a victory in the first battle!

The giant transformed from Liang Ji's "Star Spirit Body" stood in the chaos of the void. He saw the source of the void caused by the self-destruction of the seventh-order void horned crocodile shaking and impacting all directions, and immediately took action again.

The bright starlight condensed into a giant cauldron and suppressed it, directly suppressing and blocking the out-of-control void source caused by the self-destruction of the seventh-order Void Horned Crocodile.

This prevents the surrounding Huangyang Galaxy from being affected and impacted by the 'Daoization' caused by the self-destruction of the seventh-order Void Horned Crocodile.

This is also a common method used by high-level star masters in the Star Alliance to suppress and stabilize the 'Taoist' anomaly caused by the enemy's death. Otherwise, under the impact of a 'Taoised' anomaly and out-of-control source, not only the battlefield Nothing can be left behind, and even the surrounding void, galaxies, resource points, etc. will be destroyed by the 'Daoization' phenomenon, making it difficult for the Star Master to gain anything even if he wins.

Therefore, it is very necessary to suppress and stabilize the 'Taohua' vision by using the star technique 'Star Cauldron to Suppress Xu'.

After Liang Ji advanced to the seventh-level star master, he only learned this star technique belonging to the high-level star master in this short period of time, just to use it in such a battlefield.

At this time, the 'Star Cauldron' transformed by starlight successfully suppressed the void and suppressed the 'Dao Transformation' phenomenon. Seeing that the surrounding Huangyang Galaxy was not affected or destroyed by the 'Dao Transformation' phenomenon, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it was a beginner's practice, there were no problems at all.

"It's a pity that this seventh-level void horned crocodile self-destructed too completely. Although the first battle was successful, there was little gain."

Liang Ji looked at the suppressed 'Daohua' vision and determined that not even the seventh-order Void Horned Crocodile's demon elixir or even the power of blood remained, and he shook his head with some regret.

But soon, he calmed down, and the 'Star Spirit Giant''s eyes quickly turned to other battlefields in the Yellow Sun Galaxy.

The starships, family members, and immortal teams of Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao, and others, under the leadership and support of the seventh-level family members summoned by Liang Ji, are fighting and fighting with other seventh-level void demon clans and various demon tides. But it didn't fall behind for a while.

However, Liang Ji could clearly see from observing the battlefield that the seventh-level family members under his command, such as Chaofeng, Chiqi, Baxia, Half-Dragon, etc., had all advanced to the seventh level, but they were still struggling with those seventh-level void warriors. In the fights and battles of the demon clan, they do not have the upper hand. Instead, they often fall into the disadvantage and are suppressed by the seventh-level void demon clan.

As a result, there are clearly more than a dozen seventh-level family members under his command, more than the seventh-level void demon clan in the Yellow Sun Galaxy. They are also assisted by fifteen seventh-level starships and numerous third-level immortals. It was at a disadvantage in this pioneering battle.

"After all, the time for advancement is too short." Liang Ji looked at the fighting situation of those seventh-level family members, and shook his head helplessly: "The time for these seventh-level family members to awaken and advance is even shorter, and even many seventh-level family members have a shorter time to awaken and advance. We have not mastered the methods and inheritance of combat power, let alone the methods of cultivating seventh-level immortal weapons, starships, and battle formations to increase combat power."

"But..." Liang Ji murmured in his mouth. The 'Star Spirit Giant' standing upright in the void suddenly raised his hand. The figures of the God List, the Bloodline Catalog, and the Ten Thousand Methods Furnace appeared around him, and he waved his hand to shed a piece of original mysterious light.

These original mysterious lights fell on the seventh-level dependents, and immediately caused these seventh-level dependents to receive a large amount of blessings and enhancements from the origin of their bodies and bloodlines, to the origins of their souls and consciousness, to the power of the elemental origins they mastered, etc.

Groan! hold head high……

Amidst the roars of dragons, the bodies of these seventh-level dependents began to expand again, reaching hundreds of thousands of feet in size. The power of the immortal arts transformed by bloodline magical powers increased several times, and their soul consciousness became stronger, and they were resistant to various combat forces and battles. The control becomes easier and more precise, and the origin of various elements and the power of laws and avenues that can be mastered also increase several times.

Immediately, these seventh-order dependents, who were still outnumbered by the seventh-order void monsters, saw their combat power increase greatly. Amidst the increasingly passionate and loud dragon roars, they in turn attacked the fighting seventh-order void monsters. Suppress the leeward.

The List of Gods, the Bloodline Catalog, and the Forge of Ten Thousand Arts, all three star palace inheritances have the means to bless and enhance the combat power of the dependents.

Now Liang Ji has integrated the inheritance of these three star palaces into one, and the various effects of the original mysterious light born are naturally much stronger than the inheritance of the three star palaces, especially in terms of blessing and enhancing the combat power of the family members.

The original mysterious light has a strengthening and blessing effect on the three elements of body, spirit, and energy, and it is perfectly compatible with the dependent clan. The enhancing effect on the dependent clan can be said to be no less than the enhancing effect on the 'astral spirit body'.

After all, the inheritance of these three star palaces has long been integrated into the origin of his natal stars, and through the power of the origin of stars and the laws of the avenue, their power and influence have been integrated into all aspects of Liang Ji's natal stars, from the origin to the avenue. , from the underworld to the three realms of earth and heaven, from the gods of the three realms to dependents, ghosts, sentient beings, etc.

They are all closely connected with the inheritance of the Three Gate Star Palace.

Therefore, whether it is the 'star spirit body' that is nurtured by the origin of the natal stars and the power of the law of the great road, or the dependents that multiply in the stars, they can all be blessed by the original mysterious light born from the fusion of the inheritance of the three gates and star palaces. Get the greatest improvement and strengthening.

At this time, in the Huangyang Galaxy, as the combat power of Liang Ji's seventh-order family members increased greatly, they in turn suppressed the seventh-order void monsters, starships, family members, and immortals led by Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao, and others. The other teams immediately launched a strong attack under the leadership of these seventh-level family members.

The entire battle to open up the Huangyang Galaxy suddenly entered a new stage.

The Void Demon Clan entrenched in the Huangyang Galaxy, whether it was the seventh-level Void Demon Clan or the Void Demon Clan of the mid- to low-level Void Demon Clan stars, all began to retreat steadily under the attacks of people, starships and dependents.

A large number of void monsters fell in pieces, and even the seventh-level void monsters could not hold on and began to be severely injured or even killed.

Fifteen starships and hundreds of thousands of Familia and alliance teams stepped on the bones, flesh, and remains of these Void Familias step by step, and began to occupy and capture the void and stars everywhere in the Yellow Sun Galaxy.

The 'Star Spirit Giant' under Liang Ji's control at this time also began to take action continuously. The starlight giant hand formed by the star magic 'Star Picking Hand' once again began to press downwards and grab each of the seventh-order void monsters.

With the help of a group of seventh-order family members, as well as starships, third-level immortals, etc., it is difficult for the remaining seventh-order void family members to resist the seventh-order void horned crocodile, and often even have no chance to self-destruct.

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