The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1090 High-level gods and elemental spirits attack, imitating the Zhoutian star array

Although it is said that they are blessed and protected by the 'original mysterious light' integrated with the inheritance of the three star palaces, Liang Ji and his family can withstand the aftermath of the eighth-level battle.

However, Liang Ji naturally had no intention of staying with the family members and resisting the impact of the aftermath of the eighth-level battle.

After taking a look at the battle between the eighth-level star master and the eighth-level void demon clan in the distance in the void, he immediately moved the battlefield with his family members, heading away from the eighth-level battle.

Not only him, but other high-level star masters, and even the besieging Void Demon Clan, also moved the battlefield away from the eight-level fight.

To avoid suffering the disaster of pond fish.

However, as the battle progressed, more and more eighth-order void monsters came from all directions. The eighth-order star masters in the Star Alliance development team also took action one after another, fighting against the incoming eighth-order void monsters. Fight and occupy the surrounding void.

Even in the central black hole, there are eighth-level star masters fighting and fighting with the eighth-level void monsters.

The entire battlefield has become more chaotic, turbulent and cruel. Almost all the Star Masters and pioneering teams gathered in the central black hole have participated in the battle.

Only the ninth-level star master Tianhe Immortal Lord is still standing in the void above the central black hole, guarding the star that swallows the tide of the power of the sky demon. He has not made any move, as if waiting for the ninth-level sky demon in the black hole to take action. .

In such a battle, Liang Ji's family members also began to suffer casualties and deaths, but he harvested more and more seventh-level void demon clan demon pills, bloodline power, demon materials, etc.

Gradually, he discovered that the 'Bloodline Catalog' had swallowed up a large number of seventh-level bloodline powers. The blood on it was rich and bright, and it had entered a blood-colored star and sun.

Through telekinesis, Liang Ji immediately knew that the 'Bloodline Catalog' had collected enough bloodline power to advance to the seventh level.

However, he did not rush to promote him.

After the three star palace inheritances are integrated into one, the three powers cannot be improved individually, but need to be promoted at the same time, so that the integration of the three star palace inheritances can be better maintained, and the fused powers can be best improved and transformed.

Therefore, he still needs to wait for the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' to collect enough seventh-level 'divine crystals', the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' to collect enough seventh-level 'spiritual crystals', and for all three star palace inheritances to meet the conditions for advancement.

At this moment, Liang Ji, who was controlling the 'Star Spirit Giant', seemed to suddenly feel something. He activated the star technique of the 'Star Spirit Eye' and looked into the surrounding void.

Immediately, he discovered that in the surrounding void, there were blazing divine lights and elemental lights, traveling and teleporting through the void, heading towards the Star Alliance galaxies on the battlefield.

"Gods! Elemental spirits!"

Liang Ji was suddenly shocked. From the movement in the void, it could be seen that these incoming gods and elemental spirits were all high-level gods and high-level elemental spirits that had sneaked into the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory'.

When the Star Alliance pioneering team and the Void Monster Clan were fighting fiercely in the central black hole area, these high-level gods and elemental spirits who had sneaked in seemed to have gotten the news, lurking and attacking.

"Attention all pioneering teams!"

"The gods and elemental spirits are coming!"

"Enable backup plan!"

At this time, instructions and voices from the frontline headquarters came out on the battlefield.

The next moment, Liang Ji saw 'star maps' being taken out from the four galaxies around the central black hole by some high-level star masters and thrown into the surrounding void.

There are a total of seven 'star maps'. After falling into the void and unfolding, they immediately turned into seven 'galaxies', suppressing and sealing the surrounding void.

Suddenly, those high-level gods and elemental spirits who were traveling and escaping through the void were the first to be suppressed, imprisoned, and even crushed to death.

Liang Ji used the star technique of the 'Eye of the Star Spirit' and could clearly see that some high-level gods and elemental spirits who had escaped were suppressed and killed in the void on the spot.

The divine light exploded, the light of the elements collapsed, and the gods and elemental spirits fell into it. Even the 'divine crystal' and 'spiritual crystal' had no way to escape and were directly suppressed in the 'galaxy'.

Liang Ji was also horrified when he saw it, remembering that when he met with Vice Principal Huntian before, he saw the void being suppressed and blocked by the 'Star Port'.

At that time, he was wary, knowing that although it was convenient for high-level star masters to escape into the void, it might also have hidden dangers.

What he saw now really verified his speculation.

These high-level gods and elemental spirits who escaped in the void and sneaked in were killed by the Star Alliance development team before they even had time to take action.

The remaining high-level gods and elemental spirits who were escaping in the void took advantage of the impact of the deaths of those gods and elemental spirits to successfully break through and tear apart the void suppressed by the 'Star Map', and from within the suppressed and sealed void Break out.

But these remaining high-level gods and elemental spirits, even if they rushed out of the void, fell directly into the blockade and siege of the galaxies formed by the surrounding 'star map'.

"Imitate the formation of stars in the sky, rise!"

At this time, following an order from the frontline headquarters, the seven newly expanded galaxies and the four existing galaxies surrounding the central black hole were immediately connected. The eleven 'star map arrays' were connected with each other and became one piece. It forms a huge 'imitation star array' that suppresses the surrounding void, chaos, universe, and the central black hole!

The Star Alliance's innate spiritual treasure, the Zhoutian Star Array, was initially composed of a star field, the Taihao Star Field. Later, star areas were continuously developed, and the Zhoutian Star Array continued to expand and change. Be stronger.

Up to now, it has become a powerful innate spiritual treasure, the ‘Celestial Star Array’, which is composed of thirty-three star fields connected together.

The Star Alliance has never stopped exploring and researching this innate spiritual treasure, the Zhoutian Star Array, including the inheritance of the Taihao Star Palace's Zhoutian Star Hub, the Lingbao Star Palace's Tongtian Baolu, etc. , are all the Star Alliance Star Lord's research, exploration methods and directions for the 'Celestial Star Array'.

And after so many years, the Star Alliance's exploration and research on the 'Celestial Star Array' will naturally not be fruitless.

The 'Star Map' treasure that was sacrificed by the Lingbao Star Palace, as well as the 'Star Map Array' developed by the Taihao Star Palace, are undoubtedly the results of exploration and research.

But now, Liang Ji has seen another powerful and conclusive result of the research and exploration of the "Celestial Star Array" by senior members of the Star Alliance, Lingbao Star Palace, Taihao Star Palace, etc.

The innate spiritual treasure ‘Zhoutian Star Array’, which is made up of eleven galaxy star diagrams connected together and imitating the Zhoutian star field, is the ‘imitation Zhoutian Star Array’!

Liang Ji didn't know how powerful this 'imitation Zhoutian Star Array' was, but even if it didn't reach the level of an innate spiritual treasure, it must still be at the level of a ninth-level acquired spiritual treasure.

He clearly saw that as the eleven galaxies spread out and connected to form the 'imitation star formation pattern', all the surrounding voids were immediately surrounded by demons, high-level gods, elemental spirits, etc. They were all suppressed, and most of their power and strength were reduced.

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