The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1096 Transaction Senior Sister Xue Zhaoyue’s Request

After talking about the advanced version of the Eighteen Colors of Light of Creation, Vice Principal Huntian changed the topic and asked:

"I promised you the high-level star technique, have you chosen it?"

At the beginning, Liang Ji agreed to come to the central black hole to perform a mission, to help the huge star twist and create, and to swallow the tide of the power of the sky demon.

The frontline headquarters and Tianhe Immortal Lord had promised him to let him select several high-level star techniques suitable for high-level star masters at the frontline command post.

This was also the request that Liang Ji made after discovering his own shortcomings through the previous development of the 'Huangyang Galaxy'.

Now that the battle and mission here in the central black hole have ended, the high-level astrology promised to him by the frontline command will naturally be fulfilled.

However, Liang Ji shook his head slightly when he heard this and said, "I still need to think about it for a while."

Vice Principal Huntian didn't pay attention when he heard this, he just nodded and said: "Okay, anyway, we have given you the list of high-level astrology we can provide. After you choose, let me know and I will pass on the inheritance of the astrology you selected." you."

"Thank you, Vice Principal."

Liang Ji thanked the other party, then said goodbye and left, coming out of the frontline headquarters.

After coming out, he did not immediately prepare the fusion experimental plan for the advanced version of the eighteen-color light of creation. Instead, he logged into the "Star Network" at the frontline headquarters and entered the trading section.

In this transaction section, Liang Ji initiated a transaction to acquire seventh-level divine crystals and elemental spiritual crystals with various attributes.

Previously, during the battle around the central black hole, Liang Ji successfully collected all the seventh-level bloodline power needed to upgrade the 'Bloodline Catalog', but the seventh-level divine crystals and elements needed to upgrade the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' and the 'Ten Thousand Methods Furnace' However, not all the spiritual crystals have been collected, and there are still some differences.

Liang Ji didn't want to waste time on this, and slowly hunted for seventh-level gods and elemental spirits that had different attributes and powers, so he launched an acquisition on the frontline 'Star Network' to buy the missing seventh-level divine crystals and elemental spirits. Spirit crystals, so as to collect the materials needed to upgrade the inheritance of the three major star palaces.

In the past, when Liang Ji was still an intermediate star master, Kunlun Star Palace and Master Chiyu taught him to hunt and obtain the divine crystals he needed for the casting and upgrading of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods'. That's how it was said It is conducive to his practice and advancement.

However, Liang Ji understood that it was the middle-level star master who had not yet found his own path, so he asked the star master to personally hunt for the divine crystals, elemental spirit crystals and other materials he needed for his cultivation of the 'Gods List' and 'Ten Thousand Stars'. The advancement of inheritances such as "The Furnace of Law".

This will help them better and more deeply understand and master the power of divine crystals, the origin of elemental spirit crystals, etc., and will help them deeply understand and master the inheritance of the 'Bang of Gods', 'The Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts', etc., so that the mid-level star master can Based on these understandings, mastery of power, and inheritance, we can find and develop our own path to high-level star masters.

Therefore, Star Palace, mentors, etc. will teach them to hunt for the materials required for advanced inheritance, rather than obtain them through trading channels.

But now, Liang Ji has advanced to the seventh-level star master and has already mastered his own path. He only needs to follow the path he has chosen. Naturally, he no longer needs to do what he did when he was an intermediate star master. The seventh-level divine crystals, elemental spirit crystals, etc. needed for hunting can be obtained through this transaction.

In this way, one can improve one's combat power faster, which will be more beneficial for the subsequent battles, practice, etc.

At this time, after more than five months of acquisitions by Liang Ji integrating the "Dragon Pearl" light of creation at this frontline headquarters, he had almost purchased the seventh-order divine crystals, elemental spirit crystals, etc. he needed, and now only a few rare ones were missing. Attribute divine crystals and elemental spiritual crystals.

Just now, he received a reminder from the frontline 'Star Network' that someone had taken over his acquisition of the galaxy and initiated a transaction request in the Star Network.

Liang Ji clicked on the transaction module at this time and saw the information of the person who initiated the transaction, who was considered an acquaintance.

It was Xue Zhaoyue who we met once when we first opened up the Huangyang Galaxy.

The other party took over the task of the frontline headquarters and specifically hunted down the high-level gods who had infiltrated in the 'Sky Demon Star Territory', so there was no shortage of seventh-level divine crystals with various attributes on hand.

In the past few months, Liang Ji had even traded with the other party several times, and more than half of the seventh-level divine crystals in his hand were traded from the other party.

"Senior Xue."

Xue Zhaoyue was also from the Kunlun Star Palace and was several realms higher than Liang Ji, so Liang Ji directly addressed her as senior.

He smiled, said hello, and asked:

"What kind of divine crystal did Senior Sister bring this time?"

"Senior Liang Ji." Xue Zhaoyue also nodded in greeting and said with a smile: "This time, senior has brought the rare divine crystals and elemental spiritual crystals that you are still acquiring."

As she spoke, she took out a few divine crystals and elemental spirit crystals, and showed them to Liang Ji through the Star Network communication.

Among them are seventh-level divine crystals with void attributes and elemental spiritual crystals with chaos attributes, all of which are scarce materials that he is still acquiring.

Liang Ji's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw this, but then he looked thoughtful.

Senior Xue Zhaoyue gathered together several rare divine crystals and elemental spiritual crystals that he was still acquiring. This was obviously not a coincidence, but a deliberate move by the other party.

In this way, it can't be just for trading, otherwise why waste all this effort and energy to help him collect these rare attribute divine crystals and elemental spiritual crystals.

Senior Sister Xue Zhaoyue must have other aspirations.

At that moment, he asked directly: "Senior Xue, these rare divine crystals and elemental spirit crystals are indeed what I urgently need. I'm afraid it will take a lot of senior's time and energy to collect them all."

"Senior, if you have any requests, you might as well just tell me."

Xue Zhaoyue also smiled when she heard this, and immediately said: "Okay, since Junior Liang Ji is happy, I won't beat around the bush."

"As far as I know, senior, junior, you are the first seventh-level star master to advance by integrating the inheritance of different star palaces, and you have also integrated the three gates of 'Apotheosis of the Gods', 'Bloodline Atlas', and 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' Inheritance, restrains gods, void monsters, and elemental spirits respectively."

Liang Ji nodded slightly. This was basically something that all the high-level Star Lords in the Star Alliance knew.

"That's just right. Senior sister, I took over the task of the frontline headquarters and was responsible for hunting down and capturing the gods who had sneaked into the frontline battlefield. Now I have chased those gods to a special galaxy. It should be a very important place. I The three-party arrangement of gods, elemental spirits, and void monsters was found in it, which is very dangerous and difficult to capture."

"Senior sister, I also invited friends from Taiyi Star Palace and Wanxiang Star Palace to try to attack and capture that galaxy, but they all failed."

"So I would like to ask you to take action together. With the help of your power inherited from the three star palaces, try to see if you can capture that galaxy."

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