The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1104 The second black hole in the Sky Demon Star Territory, a cosmic natural disaster

Xue Zhaoyue, Rong Xiao, and Han Qianniu each took action, using the power of the 'Bang of Gods', 'The Furnace of Ten Thousand Dharmas', and 'The Atlas of Bloodline'.

Liang Ji used the 'original mysterious light' to guide the three kinds of you to connect and blend together, breaking through the divine light, elemental light and bloodline power that suppressed and blocked the void of the galaxy.

At the same time, he continuously stimulates the light of creation in the 'Dragon Ball' to break the power of the sky demon that suppresses the void.

Suddenly, the road leading into the galaxy expanded and extended.

Yang Yanni urged the 'artificial black hole' to protect everyone, and directly passed through this passage and sneaked into the galaxy.

Using an 'artificial black hole' to hide people and aura, sneak, and escape is even more secretive and easier than the 'Dongxu' star technique!

Liang Ji and others sneaked and advanced deep into the galaxy, and sometimes they even encountered some high-level void monsters, gods, elemental spirits, etc. patrolling and guarding in the void.

But every time this happens, he will be noticed in advance by a special spiritual treasure that looks like a ball offered by Zhao Li, who was born in the Lingbao Star Palace.

At this time, Yang Yanni will control the 'artificial black hole' to escape directly into the deep void, avoiding the patrolling and guarding high-level void monsters, gods, elemental spirits, etc.

From this, it can be seen that the members of this team organized by Yunyin Star Master are obviously deliberately selected.

Xue Zhaoyue, Rong Xiao, and Han Qianniu were born in Kunlun Star Palace, Wanxiang Star Palace, and Taiyi Star Palace respectively. Their inheritance methods can restrain and suppress gods, elemental spirits, and void monsters.

Then, Zhao Li, who was born in the Lingbao Star Palace, masters Lingbao with various uses and can deal with various unexpected situations encountered during operations, such as being aware of enemy patrols and guards in advance.

Finally, Yang Yanni, who was born in Guixu Star Palace, has mastered the method of 'artificial black hole', which allows people to sneak and escape directly into the deep void, so as to achieve the greatest degree of stealth and stealth, as much as possible Avoid enemy detection and discovery.

From this team configuration and the cooperation of everyone's actions, Liang Ji could see some of the methods and strength of the professional team of the Star Alliance intelligence department.

All I can say is that he is indeed a professional in intelligence, especially good at lurking behind enemy lines and secretly detecting various messages and materials.

In this way, with the cooperation of everyone, he escaped through the void of the galaxy without any danger. The only problem is that he has never discovered the secret hidden in this galaxy.

When everyone's escape was approaching the center of the galaxy, Yang Yanni's expression suddenly changed, and she controlled the 'artificial black hole' to stop her progress and escape.


Everyone immediately looked at each other, and Star Master Yunyin even asked directly:

"Yanni, what happened?"

"Minister..." Yang Yanni looked at the other party, her face changed slightly and said: "I sensed the existence of a black hole in front of me through this 'artificial black hole'!"

"My 'artificial black hole' can no longer move forward or get closer, otherwise it will definitely trigger a reaction from the black hole ahead."

"At that time, not only our infiltration will be exposed, but this 'artificial black hole' may also be attracted and swallowed by the black hole in front."

"How is it possible?" After hearing Yang Yanni's words, Han Qianniu immediately wondered: "How can there be two black holes in one star field?"

"There is already a central black hole in the 'Sky Demon Star Territory'. How can there be a second black hole here?"

"If there really is a second black hole, this star field may not exist at all, and it will be directly swallowed by the two black holes."

"Even in the end, the two black holes may swallow each other and merge together, turning into a cosmic natural disaster that will spread far and wide!"

When Yang Yanni heard this, she insisted: "I practice the 'Guixu Black Hole' inheritance of Guixu Star Palace. I am most familiar with and understand black holes. Through the induction of this 'artificial black hole', I will never go wrong!"

"That said, there is only one possibility!"

At this time, Lord Yunyin also said:

"There really is a black hole in this galaxy!"

"No matter where this black hole came from, was it created by a sky demon? Or did it already exist in the galaxy? Or was it created or moved from the divine world or the spiritual world? It's all possible!"

"And this is why this galaxy is so tightly suppressed and protected by them!"

"This is also the reason why the power of the sky demon appears in this galaxy!"

"Even if the black hole has not yet directly connected with the 'central black hole' in the middle of the star field, I am afraid that it can at least contact the ninth-level sky demon and transmit the power of the sky demon!"

Listening to the words of Star Master Yunyin, everyone looked a little solemn.

A second black hole appeared in the Sky Demon Star Domain, and it was not a controllable 'man-made black hole' like where Liang Ji, Yang Yanni and others were now, but a black hole in the hands of the Void Demon Clan, gods, elemental spirits, etc.

No one knows whether the black hole is controllable!

This is undoubtedly a huge threat to the Star Alliance development team that has almost conquered the entire Sky Demon Star Territory!

Regardless of whether it is the Void Demon Clan, it communicates with the ninth-level sky demon in the central black hole through this black hole, and rescues the ninth-level sky demon from the central black hole.

Or maybe the gods, elemental spirits, etc. allowed the black hole in this galaxy to grow and expand, and finally swallowed and merged with the central black hole in the Sky Demon Star Domain, and finally turned into a 'cosmic natural disaster' that swept through the surrounding void, emptiness, and chaos. !

For the Star Alliance development team, this will be a huge threat and disaster!

Needless to say, the ninth-level heavenly demon escaped from the trap and was able to cause huge killings and destruction to the Star Alliance's development team and frontline battlefields.

And if the two black holes swallow each other and turn into a 'cosmic natural disaster', then not only the 'Sky Demon Star Territory' that the Star Alliance worked hard to develop and win will be destroyed, but also the Star Alliance development team and logistics team that are still in the Sky Demon Star Territory. Wait, most of the monks, star masters, etc. will probably perish in this 'cosmic natural disaster'.

Only some high-level star masters and a few teams were able to escape.

This will undoubtedly have a greater impact and damage to the Star Alliance, and may even severely damage and weaken the strength and power of the Star Alliance. When the time comes, the gods, spirits, and Void Monsters, etc. take the opportunity to launch wars and attacks against the Star Alliance. It will cause greater damage and harm to the Star Alliance, and even threaten the survival and safety of the Star Alliance.

Liang Ji, Xue Zhaoyue, Han Qianniu, Yunyin and others did not need to be reminded, they could think of this greatest harm almost instinctively.

Once it comes true, then the Star Alliance's operation to open up the Sky Demon Star Territory will suffer even more impact and destruction than when they first opened up the 'Quicksand Star Territory'.

After all, the Quicksand Star Territory was only broken into pieces during the pioneering war, and could be pieced back together afterwards.

But in the 'Sky Demon Star Domain', if a 'cosmic natural disaster' in which a black hole swallows everything really breaks out, the entire star domain and the surrounding vast void will be destroyed, and it will be impossible to put it back together again.

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