The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1109: The Seventh-Level Star Master Forms an Army by One Person: The Limit-Breaking Power of

Outside the 'Golden Sun' galaxy, Liang Ji opened the 'Star Gate' in the void.

Accompanied by the roar of the real dragon, dozens of seventh-level family members transformed into dragon beasts rushed out of the 'Star Gate', directly into the 'Golden Sun' galaxy, and pounced on those that Liang Ji had already surveyed and marked. The seventh level void demon clan.

Among Liang Ji's natal stars, after the promotion of the previous three star palace inheritances, the family members have generally grown, and the number of seventh-level family members has reached dozens. Compared with the seventh-level void that currently occupies the 'Golden Sun' galaxy The demon clan is almost there.

These seventh-order family members turned into dragon beasts and pounced on a seventh-order void demon clan. They stopped and killed almost all the seventh-order void demon clan entrenched in the 'Golden Sun' galaxy on the spot.

Moreover, among Liang Ji's natal stars, there are not only seventh-level dependents, but also third-level gods, seventh-level elemental spirits 'dragon beasts', etc.

Now that he has entered the final charge stage of development, Liang Ji knows the importance of making a quick decision at this time and opening up one or two more life systems.

Naturally, there is no reservation at all about combat power. The gods who have reached the third level in the natal stars, whether it is the Hades Emperor of the Jiuquan Underworld, the Three Mountains and Five Mountains of the Earth, the Capital City God, or the Jiuyu of the Nine Heavens, are all from the Star at this time. Fight out of the door.

These third-level gods enshrined by the ‘Apotheosis of the Gods’ are aiming at the high-level gods entrenched in the ‘Golden Sun’ galaxy.

Even the various seventh-order elemental spirits 'dragon beasts' that were nurtured by elemental spirit veins in Liang Ji's natal star were also sent out by Liang Ji at this time, emitting bursts of dragon roars and sweeping up all kinds of water, fire, wind and thunder. The power of the elemental origin rushes towards the enemy in the 'Golden Sun' galaxy.

High-level Star Lords are the top forces in the Star Alliance. They have been able to travel, explore, and even discover new life galaxies on their own in the outer star sea outside the Star Alliance.

Now, as Liang Ji has advanced to the seventh-level star master for a long time, the cultivation, configuration, and strength of various seven-level levels have gradually caught up, especially the inheritance of the three star palaces have all advanced to the seventh-level level. For him and the combat power of his natal star, The improvement impact is undoubtedly huge.

This time to develop and attack the 'Golden Sun' galaxy, Liang Ji finally saw the possibility of a high-level star master forming an army by himself to open up a galaxy.

The large number of seventh-level dependents, seventh-level consecrated gods, and seventh-level elemental spirit ‘dragon beasts’ are enough to sweep through most of the life star systems.

Even the configuration of the 'Golden Sun' galaxy in front of us is obviously far beyond that of ordinary life galaxies. Liang Ji's family members, gods, dragon beast elemental spirits, etc. can already rush into it without fail.

Liang Ji's 'Star Spirit Giant' body stepped into the 'Golden Sun' star system, and his eyes quickly swept across the entire battlefield.

Dozens of seventh-order family members transformed into dragon beasts. With the help of dozens of seventh-order elemental spirits 'dragon beasts', they have completely overwhelmed the seventh-order void monsters entrenched in the galaxy. There are constantly seventh-order void monsters. Being killed or driven away.

The family members team under Liang Ji continued to develop and advance in the 'Golden Sun' galaxy, and was almost invincible.

In contrast, the dozens of seventh-level gods that Liang Ji conferred with the "God List" seemed to be much restrained and no match against the few seventh-level gods from the divine realm who were entrenched in the galaxy.

Although there are more seventh-level gods enshrined by Liang Ji, the gods of the divine realm are after all the same high-level super-level civilizations as the Star Alliance Star Lords. They can also summon seventh-level divine servants who follow them from their own divine domain. God slave and so on.

Moreover, these seventh-level gods who were born in the God Realm also control the origin and law of the void, the universe, and chaos. Their methods and strength far exceed those of the seventh-level gods who were only enshrined in Liang Ji's natal star.

Therefore, the two sides only fought for a moment, and the large number of seventh-level gods sent by Liang Ji were already at a disadvantage, and some were even in danger under the attack of the seventh-level gods of the God Realm.

Seeing this, Liang Ji immediately sacrificed the seventh-level 'God List', and at the same time the seventh-level 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' and the seventh-level 'Bloodline Atlas' were also sacrificed.

Under Liang Ji's urging, the brilliant light of elements erupted from the seventh-level 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts', and the majestic power of blood erupted from the seventh-level 'Bloodline Catalog', but they did not enter the battlefield to bless the dependents and the elements. The spirit dragon beasts were waiting for the battle, but they all threw themselves into the seventh-level 'God List'.

As Liang Ji advanced to the seventh-level star master position by integrating the inheritance of the three star palaces, the power of the inheritance of the three star palaces could be integrated and transformed into each other under his control.

At this time, the power of the seventh-level 'Bloodline Catalog' and the seventh-level 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' is injected into the seventh-level 'Conferred Gods List', and transformed into the divine light power of the 'Conferred Gods List'.

Immediately, under the transformation, injection, and fusion of the inherited power of these two seventh-level star palaces, the power and origin of the seventh-level 'Apotheosis of the Gods' launched by Liang Ji greatly increased, and even the level and power began to rise, faintly. Break the seventh level limit and touch the eighth level.

The dazzling divine light spurred from this fusion, strengthening, and breakthrough of the ‘God List’ suddenly reached the seventh-level limit, and there was a hint of transformation.

This dazzling divine light illuminated the battlefield, and the seventh-level gods under Liang Ji who were enshrined by the ‘Apotheosis of Gods’ list immediately increased their combat power and power under the blessing of the divine light.

On the contrary, the gods of the divine world who were fighting and fighting with them, including the seventh-level divine servants and divine slaves summoned by them, were all suppressed and restrained by the bright divine light of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods'. The power is greatly reduced.

Between an increase and a decrease, the battle situation on the field suddenly began to change.

The seventh-level gods under Liang Ji immediately seized the opportunity to start a counterattack, killing several seventh-level divine slaves and servants on the spot. Their cries and screams resounded in the galaxy battlefield.

At the same time, Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others also drove starships and led the team into the 'Golden Sun' galaxy.

"Attention all seventh-level powers, gather the seventh-level gods in the Mars system for me!"

Liang Ji, as the captain of the alliance team, immediately gave orders to Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others.


"Follow the order!"

Immediately, the orders were sounded, and then the 'Dragon Snake' starship, the 'True Dragon' starship, the 'Yujing Tower' starship, etc., one after another, the seventh-level starships all put them into attack formations. The restraint was operating at full strength, blasting out attacks such as starlight, divine light, thunder and fire, ice, elemental dragon balls, etc., directly towards the seventh-level gods of the God Realm who were suppressed and restrained by the 'God List'.

There were also third-level immortals who came out from the starships everywhere, performed various immortal arts, sacrificed various immortal weapons, immortal formations, etc., and also killed the seventh-level gods of the God Realm.

These third-level immortals were following the team of Liang Ji and others, and they were quite well-informed. They basically knew that the Star Alliance had almost overcome the problem of the "Earth Immortal Dao Lineage".

Everyone is now naturally trying their best to achieve success on the battlefield, so that they can successfully embark on the path of 'Earth Immortal Dao Lineage'.

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