The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 111 Principal’s Funding (Please subscribe)

Once you have the appropriate combat skills, you need to practice and train them diligently so that they can unleash the strongest power in the hands of the half-dragon warriors of the Familia clan.

Therefore, Liang Ji also expanded the "Arena" for practicing Dharma from one place to four places, and each village was planted with an "Arena" for practicing Dharma.

This allows half-dragon warriors in various villages to regularly compete in the 'arena' to increase their combat experience and hone their combat skills.

In addition to practicing and competing in the ‘arena’, the supporting rune equipment must also be improved.

To improve rune equipment and weapons, you can start from three aspects.

One is the quality of the metal and materials used to make equipment and weapons; the second is the means of making weapons; and the third is the runes carved by the rune master.

The inheritance of Talisman masters practiced by the half-dragons of Liang Ji's family was obtained from the school. The inheritance left by Master Wu Shanhai, the master of Talisman Dao, is already far better than the inheritance of Talisman masters that can be purchased on the market.

Therefore, the runes trained by the half-dragon family members can burn runes on weapons and equipment, and the effect is basically the best.

At least, it is difficult to find better Talisman inheritance and rune burning on the market and in high schools. Therefore, this is Liang Ji's strength. He can continue to develop it, but there is no way to fill the gap.

Similarly, the inheritance of rune masters practiced in the Liangji clan cannot solve the problem of the changing size of rune weapons. Naturally, neither the market, high schools, nor even the municipal education bureau can solve this problem.

Among the Star Alliance, it is generally believed that when you reach the second level of cultivation and use magical weapons, you need weapons with various changing effects.

Like the half-dragons of Liang Ji's family, at the first level, they need to use weapons and equipment that can be enlarged or reduced. It is estimated that they will not encounter one in a hundred years, so naturally there will be no one to specialize in research and development.

There was no way to improve or fill gaps in the runes. All Liang Ji could do was improve the quality of weapons and forging techniques.

In itself, the increase in the strength of the natal star's spiritual veins and the thickening of the spiritual energy can simultaneously increase the reserves and quality of various metal mineral deposits contained in the stars.

But, this is not enough.

Now that there is no shortage of spiritual stones, the resources will naturally be full. Liang Ji bought dozens of common spiritual gold ore mother spiritual seeds on the market, refined them, and planted them into his natal stars.

So that the natal stars can contain various common spiritual gold deposits.

Then, these different types of spiritual gold are forged together and smelted into alloys, seeking the hardest and sharpest alloy materials.

This requires the coordinated production of the two industries of mining and metallurgy in the lifestyle inheritance.

Fortunately, Liang Ji had already purchased all the thirty-six lines of life inheritance that were widely circulated on the market and refined them into the family members. Therefore, there was no shortage of mining masters and metallurgical talents among the half-dragon family members.

It is enough to utilize these various spiritual gold deposits planted in the natal stars to smelt alloys and materials that are most suitable for forging weapons of half-dragon warriors.

To this end, Liang Ji also received a grant from the school principal: a special 'alloy material' formula.

According to the principal, this 'alloy material' formula was discovered on a star where the civilization had self-destructed when he was exploring the starry sky outside the Covenant.

This 'alloy material' formula, in addition to being hard enough, the biggest feature of the alloy material produced is that it can try to incorporate some special damage and attribute damage in the process of making the material.

When giving him the formula for the 'alloy material', the principal also lamented that he had studied the self-destructive star civilization at that time.

The reason why the civilization on that star self-destructed seemed to be because the intelligent life on it had developed higher and more dangerous 'alloy materials', resulting in the creation of destructive weapons, which in turn led to the final Self-destruction.

The principal just sighed a few words at that time and did not go into details. Then he changed the topic and handed him the special 'alloy material' formula, and encouraged Liang Ji to sprint hard in the college entrance examination and pass the nine star palaces.

It is basically certain that Liang Ji's current term will be the last term for the principal to serve as the principal of Xiu She City No. 2 Middle School.

If in this last class, a student from No. 2 Middle School can achieve excellent results in the college entrance examination and be admitted to the Nine Star Palaces, it will undoubtedly be the greatest affirmation and the most perfect ending to his decades-long career as the principal of No. 2 Middle School. .

Therefore, the principal not only funded Liang Ji, but as far as he knew, he also funded Peng Yue.

Moreover, in fact, the principal's own family members practice the inheritance of the 'Nine-tailed Snake', and he came to Xiu She City No. 2 Middle School to serve as the principal for the higher-level inheritance of the 'Nine-tailed Snake'.

For Peng Yue, who is also preparing to take the path of inheriting the 'Nine-tailed Snake', the principal can undoubtedly provide more, better, and more suitable help.

However, it was enough for Liang Ji to obtain this formula of 'alloy material', which was in perfect agreement with the situation of his family of half-dragons.

Because of the 'hegemonic body' he cultivated, the blood energy of his half-dragon family was unable to activate the attribute damage of the runes, so the half-dragon warrior's attacks were always overwhelming and pure physical damage.

The principal obviously noticed his family's shortcomings on this issue, and the 'alloy material' formula he funded could just make up for the half-dragon warrior's lack of attribute damage in battle.

Since blood energy cannot trigger the attribute damage of runes, the metal material used to make the weapon can directly carry attribute damage, so that the weapon itself has the ability to do attribute damage.

Anyway, with his family half-dragon warriors, the defensive power of their own 'overlord body' is enough to be immune to the property damage of the weapons. They will not hurt themselves, but only the enemies, increasing the combat potential of the half-dragon warriors. Power, lethality.

It can be said that the two phases are perfectly matched.

Moreover, the various attribute damages contained in the 'practice places' he built in his natal stars are also the most suitable places for refining this special 'alloy material'.

The conditions are extremely met.

After Liang Ji got this special 'alloy material' formula, he passed it on to the half-dragons of the family members. The metallurgists in the family members began to make various alloy materials containing attribute damage according to the formula, and then made them into weapons. Experiment with various battles to find the most suitable option.

Poison, fire, cold, etc., various attribute damage are integrated into the alloy, or even mixed into it, to experiment with combat effects and lethality.

In the end, the Half-Dragon Familia only retained two kinds of alloy materials with attribute damage, one was an alloy material that was a mixture of poison and fire damage; the other was an alloy material that was poison and cold damage.

With these two alloy materials containing special damage, the weapons produced are enough to meet most of the combat needs of half-dragon warriors.

The runes are solved, the materials are solved, and finally the craftsman's skills are improved. After all, whether the weapon is made by hundreds of refinements, thousands of refinements, or ten thousand refinements, the gap in quality, effect, and combat power is undoubtedly huge.

Among the thirty-six lines of life inheritance that Liang Ji purchased, there is also a Tiangong inheritance. After the resources and inheritance are full, it will be enough to forge the best and strongest weapons and equipment.

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