The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1166 Fragmented Galaxy The Uses of Middle and Low-level Familia

The 'Dragon Starship' has been sailing in the void for several months, and the Void Blue Bull has not been lured or found, but the 'fragmented galaxy' mentioned by the 'Aka Feather Saint' has arrived.

Liang Ji finished his observation and research in the natal star galaxy, walked out of seclusion, and looked at the 'fragmented galaxy' ahead.

Indeed, as the 'Aka Feather Saint' said, a large number of star fragments are spread in the void ahead, covering an area probably not just one galaxy, but the size of multiple galaxies.

I don't know what the ninth-level celestial demon who left its power and traces here did in the past. He directly destroyed several galaxies and left behind such a "fragmented galaxy".

Standing at the edge of the 'Fragmented Galaxy', Liang Ji activated the pupil technique of 'Episode of the Star Spirit' and looked into the 'Fragmented Galaxy'. However, what he saw at this time was that the void, chaos, and the origin of the universe had returned to normal. But I can't see any receipt.

At least, in his current sight, he couldn't see anything wrong.

If you want to explore or make discoveries, I'm afraid you still have to go deep into this 'fragmented galaxy'.

Similarly, he carefully sensed the energy and threats at the edge of the 'fragmented galaxy', but he did not sense any danger as 'Aka Feather Saint' said.

I just don’t know. Is it because it’s been too long and the threat has already dissipated?

Or is it because Liang Ji's strength is so much greater than that of the 'Red Feather Saint', and the fatal threat the other party feels is just a drop in the bucket to him?

Although he did not feel threatened, Liang Ji did not become careless or relaxed.

Although the strength and methods of the seventh-order star master are not weak, and they can even destroy stars with just a move of their hands, in this boundless universe and vast starry sky, there are still those who can threaten or even kill the seventh-order star master. There are quite a few.

In particular, this 'fragmented galaxy' may be related to the ninth-order sky demon, which makes him unreasonable and cautious.

Therefore, Liang Ji thought about it and still did not choose to enter the "Fragmented Galaxy". Instead, he opened the "Star Gate" outside the "Fragmented Galaxy" and summoned the family members to send out the "Fragmented Galaxy".

He didn't even send out seventh-level dependents, but mainly middle- and low-level dependents, letting them ride on the 'star ship' to explore and search in the 'fragmented galaxy'.

Liang Ji viewed the situation in the 'Fragmented Galaxy' from the perspective of these low- and middle-level dependents.

After all, the number of seventh-level dependents in Liang Ji's natal star is limited now. It is quite troublesome to recover and replenish every dead and injured one, and he is reluctant to waste it in vain.

On the contrary, it is easier for mid-level family members to recover and replenish themselves. Even if there are casualties during the exploration process, Liang Ji will not feel too distressed.

This is the greatest use of these low- and middle-level dependents to high-level star masters.

Being able to test and inspect dangerous places for high-level star masters, you won’t feel bad even if you lose them.

At the moment, Liang Ji was sitting cross-legged on the 'Dragon Starship', staying outside the 'Fragmented Galaxy'. He even deliberately stayed away from the 'Fragmented Galaxy', moved some stars from some surrounding galaxies and the void, and arranged a small 'star array' in the void.

In this way, you can not only exercise and practice some methods of refining and forming formations, but also enhance your own safety. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

At this time, the middle and low-level family members sent by Liang Ji had also entered the "Fragmented Galaxy" and spread out to explore the situation in the "Fragmented Galaxy".

Liang Ji used the middle and low-level dependents as the base, manifested multiple "starlight projections", followed closely behind the middle- and low-level dependents, and checked the situation in the "fragmented galaxy".

In the past, when he was still a low-level star master, he could only manifest his "starlight projection" body within the Star Alliance by relying on the power of the "Celestial Star Array"; after he advanced to an intermediate-level star master, It has been able to manifest the 'star projection' body by its own power, but it can only manifest one.

But now, after he advanced to high-level star master, this 'starlight projection' body has been able to manifest in large numbers.

These 'star projection' bodies are nothing more than thoughts and consciousness, and have no combat power. They are worlds apart from the 'star spirit bodies', but they are quite suitable for long-distance exploration. Even if something happens and the body of the 'starlight projection' is destroyed, it will only destroy a thought or a ray of consciousness, and it will not have much impact on Liang Ji himself.

The only flaw may be that in order for this 'starlight projection' body to exist at a distance, it must have a 'base point' as a support, and the family members are the existences that can be used as a 'base point' and support.

Therefore, it is most suitable for long-distance exploration in dangerous places.

Thoughts swirled in Liang Ji's mind, but they did not hinder his exploration of the 'fragmented galaxy'.

I don't know if it's been too long, or if this place has long been searched by other people or other beings in the universe. Although Liang Ji continued to go deeper, he never found anything contaminated with the breath or traces of the ninth-level celestial demon.

In fact, there are no new discoveries even for star core fragments.

However, it was not all without gain. Among these galaxy fragments, Liang Ji's middle and low-level family members discovered a lot of resources and treasures such as star iron, gems, and spiritual jade.

These resources and treasures were obviously formed in the void after the stars in this galaxy were shattered. They have been tempered by the shattering of the galaxy, and have also experienced hundreds or thousands of years of polishing in the void universe, although they are not considered to be of the same level. High, but the quality is quite good.

These resources and treasures are scattered throughout the "Fragmented Galaxy". If Liang Ji is asked to search and collect these low-level resources and treasures, it may not be worthwhile.

However, in the process of the middle and low-level dependents exploring various places, it would be a good harvest to collect the resources and treasures discovered and send them back on the 'star ship'.

These middle and low-level resources and treasures may not be sold for the price of high-grade spiritual stones, but they can be sold by the Dragon Snake Merchant Guild after a trip or adventure is over and they return to the Star Alliance. It’s not necessarily possible that he can’t make a small amount of money to meet his spiritual needs.

What's more, he still has a family, relatives and friends behind him. Even if he can't use these small and medium-level low-level resources and treasures, it would be good to give them to the clan, relatives and friends for use.

Anyway, collecting these resources and treasures is something that middle and low-level family members do easily, and it will not waste his time or energy.

Moreover, under the extreme conditions of gold mining in the sand and the destruction of several galaxies, some high-level spiritual objects and resources suitable for his use may not be born.

At this moment, Liang Ji's attention was drawn to a place called "Starlight Projection".

But among the large fragments of stars in front of me, there is a seventh-level flame spirit seed. It seems to be the earth fire in the core of which star. It was condensed when the star was destroyed, and I don’t know what kind of tempering it has gone through. By fate, this seventh-level fire seed has five colors. It has obviously mutated. It can also be regarded as a cherished and rare high-level spiritual seed.

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