The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1168 Nirvana Star, the Galaxy of Universe Creation

In the center of the 'Fragmented Galaxy', Liang Ji checked the entire 'Fragmented Galaxy' among the middle and low-level family members, and after confirming that there was no other danger, he finally rode the 'Dragon Starship' to the center of the 'Fragmented Galaxy' and directly Look at the 'star' in front of you.

On this 'star', you can still see signs of incompleteness and cracks. With Liang Ji's current eyesight, he can tell at a glance that this 'star' has been reunited and reborn in Nirvana after being shattered.

He could even see that these fragments reunited on the 'star' did not come from one star, but after several stars shattered, a large number of fragments were attracted and gathered together, reunited and nirvana. Become this 'star'.

Because it is made up of fragments of several stars, the size of the reunited 'star' in front of you is also much larger than that of ordinary stars.

Even compared to the huge star that Saint Tianhe picked off at the beginning, it was no less difficult to deal with the huge star of the ninth-level demon Xuan Qi.

However, Liang Ji saw that the 'star' in front of him had not yet completely formed, and was still in the process of reunion, nirvana, and evolution. When its nirvana was completed, the cracks on the 'star' would disappear and the reunited fragments would completely merge into one. After that, its size should be reduced to less than half, which should still be smaller than the huge star controlled by Saint Tianhe.

But even so, after the reunion and nirvana of this 'star', its size is far larger than that of ordinary stars.

Liang Ji walked around the nirvana 'star' in front of him, carefully observing and sensing the aura within it, especially the aura coming from the many cracks and fragments.

However, being obscured and burned by the blazing stellar aura above the Nirvana Star, it was difficult to find anything for a while.

But at this time, Liang Ji's heart moved slightly, and he suddenly took out the 'Star Core Fragment' contaminated with the aura of the ninth-level heavenly demon that the 'Red Feather Saint' had given him.

Sure enough, after taking out the 'star core fragment', Liang Ji immediately felt that the 'star core fragment' in his hand was connected to the Nirvana 'star' in front of him, and the aura on it was entangled and connected.

There is even breath leaking out from the cracks and fragments on the 'star', and the blazing power of the star is difficult to burn or block.

"The breath of the ninth-level demon!"

Liang Ji's eyes suddenly lit up, and he stared at the cracks and fragments on the star, and even used the 'Star Spirit Eyes' pupil technique, hoping to see through these cracks and fragments, see the interior of the nirvana 'star'. Understand the situation.

It's a pity that Liang Ji can check the origin, star spiritual veins, etc. of ordinary stars, even seventh-level life stars, through the star technique of the 'Star Spirit Eye'.

But in the face of this star, even though Liang Ji had pushed the astrology of the 'Episode of the Star Spirit' to the extreme, it was still difficult to see clearly what was going on inside the star, let alone its origin.

If he wanted to forcefully observe, his eyes would only be burned by the blazing and terrifying flame power in the star.

"The cultivation level is still too low and the strength is too weak..."

Liang Ji couldn't help but sigh.

The seventh-level star master can already rub the stars at will, but he is still a little behind if he wants to rub the stars at will. I am afraid that he must at least reach the level of the eighth-level star master before he can have enough strength to rub the stars and peek inside the stars. origin.

And now...

Liang Ji looked at the star that was in Nirvana, and then at the 'star core fragment' in his hand that was stained with the aura of the ninth-level celestial demon, and then raised his hand and threw it towards the Nirvana star in front of him.

As expected, the ‘star core fragments’ were instantly attracted and swallowed into the star.

It was as if a drop of water fell into hot oil, causing considerable changes in the star.

A large number of blazing fire storms, magnetic field storms, star power storms, etc., erupted from this nirvana star.

Amid the roaring and shaking, the reunited fragments on the star began to move and squeeze continuously, and the cracks either spread or closed, changing drastically.

In this process, it is inevitable that more conditions and atmosphere inside the star will be revealed. Although Liang Ji can still see clearly, he has finally gained something.

"This seems to be just a reunited star. There are no void monsters or other things inside, and there are no ninth-level celestial monsters..."

"I feel much more relieved now!"

After peeking into some of the internal conditions of the 'star' and confirming that there were no dangers or enemies that could not be dealt with, Liang Ji's heart was completely settled.

Otherwise, if there are dangers that cannot be dealt with, or even some ninth-order celestial demons that are seriously injured or even reborn, Liang Ji will run away directly, no matter how many benefits and treasures there are in this 'fragmented galaxy'.

But now that there is no danger, Liang Ji can relax and slowly observe and plan for the nirvana 'star' in front of him.

At this time, the changes on the star have gradually become smaller, and the moving and squeezing fragments have returned to calm. Some of them have been integrated during the squeezing process; less than half of the cracks on the star have also been closed.

Correspondingly, the size of this star has also shrunk by a circle, but the progress of nirvana and rebirth has undoubtedly improved a lot.

boom! Rumble…

At this moment, Liang Ji suddenly heard roaring and shaking sounds coming from all over the 'Fragmented Galaxy'.

He immediately looked around and saw that in the 'Fragmented Galaxy', surrounding the central Nirvana star, there were many broken star fragments that began to converge, collide with each other, squeeze and merge together.

"This is the further growth of the nirvana star, affecting the broken galaxies around it. Under the action of gravity and magnetic field, the star fragments also begin to reunite, merge, and reassemble into stars!"

Liang Ji understood the reason at a glance.

At the same time, it is also clear that if there is no external interference, as the nirvana stars in the center continue to merge and grow, the impact on the surrounding 'broken galaxies' will be greater and greater, and the broken star fragments in the galaxy will continue to gather, Fusion, turned into stars.

In the end, a large galaxy with a large star will take shape in this void area.

Even if the stars and stars grow enough during this process, life stars may be nurtured within them, turning them into a large life galaxy.

This is the creation of the universe, the process of generating galaxies and even life galaxies.

However, such a process is often extremely slow and may take thousands, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of years before the creation of the universe is completed.

Moreover, any unexpected changes encountered during this process may cause the process of 'cosmic creation' of galaxies to be interrupted or even end in collapse.

In the sea of ​​stars in the universe, what is often most indispensable are various unexpected factors.

Void monsters chasing starlight, passing stars, black holes, sudden cosmic disasters, gods, elemental spirits, or other indigenous practitioners who discover this place... and adventurous and traveling star masters like Liang Ji!

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