The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1175 Blank ‘Star Map’ Lingbao Starry Sky Map

In the outer star sea, in the void.

Liang Ji held up a blank 'star map' and poured star power into it to activate it. Suddenly, bright starlight burst out from it, sweeping across the entire Jupiter planet ahead.

The huge devouring power and the sweeping power of starlight immediately absorbed the Jupiter planet into the blank 'star map'.

Looking at the 'star map', one can see that the Jupiter planet is in a stationary state, as if frozen.

This blank 'star map' was a treasure Liang Ji purchased from the Lingbao Star Palace before leaving the Star Alliance.

The Lingbao Star Palace specializes in the study of Lingbao and is good at making this kind of 'Star Map' Lingbao. The most powerful ones can even seal a galaxy. Liang Ji has seen such 'Galaxy Star Map' Lingbao many times before.

However, the blank 'Star Map' he purchased was just an ordinary 'Star Map' Lingbao produced by Lingbao Star Palace, which usually could only store one star.

Such blank ‘star maps’ are also treasures that high-level star owners in the Star Alliance often purchase and carry with them.

After all, the seventh-level star master needs to refine the virtual galaxy and arrange the star array. The most common method is to choose the appropriate stars, move them to the native galaxy, and refine them into the stars in the galaxy.

Before moving the stars, it would be much more convenient to have such a blank 'star map' and seal the selected stars in it and carry it with you.

After all, it is impossible for a high-level star master to find a star that interests him when traveling abroad and immediately move it to the galaxy where his natal star is located within the Star Alliance.

This is a waste of time and often delays things. Moreover, the most important thing is that when the galaxy is refining, it is best to refine multiple stars together. Refining one by one with too long interval will often cause problems in the refining galaxy.

Therefore, you can seal the stars you like in the blank 'star map' spiritual treasure, and when you have accumulated enough stars, you can then refining the natal star galaxy in a unified manner.

boom! boom! Rumble…

As Liang Ji refined the 'Jupiter Planet' into the blank 'Star Map', the surrounding stars and the galaxy where the 'Jupiter Planet' was located were also affected. The originally stable magnetic field, gravity, etc. began to appear chaotic. As a result, some stars in the galaxy began to shift, either approaching each other or rushing out of the galaxy.

There were even stars colliding together, causing roaring explosions, and the stars were shattered and destroyed.

Liang Ji did not intervene in this, nor did he leave.

Instead, he stayed in the void outside this galaxy, watching the changes in the galaxy and observing the colliding and broken stars.

Such drastic changes, as well as the collision and shattering of stars, often produce some special spiritual materials and treasures. Liang Ji wanted to see if he could pick up some precious resources and treasures.

What's more, the process of such a galaxy going from balance to chaos and finally returning to balance is extremely rare, and it also contains a certain path of order.

It is also worthy of Liang Ji’s observation and understanding.

A month later, the chaotic galaxy returned to balance and orderly operation. The rules of operation were different from before, but it was still the beauty of order, which Liang Ji was deeply impressed by.

Unfortunately, during the collision and shattering of those stars, he did not find any precious or rare resources or treasures.

After all, although it is easy for treasures to be born from the collision and destruction of stars, it is not certain.

However, Liang Ji discovered that under the order of the newly formed galaxy, a star had moved to a special position in the galaxy, which could be regarded as a key node.

If the galaxy continues to operate according to the order of the galaxy, perhaps in thousands or tens of thousands of years, this star at a key node may breed life and become a new life star.

And even if they don't contain life, the stars at this special node can often easily contain some special resources and treasures.

Unfortunately, such a nurturing process can only be formed by the self-rotation and creation of the galaxy.

However, Liang Ji could not manually intervene to speed up the process, otherwise it would only destroy the stars, making it difficult for the stars to contain life or treasures.

"So, this possible life star or resource star is destined to have no chance with me."

"On the contrary, we can record the star map here and arrange it for future generations to check. Maybe they can gain something."

Liang Ji's mind was spinning, and he immediately recorded the surrounding star maps, coordinates, roads, etc. to form a starry sky map.

At the same time, he also made some arrangements and markings around the galaxy, which could slightly hide the galaxy, drive away the void monsters, etc., so that the galaxy would not be accidentally destroyed before the cultivation was completed.

After looking at the 'Starry Sky Map' in his hand, Liang Ji put it away.

He has no use for this 'starry sky map', but he can give it to his descendants in the future, just like the 'starry sky maps' that Sage Tianhe gave him. There are many recorded galaxies and void positions, as well as This galaxy is the same, it is some special galaxies and resource places discovered by the other party in the outer star sea.

However, the special stars, resources, etc. contained in it were either no longer needed by the other party, or the other party could not wait, so the "Starry Sky Map" was recorded and given to the younger generation Liang Ji, who would receive and explore it.

I just don’t know which of his descendants will be rewarded with the ‘starry sky map’ that Liang Ji has recorded now.

Finally, he explored the stars in the galaxy and found out whether they could maintain the existence of a 'Jupiter planet' in the galaxy. This star itself also had some special characteristics and was suitable for cultivating life on suitable stars.

Unfortunately, this star is not what Liang Ji needs, and he is not willing to destroy the galaxy where a new order of operation is formed, and the stars that may harbor life, so Liang Ji only briefly explores the star and does not do anything to it. Any hands or feet, they chose to leave.

Afterwards, the 'Prison Ox Starship' continued to fly and explore in the surrounding void and sea of ​​stars with other 'Dragon Beast Starships'. Liang Ji boarded the 'Dragon Starship' and returned to the place surrounded by starships. In the central position, while monitoring the situation of the starships and the information obtained from the investigation, it flew in the direction of the established target.

On top of the 'Dragon Starship', Liang Ji has another task in addition to his own cultivation, managing his natal stars, studying the thirteen-color star cores, and monitoring the situation of the 'Dragon Starships'.

It is to study and observe the "Jupiter planets" included in the "star chart".

Liang Ji completely included this 'Jupiter Planet' into the blank 'Star Map'. Later, he naturally intended to completely refine the entire 'Jupiter Planet' into his natal star system and become a star in the galaxy. Special stars.

However, the natal stars are related to his foundation after all, so he needs to examine and study the stars that are refined into the galaxy thoroughly to ensure that there are no potential problems or dangers in them, so as not to threaten his natal stars after being refined into the galaxy.

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