The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1178 The Star Formation Suitable for You and the Difficult Experimental Road

Sanyang Galaxy, this is the name given by Liang Ji to this galaxy.

Originally, in the 'Starry Sky Map' left by 'Sage Tianhe', this galaxy did not even have a name, only a number.

Liang Ji was walking in the "Three Yang Galaxy" and looked at the three relatively rotating stars in the galaxy with a look of joy on his face.

The ‘Tianhe Sage’ should have intended to arrange multiple stars in his natal star system from the very beginning, in order to arrange them into a ‘simulation of the celestial star array’.

Therefore, even if this galaxy is used for experiments and verifications, it is arranged with multiple stars selected.

However, according to the records in its 'star map', when this galaxy was originally laid out, there were only two stars.

'Sage Tianhe' had just become a seventh-level star master for the first time. Although he successfully arranged a galaxy by studying the 'Celestial Star Array', with his strength at the time, he could only build a galaxy in the galaxy at best. Arrange two stars.

However, the number of stars in the galaxy in front of us has changed from two to three. One of them is naturally generated by the creation of the universe in this galaxy over the past thousands of years.

It was also because of the appearance of this third star that it had a great impact on the entire galaxy. It caused a huge change from the galaxy originally arranged by the 'Sage Tianhe', and it took Liang Ji a long time to identify this location.

At this time, Liang Ji observed the relative motion trajectories of the three stars in the center of the galaxy, as well as the orbits of many stars in the entire surrounding galaxy. He recorded these trajectories in detail, which contained the 'array path' of a large galaxy array. .

There are not only the arrays contained in the 'Zhou Tianxing Array', but also the natural arrays created by the universe.

As long as Liang Ji gets something from it and uses it in the layout of his own natal star system, he will get a lot of benefits.

However, as Liang Ji recorded the movements of stars and stars in detail, he gradually discovered that the star formations contained in the "Three Yang Galaxy" seemed to be similar to the "Six Yangs" he had seen in the "Tianhe Galaxy". 'The formation trajectories of galaxies are so different!

Although there are similarities, they go in two directions.

This made Liang Ji scratch his head.

In the 'Tianhe Galaxy', the galaxy array arranged by Sage Tianhe is undoubtedly a proven and mature array. It can even control the flow of time above the natal stars, which is also Liang Ji's goal.

But the star array contained in the "Three Yang Galaxy" in front of us is half artificial and half cosmic, and naturally contains unique and mysterious features.

As a result, the star formations in the two galaxies went in two directions. How should he choose?

After pondering for a moment, Liang Ji made a decision. He first continued to record the orbits of the stars and stars in the "Three Yang Galaxy", as well as the star arrays contained in them, and even personally participated in it to promote the stars and stars. Operate according to the original trajectory and rules, so as to personally experience and understand the array contained in it.

Make sure that he has a thorough grasp of the formations contained in this galaxy.

At the same time, he also sent a large number of dependents to search the "Three Yang Galaxy" from the inside out, collecting all kinds of star resources, void spiritual objects, etc.

Make sure that this galaxy has little remaining value.

Therefore, Liang Ji began to take action and intervene in the operation of the galaxy through "artificial creation".

The creation of the universe, which has been in existence for more than 5,000 years, has turned this galaxy back onto the path of artificial creation.

Of course, this time he continued to create and distort stars, but moved the stars and even the positions of stars in the galaxy to transform and rearrange the arrays in the galaxy according to the needs of "artificial creation".

Since it is difficult to determine which development direction is appropriate, we might as well verify it through on-site experiments.

As he has been practicing on the road of Star Master for a long time, Liang Ji has already become familiar with the path of Star Master cultivation, which is mostly in experiments and research.

From the beginning of experiments on the natal star, to later experiments on other stars and even stars, to now experiments in various galaxies, and even in the future, experiments and research may be conducted in a star field.

This is the path that Star Master monks continue to explore and advance.

As for the damage and destruction of stars, stars, and even galaxies caused by this, it is not taken seriously by the star owners.

As a major overlord in the boundless sea of ​​​​stars, the Star Lord of the Star Alliance has never been a good person.

At this time, Liang Ji pushed the stars in the "Sanyang Galaxy" to move their positions. He did not directly arrange the positions of the galaxy array in the "Tianhe Galaxy", but first understood and studied the "Zhoutian Stars" according to his own understanding. Array diagram' obtained, layout, experiment.

In a sense, it can be regarded as a continuation of the experiments carried out by Sage Tianhe here to verify and study the formations contained in the 'Zhoutian Star Array', in order to find the formations that suit him.

After all, whether it is the semi-artificial or semi-natural star formations of the 'Sanyang Galaxy' or the saint formations left in the 'Tianhe Galaxy', although they are both good and have their own mysteries, only those suitable for Liang Ji's natal star formations is the most suitable.

Therefore, Liang Ji's first experiment was to try to arrange the formations in the "Three Yang Galaxy" according to the "Celestial Star Array" to study a path that suits him.

Amidst the roaring and vibrating sounds, the stars were pushed and moved by Liang Ji, changing their positions in the galaxy. The star array composed of the entire galaxy was also slowly changing, and was being experimented in Liang Ji's hands. The formation path contained in the Zhoutian Star Formation Diagram.

It's just that this process is not smooth. The three stars are in the center of the galaxy. The explosive magnetic field and gravity envelope the entire galaxy. They have huge control over every star in the galaxy.

Even with Liang Ji's cultivation as a seventh-level star, and with the help of a group of seventh-level dependents and gods, it is becoming increasingly difficult to move these stars.

Moreover, as the stars move and rearrange themselves, the magnetic field and gravitational field covering the entire galaxy are gradually disrupted, creating many whirlpools and undercurrents in the galaxy.

If you are not careful, not only some moving stars will be torn apart by the chaotic magnetic field and gravitational field, but also Liang Ji and his family members will be easily injured by the vortex and turbulence.

This also made Liang Ji more aware of the difficulty of refining the void and arranging the galaxy.

This is just a modification and arrangement on the original galaxy, and it is only a galaxy with three stars.

If Liang Ji wanted to arrange a galaxy from scratch, or even a special galaxy with more stars and life stars, you can imagine how difficult it would be.

"So, we still need to do more experiments and research, and master a mature plan."

The thoughts in Liang Ji's mind were spinning, and there was a sudden roar and explosion not far away.

But it was a star that he had moved and arranged before. As he continued to move and arrange the galaxy array, it was accidentally destroyed by the chaotic and churning galaxy magnetic field and gravitational field, and exploded on the spot.

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