The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1195 Special Stars Change Thoughts

Of course, whether the 'September Galaxy' designed by Peng Yue can be realized, how the star array should be arranged, etc. have not yet been verified. At present, it is just a direction chosen by Peng Yue.

Next, like Liang Ji, she will go to the outer star sea to search for various galaxies, suitable stars, treasures, etc., and conduct corresponding experimental verifications.

Determine the correctness of the ‘September Galaxy’ they designed, as well as the specific star array layout plan, etc.

"But..." Liang Ji looked at Peng Yue's preliminary design and frowned: "Madam, the 'September Galaxy' you designed has nine stars with different attributes, all of which are required to be extreme stars of one attribute. , such stars are difficult to find even in the outer star sea."

"I have been traveling and exploring in the outer star sea for decades, and I have never encountered many stars with such extreme attributes. What's more, you have to gather nine extreme attributes stars with different attributes..."

Liang Ji was obviously not optimistic about this.

Peng Yue smiled when he heard this, and said: "The inheritance of refining the void and setting up the formation of the 'Wanxiang Star Palace' that I received from my mentor requires stars with different attributes. And since the 'Wanxiang Star Palace' has this inheritance, naturally I also know that in Where can I find stars with these extreme attributes?”

Liang Ji couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he heard this. These extreme attribute stars were the most suitable choice for Peng Yue to use to refine the void and arrange the galaxy array, and it was naturally a good choice for him.

He wants to arrange the "Nine Yang Galaxy" and the "Imitation Zhoutian Star Array" in his natal star galaxy, which is destined to have a large number of stars in his galaxy, far exceeding ordinary galaxies.

It is naturally better to choose various special stars for these stars. In addition to the necessary life stars, such attribute stars containing extreme attributes are naturally also a good choice.

Just like the "Jupiter", "Jade Star" and other stars he had collected in the outer star sea before, if he could harvest some stars with different attributes, collect all the attributes and arrange them in his own star galaxy , which is naturally of great benefit to the entire galaxy, the layout of the galaxy array, and one's own natal stars.

Peng Yue obviously saw what her husband meant, and did not hide it. He smiled and said directly: "In this boundless sea of ​​stars, the place with the largest number of stars with the most extreme attributes is the spiritual world."

"Spiritual world!" Liang Ji reacted instantly after hearing this.

The spiritual world is dominated by elemental spirits. These elemental spirits are born from various extreme and rich elemental lands. They are also best at twisting and transforming various places and stars into elemental lands and elemental stars with various extreme attributes.

Therefore, the spiritual world is naturally affected by it and has stars with various extreme attributes.

This is a very obvious and simple truth. Liang Ji just didn't realize it before.

At the same time, by drawing inferences from one example, he thought that the nine star palaces in the Star Alliance might all control the location of some special stars, which could meet the needs of refining and forming formations inherited from each star palace.

Like the Vientiane Star Palace, it focuses on stars with various extreme attributes in the spiritual world.

Kunlun Star Palace may also have a way to seize various special stars containing divine attributes from the God Realm.

The Taiyi Star Palace must also know where there are stars suitable for the inheritance of its own star palace.

The other major star palaces must all have similar grasps.

And he wants to collect all kinds of special stars. In addition to aimlessly traveling, exploring, searching, and trying his luck in the outer star sea, the best way is to obtain information from the nine star palaces and go to the nine star palaces to master it. In some special areas, it is most convenient and quick to collect the corresponding special stars.

"However, the special stars that the nine star palaces control must be important secrets in several star palaces. Unless you are a high-level star master in the star palace, it is generally difficult to obtain information support."

"Peng Yue is very lucky to be able to obtain the Void Refining and Formation inheritance of the Vientiane Star Palace from his mentor, and even obtain information about some stars with special attributes in the spiritual world. It should be that his mentor is optimistic about her and specially prepared for him. of!"

"And if I want to obtain from the nine star palaces, the special star land information they have exclusive and mastered, I am afraid it will not be easy..."

"Although I have some status in the Star Alliance due to my fusion of the three-gate star palace inheritance and my special performance in the war to open up the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory', and I even have quite good connections with many high-level star masters, but These special star places are, after all, related to the foundation of the nine star palaces..."

Liang Ji's thoughts were whirling in his mind and he quickly made inferences.

"Kunlun Star Palace, Wanxiang Star Palace, and Taiyi Star Palace. These three star palaces are closely related to my inheritance of cultivation and integration. They are also the closest to me. There should be hope to obtain information support from some special stars!"

"But the other six star palaces don't have much or too close relationship with me. Even if I have some acquaintances in those star palaces, or even familiar classmates, I'm afraid it will be difficult for them to have anything wrong with such a major event. force."

"However, regardless of whether it works or not, let's try contacting all nine star palaces first."

"If it doesn't work, forget it. If any star palace is willing to provide information, it will be a profit!"

Liang Ji made a decision in his heart.

At the moment, he was not in a hurry to leave the Star Alliance with Peng Yue and go to the outer star sea to continue traveling and conduct experiments on refining the void and setting up formations. Instead, he temporarily stayed in the Star Alliance and contacted the nine star palaces.

Even in order to obtain as much support as possible from the information of each star palace, when Liang Ji contacted him, he did not ask for information for nothing, but offered to purchase the information with spiritual stones, meritorious deeds, etc., or to accept star palace tasks as a reward. Exchange etc.

He still wants to obtain as much special star information as possible from the Star Palace, so as to collect as many special stars as possible for use in the refinement and arrangement of his own natal star galaxy.

After all, the more types and quantities of special stars there are, the higher the success rate of arranging the 'Nine Suns Galaxy' and the 'Imitation Zhoutian Star Array' in his own natal star galaxy, and the better the effect on his own natal stars.

Therefore, even if there are special requirements and difficult tasks in each star palace, Liang Ji is willing to try them.

After he contacted him, as he expected, Kunlun Star Palace, Vientiane Star Palace, and Taiyi Star Palace, the three star palaces with which he had the closest relationship, all responded to him one after another.

The three major star palaces all directly passed on to him the special star information he needed free of charge, and even passed on the succession and formation inheritance mastered in the star palaces for research and reference.

This fully proves the support of the three major star palaces for him.

After all, Liang Ji is a seventh-level star master who has integrated the inheritance of the three major star palaces and advanced. His cultivation path and success are also the most beneficial to the three major star palaces.

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