The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1204 The sea of ​​stars near the spiritual world


The ultra-limited 'moment element' star technique can be said to be invincible at the same level, and can even block the attack force of the eighth level across levels.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue traveled and explored in the outer star sea. The most dangerous encounter was when they encountered an eighth-level void monster, and it was only through Liang Ji's extraordinary performance that he escaped.

Of course, it was also during that crisis that Liang Ji and Peng Yue suffered the heaviest losses. Almost all their seventh-level family members and starships were killed or injured. Most of the gods in his "God List" also perished in that battle. Relying on the source of the stars to nourish the "Bang of Gods", it took a lot of time to regenerate the gods and restore their fighting strength.

At this time, Liang Ji pushed the "momentary element" killing star technique to the super-limit level, and its lethality has been proven for a long time.

With one hammer blow, the seventh-level mountain spirit was severely injured and knocked down, making it completely unstoppable.

"not good!"

"Save the third child quickly..."

On the other side of the battlefield, the seventh-order fire spirit and the seventh-order wind spirit also changed their expressions when they saw this. They all exclaimed and wanted to rescue the seventh-order mountain spirit.

However, Peng Yue also exploded with all his strength at this time, entangled the two seventh-level elemental spirits, and did not give them a chance to escape and rescue them.

And Liang Ji has once again raised the giant hammer of elements formed by the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts', and continued to gather the power of the inheritance of the three star palaces. He blasted out another super-limited level of 'Instant Element', directly bombarding the heavily damaged person. On the seventh-level mountain spirit.

Amidst the roaring and shattering sounds, the seventh-level mountain spirit was killed directly with just the second blow. The body of the mountain, which was as big as a star, shattered. The out-of-control origin and power of law impacted in all directions, distorting the void and forming a Taoist phenomenon. .

Liang Ji did not rush to clean up the battlefield, and quickly used the "Suppressing Xu" star technique to suppress the Taoist phenomenon of the seventh-level mountain spirit's death.

Then, he raised the 'Elemental Hammer' and blasted it towards the seventh-level wind spirit that was being suppressed by Peng Yue's 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' on the battlefield.

"No, this Star Master is powerful. We are no match. Run away quickly to seek support..."

The seventh-level Fengling who was suppressed by Peng Yue's 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods' suddenly exclaimed, and then directly self-destructed his elemental body. The wind of the endless void burst out, overturning the suppressed 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Techniques'.

A wind elemental spirit crystal immediately took advantage of the chaos and rushed into the void torn apart by the wind of void, and escaped.

Seeing this, Liang Ji and Peng Yue had no time to pursue him, and finally they all set their sights on the last seventh-level fire spirit.

The seventh-level fire spirit changed his color instantly and cursed angrily: "Boss Feng, you are unjust..."

Before he finished speaking, the seventh-level fire spirit wanted to imitate the seventh-level wind spirit and blew himself up to escape. However, Liang Ji and Peng Yue were already prepared, so how could they succeed.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue simultaneously activated the high-level star masters of the 'moment element', each wielding the giant hammers of the elements transformed from the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts', and struck the seventh-level fire spirit in unison, immediately smashing its figure and origin. Scattered and bombarded on the spot, there is no way it has the power to self-destruct.

Although Peng Yue's 'Instant Element' Star Technique was not as good as Liang Ji's ability to integrate the three-door star palace inheritance beyond the limit, his intensive refinement of the Vientiane Star Palace inheritance, coupled with his own arrival, the 'element giant' struck down. On top of the hammer, the origins of the seven elements are integrated into one, and the power of the explosion is also very terrifying, and it can restrain the power of the seventh-level fire spirit.

Therefore, under the bombardment of these two hammers, the seventh-level fire spirit could not survive even one round.

Afterwards, Liang Ji and Peng Yue quickly cleaned up the battlefield and acquired two seventh-level elemental spirit crystals. The two fallen elemental spirit bodies were also treasures no less than spiritual materials of the same level, and some special items could even be mined from them. of spiritual soil, spiritual fire and other treasures.

In addition, around the battlefield, there are many various fire spirits, wind spirits, stone spirits, etc. summoned by seventh-level elemental spirits, fighting with the families and starships under Liang Ji and Peng Yue.

At this time, two of the three seventh-level elemental spirits escaped. The summoned fire spirits, wind spirits, stone spirits, etc. suddenly lost their support. They either collapsed in the void or were destroyed by the two families and stars. The ship was taken directly.

Some lower-level spiritual objects and materials can also be collected from the summoned wind spirits, fire spirits, and stone spirits.

However, Liang Ji and Peng Yue only quickly collected the spiritual materials and treasures produced by the two fallen seventh-level elemental spirits. Although they had not yet captured all the summoned wind spirits, fire spirits, stone spirits, etc. , collected materials, but let them go, directly recalled the family members, starships, etc., and quickly left the battlefield.

Being able to encounter three seventh-order elemental spirits in this void at once was naturally not just a matter of luck or accident.

It's because this void area is already close to the super-civilized spiritual world, and can be regarded as an offshore area outside the spiritual world.

Therefore, it is not strange to encounter elemental spirits here, or even multiple high-level elemental spirits.

The reason why Liang Ji and Peng Yue came here was naturally because of the elemental stars in the spiritual world.

In the past few decades of traveling and exploring the outer star sea, Liang Ji and Peng Yue had marked various resource points, experimental galaxies, etc. on the "Starry Sky Map" left by the "Tianhe Sage", and they had basically visited all of them.

The various experiments and layouts related to the "imitation Zhoutian star array" left by the "Sage of Tianhe" are almost the same. If not, it would be difficult for Liang Ji to arrange the "Nine Suns Galaxy", and it would be difficult for Peng Yue to arrange the "September" Galaxy's perfection.

At the same time, some of the galaxies and void resource points left by the 'Tianhe Saint' have been mined by them. Those that can mine resources have also been mined by them, earning a lot of spiritual stones and profits. The ones that cannot be mined have also been marked, etc. I'll hand it over to someone else later.

As Liang Ji and Peng Yue's experimental research on natal star galaxies' refinement and arrangement gradually came to an end, and their respective galaxy layouts were basically determined, they naturally began to consider the special stars they needed.

The ‘divine stars’ in the divine world, the ‘elemental stars’ in the spiritual world, etc.

Among them, the 'elemental stars' of the spiritual world were both needed by Liang Ji and Peng Yue, so while traveling and exploring in the outer star sea, the two of them slowly moved towards the star sea area where the spiritual world was located.

Now, we have approached the offshore area around the 'Spirit World', and the probability of encountering various elemental spirits has naturally increased. However, this time we bumped into three high-level elemental spirits, which was a bit unexpected. .

But regardless of whether it was an accident or not, Liang Ji and Peng Yue obviously cannot stay on this battlefield for too long, otherwise the seventh-level wind spirits who self-destructed and fled may have already sent news of their whereabouts back to the spirit world, and there have been more reports. There are many high-level elemental spirits, and there may even be eighth-level elemental spirits coming after getting the news.

If they don't leave cleanly and are blocked by more high-level elemental spirits or even eighth-level elemental spirits, even with Liang Ji and Peng Yue's combat power, they will become very dangerous.

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