The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1211 Creating a Black Hole and Fallen Monster

The spiritual world, the earth and Mars realm!

In this star field, because the element stars are mainly composed of various earth element stars and fire element stars, it is directly named the 'Earth and Mars Field'.

Liang Ji's mind and consciousness at this time, along with the elemental spirits of more than a dozen 'dragon beasts' under his command, quietly lurked in the 'Earth and Mars Domain', waiting for the opportunity to come.

According to the information he got from Yang Yanni, the fallen elemental spirits of the 'Ten Thousand Demons Palace' are about to launch an attack plan in this 'Earth and Mars Domain'.

Therefore, Liang Ji and Peng Yue awakened some of the elemental spirits that had sneaked into the spiritual world and asked them to lurk near the 'Earth and Mars Domain', waiting for the riots in the 'Ten Thousand Demons Palace' to fish in troubled waters.

The reason why all the latent elemental spirits were not awakened was naturally just as a precaution.

Although it is said that the outbreak of the Ten Thousand Demons Palace in this 'Earth and Mars Domain' will be a rare opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

But there is no guarantee that something will not happen.

For example, the elemental spirits in the spirit world have long been eyeing the actions of the 'Ten Thousand Demons Palace' and immediately suppressed them when they broke out. Although Yang Yanni said that the Star Alliance intelligence department had already taken action to cover up the actions of the 'Ten Thousand Demons Palace', the spirits The spirit of world elements will not be discovered before the riot breaks out, but it may not be completely accurate.

The elemental spirits in the spiritual world may also be plotting against the Demon Palace and the Star Alliance intelligence department at the same time.

Or, even if the elemental spirits in the spiritual world do not discover the action in advance, it is possible that when the 'Ten Thousand Demons Palace' breaks out, an eighth-level or even ninth-level elemental spirit will happen to pass by this 'Earth-Mars Domain' and then take action. Suppressed the actions of the 'Ten Thousand Demons Palace' and so on.

In short, no action is ever foolproof.

Naturally, Liang Ji and Peng Yue could not put all their hopes here and send all the lurking elemental spirits here. If something went wrong, the whole army would be annihilated.

What's more, even if their actions in this 'Earth Mars Domain' are successful, they will only be able to harvest earth element stars and fire element stars, which are far away from the various attribute element stars that Liang Ji and Peng Yue want to collect. There are still many gaps.

Naturally, they cannot use all the elemental spirits that have sneaked in here.

Therefore, it is enough to awaken the part to fish in troubled waters.

After the elemental spirits awakened by the two lurked in the 'Earth-Mars Domain', they had no intention of gathering together to act. They also dispersed directly and acted separately to reduce the risk of exposure as much as possible.

After waiting like this for about three months, there was no movement in the 'Earth and Mars Domain', so much so that Liang Ji began to doubt the accuracy of Yang Yanni's information.

And on this day, dozens of terrifying explosions suddenly erupted all over the 'Earth and Mars Domain'.

Liang Ji had a dozen dragon beast elemental spirits scattered throughout the 'Earth and Mars Domain'. One of them happened to be not far from an explosion. His mind and consciousness were controlled by that dragon beast elemental spirit. See clearly.

It was an ordinary star in the star field. It suddenly exploded without warning, and then directly turned into a huge black hole in the void where it was located, and began to swallow everything around it.

Void, chaos, stars, elemental stars, and even elemental spirits!

Even Liang Ji's dragon beast elemental spirit who saw the whole process was swallowed up by the 'black hole' that suddenly appeared and exploded, and was unable to escape in time.

After all, the dragon beast elemental spirits he sent into the spirit world were only mid-level elemental spirits with limited strength, and it was impossible to withstand the black hole devouring the black hole that erupted at close range.

Liang Ji's mind and consciousness quickly separated from the swallowed dragon beast elemental spirit. Although it was a pity for the sacrificed and fallen dragon beast elemental spirit, he did not pay too much attention to it.

From the moment he sent these elemental spirits into the spirit world, he had already been prepared. He was even ready to sacrifice these dragon beast elemental spirits in the spirit world.

Now he only sacrificed one person, but he observed the actions of the 'Ten Thousand Demons Palace' at close range, which was a gain for him.

"The 'Ten Thousand Demons Palace' can actually directly explode stars and create black holes to swallow everything!"

"This is obviously much more powerful than the 'Ten Thousand Demons Palace' magic cultivators I have seen in the Star Alliance!"

"This should not only be the method of the fallen elemental spirits of the 'Ten Thousand Demons Palace' in the spiritual world. I am afraid that it is a new powerful method that has been improved by the 'Ten Thousand Demons Palace' after the leakage of the 'Qi of Heavenly Demons'!"

"If the Star Alliance's 'Ten Thousand Demons' Demon Cultivator also launches such an attack in the Star Alliance, detonating stars and creating black holes, even if the Star Alliance has the 'Celestial Star Array' to suppress it, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of damage. Loss!"

The thoughts in Liang Ji's mind turned around. The strength and means of the "Ten Thousand Demons Palace" operation were indeed stronger than he expected.

"Perhaps, there are already demon cultivators from the 'Ten Thousand Demons Palace' in the Star Alliance who have acted like this, so the Star Alliance intelligence department sent Yang Yanni like this. She was born in the Guixu Star Palace and is also a star master who studies black holes to track down the 'Ten Thousand Demons Palace'." '?"

With thoughts swirling in his mind, Liang Ji's mind and consciousness continued to focus on the elemental spirits of dragons and beasts lurking in the "Earth and Mars Domain", and ordered those elemental spirits to explode in more than a dozen places and black holes. The area lurks away.

As those black holes exploded, I don't know what method the 'Ten Thousand Demons Palace' used, and where the black holes were connected. It can be seen that the black holes that exploded not only swallowed up the surrounding void, stars, elemental stars, elemental spirits, etc., but also There are also a large number of various demon dyes, fallen void monsters, elemental spirits, and even monks, demon gods, etc., fighting out of the erupting black holes and heading towards the elemental stars in the 'Earth-Mars Domain'.

Culling and capturing the various elemental spirits among them, and even driving the various elemental stars towards those black holes, in order to send all the elemental stars and the elemental spirits within them into the demon-dyed black holes.

For this reason, in this Mars domain, there are also a large number of elemental spirits coming out to fight and fight with the demon-dyed void monsters, fallen elemental spirits, demon gods, demon cultivators, etc. that rush out from the black holes.

The elemental spirits lurked by Liang Ji and Peng Yue also took this opportunity to rush out one after another and merged into these fighting elemental spirits to fight with the fallen void monsters, demon cultivators, fallen elemental spirits, etc. fighting.

So that they can smoothly integrate into these spiritual elemental spirits.

In this way, even if the elemental spirits under their command failed to fish in troubled waters and harvest the needed elemental stars in this chaos, they could still take advantage of this opportunity to better integrate into the spirit world, which was considered a worthwhile trip.

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