The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1222: Escape successfully and return to the Star Alliance to avoid the limelight

boom! boom! Rumble…

When Liang Ji sacrificed the 'Dragon Ball' and swallowed more than half of the 'Spirit of Creation' light group and wanted to continue, he suddenly heard a roar.

He immediately looked through the infiltrated dragon beast elemental spirit, and immediately saw the 'imitation Zhoutian star array' composed of a large number of elemental stars, elemental stars, etc. ejected from the illusory and real 'melting furnace of all laws'. 'It is vibrating and rotating violently.

Every elemental star and elemental star among them is vibrating and erupting with bright starlight and elemental light, as if they are exploding and operating at full strength, suppressing the surrounding void.

Liang Ji's heart suddenly tightened when he saw this, and he looked carefully at the void around him. Sure enough, he saw the void suppressed by the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' and the 'Familiar Star Array' composed of elemental stars. It was vibrating and shaking violently at this time. , as if there is some giant, powerful force in the void, trying to overturn the suppression and blockade of the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods' and the 'Imitation Zhoutian Star Array', and break through.

"Ninth level elemental spirit!"

Seeing this, Liang Ji immediately guessed the existence in the void that wanted to break out.

Sure enough, before he could be sure, the Yuxia Star Lord, who had transformed into the 'Elemental Starlight Giant' covering the black and white star field, had already raised his voice and ordered everyone: "The ninth-level elemental spirit is coming, everyone retreat immediately!"

Liang Ji no longer hesitated at the moment and quickly took back the "Dragon Ball" that had swallowed more than half of the "Spirit of Creation" into the "Star Gate" and into the natal star.

At the same time, the three-gate star palace inheritance, as well as a few remaining seventh-order dragon beast elemental spirits and seventh-order dependents, were quickly retrieved into their natal stars through the 'star gate'.

But there are still a few intermediate elemental spirits left behind, and they have taken this opportunity to escape and lurk towards the void and the sea of ​​​​spirit stars far away from the 'black and white star field'!

Click! Click! Rumble…

And just when Liang Ji recalled the last seventh-level dragon beast elemental spirit to his natal star and closed the 'Star Gate', he noticed that cracks began to appear in the void outside the 'Black and White Star Field'.

The chaos of the void, in the struggle and contest between the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts', the 'Familiar Zhoutian Star Array' and the ninth-level elemental spirits, could no longer hold on and began to break!

Even some of the surrounding stars were implicated and began to roar and explode.

The illusory and real 'melting furnace of all laws' suppressed above has also begun to shake and oscillate, and among the many elemental stars that are ejected from it and form the 'imitation Zhoutian star array', some of them cannot hold on and begin to break and explode.

Obviously, in this spiritual world, the ninth-level elemental spirits that occupy the advantageous position are still somewhat stronger after all, and have gradually overcome the suppression of the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods' and the elemental stars' 'Imitation of the Zhoutian Star Array'.

Seeing this, Yuxia Star Master stopped plundering the 'Black and White Star Territory' and thrust two huge 'Elemental Starlight Giant Hands' into the 'Black and White Star Territory' to stir.

Then, the huge 'Elemental Starlight Giant' that shrouded the entire star field collapsed directly, and only a starlight that was soaked in the origin of the 'Elemental Sea' and shined with bright elemental light flew out from it and merged with the elemental stars circulating around it. Imitating the array of stars in the sky, he flew directly into the "melting furnace of all things" that seemed both illusory and real.

Then, brilliant starlight erupted from the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts', opened the huge 'Starlight Gate' above in the void, and then charged towards it.

Click! boom……

Amidst the shattering and roaring sounds, the ninth-order elemental spirit finally broke out from the void and arrived near the 'Black and White Star Field'. It was a ninth-order mountain spirit. It rushed out from the void, its figure... The power expanded in an instant without any restraint, and its size was not much smaller than the 'Black and White Star Field' on the side.

The collision of size and power even made the already chaotic 'Black and White Starfield' on the side even more turbulent.

"The Forge of All Laws!"

"It's your Vientiane Star Palace again!"

When the ninth-level mountain spirit arrived, he did not immediately pay attention to the situation in the 'Black and White Star Field'. Instead, he locked tightly on the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods' that was escaping into the 'Starlight Gate'. It was obvious that he had fought many times with the Wanxiang Star Palace. An old rival, he recognized Wanxiang Xinggong’s methods at a glance, and immediately shouted angrily:

"Where to escape!"

Before he finished speaking, the ninth-level mountain spirit waved his hand towards the 'Starlight Gate' and the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' that escaped into the 'Starlight Gate'.

At that moment, it was as if a vast and boundless mountain was suppressing it, directly crushing the 'Starlight Gate', imprisoning the void, and even suppressing and imprisoning the 'Furnace of All Laws' that had escaped into the 'Starlight Gate', and was about to stop it. It escapes.

At the critical moment, opposite the collapsed 'Starlight Gate', a bright starlight rushed from the direction of the Covenant. In the starlight, various stars could be faintly seen floating and rotating, forming a 'circular sky array', directly Crash into the boundless mountain that suppresses it.

In the loud roar, the boundless mountain that crushed the 'Gate of Starlight', imprisoned the void, and suppressed the 'Furnace of All Laws' was directly overturned and knocked away. The collapsed 'Gate of Starlight' stabilized again, and the imprisoned void Recovering quickly, the escaped 'Furnace of All Laws' suddenly accelerated again, passed directly through the 'Gate of Starlight', and escaped back to the Star Alliance.

"Covenant! You are declaring war!"

Seeing this, the ninth-level mountain spirit tried to stop him but it was too late. He could only shout angrily and threaten to declare war.

But the half-collapsed Starlight Gate collapsed directly, and the Star Alliance on the opposite side showed no intention of responding.

The ninth-level mountain spirit could only curse a few times, and then his body swayed above the chaotic 'black and white star field'.

Due to the massive plundering of the Yuxia Star Lord, at least dozens of element stars, and even several element stars, were missing from the 'Black and White Star Field' at this time, making the entire 'Black and White Star Field' completely out of balance, with chaotic elements. The force, chaotic magnetic field, and chaotic gravity cause the stars in the entire star field to shift, turbulence, and collide with each other.

What's more, there is also the Yuxia Star Lord who deliberately stirred up the star field before leaving.

And after the arrival of the ninth-level mountain spirit, he used all his strength to prevent the escape of the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts', the explosive power and attack, and the impact on the 'Black and White Star Territory'.

Various factors have led to the current chaos and turmoil in the 'Black and White Star Territory'. If this continues, the entire 'Black and White Star Territory' will probably be completely destroyed in this turmoil and collision.

At this time, the ninth-level mountain spirit could only take action first to stabilize the turbulent and chaotic 'black and white star field', and then slowly adjust and restore it to stabilize it again.

But these have nothing to do with Liang Ji and others.

In the star sea outside the spiritual world, Liang Ji, Peng Yue and others have received a message from Star Master Yuxia, asking them to return to the Star Alliance.

On the one hand, they return to the Star Alliance and receive the elemental stars and elemental star treasures promised to them by the Yuxia Star Lord.

On the other hand, it is also because Star Lord Yuxia almost destroyed a star field in the spiritual world due to his commotion this time. The spiritual world will definitely not stop in the future. The battle with the Star Alliance is still coming. I am afraid that the elemental spirits in the spiritual world will Carefully scan the void star sea inside and outside the spiritual world and nearby.

It was naturally too dangerous for Liang Ji, Peng Yue and others to stay nearby at this time, and they needed to return to the Star Alliance to avoid the limelight.

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