The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1241 Exchange and Redemption: Gathering ‘Divine Stars’

Kunlun Star Palace, Heaven of Gods.

Liang Ji, Vice Principal Huntian and others came to the Heaven of Gods again. This time they went to the God Realm and the Star Lords who invaded the 'Beast God Star Territory' and returned safely are already here.

Even the principal, 'Tianchen Immortal Lord', is already here. Obviously, although the other party had a fight with the ninth-level beast god in the God Realm, they did not fight for too long. After Liang Ji and others retreated and returned, the other party also disappeared. Evacuated the battlefield and returned here.

Principal Tianchen Xianjun glanced at Liang Ji and others, nodded and said: "Not bad, more than half of them came back safely! Most of the other fallen star masters also have backup plans, and most of them should be able to return to their natal stars. Rebirth."

"You all completed this mission very well!"

"Star Palace and Star Alliance will receive generous rewards!"

The principal, ‘Tianchen Immortal Lord’, said a few words in the room, encouraged everyone, and then left in a hurry.

This time, they took advantage of the unpreparedness of the God Realm to invade the God Realm and break into the "Beast God Star Territory". They achieved good results, but there are still many things to do in the follow-up involving the wars and battles between the Star Alliance and the God Realm. Arrangements and monitoring were needed, but the principal, Tianchen Xianjun, didn't have much time to spend here, so he left in a hurry.

After the principal, 'Tianchen Immortal Lord', left, all the star masters in the field also let go. Immediately, some star masters showed off their gains from the 'Beast God Star Territory' and called on everyone to exchange needed resources. treasure.

Obviously, after such a collective invasion, it is common to exchange resources and materials, but it is convenient for Liang Ji.

He also wanted to exchange these seniors, seniors, and seniors from the Star Palace for the ‘divine stars’ with different attributes that he needed.

Nowadays, there is no need to contact each other, they can be exchanged directly on the spot.

At the moment, after Liang Ji said hello to Vice Principal Huntian, he sorted out his guardianship in the 'Beast God Star Territory', and left all the 'divine stars' he harvested with the attributes he needed, and the rest were the same. 'Divine Stars' with attributes, or some 'Divine Stars' with attributes he didn't need, were put out one after another, and it was indicated that they needed to be exchanged for 'Divine Stars' with different attributes.

At the same time, he also quickly checked the various 'divine stars', divine treasures, resources, etc. displayed by a group of seniors, seniors, and Hoshigong seniors, looking for the target he needed.

Soon, he obtained several needed 'divine stars' with different attributes from several seniors and sisters.

However, it is still not enough to gather together what is needed for his natal star galaxy to refine the void and set up the formation. He still needs a few cherished and rare special attributes of 'divine stars', such as pure yin, pure yang attributes, or dark attributes. 'Divine Stars' and the Holy Light attribute 'Divine Stars'.

Liang Ji found a few of these cherished 'divine stars' in the hands of the two eighth-level star masters and senior Xing Gong present, but it was difficult to exchange them for 'divine stars' with other attributes.

Senior Xingong and the eighth-level star master do not need the ‘divine stars’ in his hands.

In the end, Liang Ji asked Vice Principal Huntian to come forward and serve as a middleman to help him build a bridge with the two eighth-level star masters. He used the remaining treasures in exchange for a few precious and rare 'divine stars' .

To this end, the exchange resources Liang Ji paid included, in addition to the 'divine stars', several life stars, some Star Alliance merits, and Kunlun Star Palace contribution points.

Life stars, now that the road ahead for the 'Earth Immortal Dao Lineage' has been successfully opened, every life star that does not belong to the Star Alliance and can be used to refine it into the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' is undoubtedly very precious.

Over the years, the price of ‘Life Stars’ in the Star Gate has increased more than a hundred times.

As for the merits of the Star Alliance and the contribution points of Kunlun Star Palace, there is no need to say more. Merit can be exchanged for various resources, treasures, inheritance, etc. from the Star Alliance. In the top treasury of the Star Alliance, there are many treasures and rare treasures. Even these eighth-level star masters are greedy and want to accumulate merit and redeem them. come out.

Similarly, Star Palace contribution points can be exchanged for resources, treasures and inheritance from Kunlun Star Palace.

The Kunlun Star Palace's treasure house may not be as big as the entire Star Alliance's treasures, but some of the treasures, top treasures, inheritances, etc. may not be worse than the Star Alliance's treasure house.

In particular, the star masters present were all from Kunlun Star Palace, and they all practiced the inheritance of Kunlun Star Palace's "Apotheosis of the Gods", and the top resources, treasures, etc. that can be collected in the Kunlun Star Palace's treasure house are often the most suitable for Kunlun Star Palace. Those that are inherited are often more effective for the Star Masters in the field than the top treasures and inheritances in the Star Alliance's treasury.

This time, Liang Ji and others participated in the action of invading the God Realm and disrupting the "Beast God Star Territory". The principal "Tianchen Immortal Lord" mentioned the rewards, and most of them were Star Alliance merits and Star Palace contribution points.

They can take their merits and contribution points and go to the treasury of the Star Alliance and Kunlun Star Palace to exchange for the treasures, resources, inheritance, etc. they need.

As a result, Liang Ji has not yet seen the Kunlun Star Palace and the Star Alliance's treasure house, so he has already consumed a lot of the meritorious service points and contribution points he received in exchange for the cherished attributes he needs from the two eighth-level star masters.' Divine Star'.

But even so, Liang Ji still failed to gather the different attributes of the 'divine stars' he needed.

Among the 'divine stars' he needs, there is still a 'divine star' with pure Yang attribute, or holy light attribute, and a 'divine star' with ice attribute.

He had also seen these two attributes of 'divine stars' in the 'Beast God Star Field', but neither he nor the other star masters in the field had collected them.

Perhaps, among the other Star Lords who fell in the 'Beast God Star Territory', some have gained the two attributes of 'Divine Stars', but if Liang Ji wants to inquire or even exchange, he must wait for these fallen Star Lords to show up in their natal stars. This can only be done after you return from mid-life rebirth.

But we don’t know how long we have to wait.

At this time, Vice Principal Huntian said to him: "Actually, there is another way. You can look for it in the treasure house of Xing Palace."

"The Kunlun Star Palace's treasure house will collect some resources and treasures handed over by the students of the Star Palace in the past. There should also be some 'divine stars' with different attributes. You can look for them."

"If Xinggong's contribution points are not enough, you can come to me and I can lend you some."

Liang Ji's eyes immediately lit up when he heard this, he thanked the other party, and then left the "Heaven of Gods" and returned to the Kunlun Star Palace to apply for entry into the Star Palace Treasure House to exchange treasures.

Sure enough, this time he found the remaining two attributes 'divine stars' he needed in the Kunlun Star Palace treasure house and exchanged them for them.

Although Xingong's contribution points were not enough, he did not need to borrow them from Vice Principal Huntian. He could just hand over the extra 'divine stars' he had to Xinggong in exchange for contribution points.

In this way, Liang Ji finally gathered together the 'divine stars' with different attributes that he needed.

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