The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1254 The eighth-level black hole monster attacks

When nine stars explode with full force, the blazing star power can destroy a galaxy, burn everything in the galaxy, turn it into a sea of ​​fire, and burn out all life.

It is also for this reason that when high-level star masters in the Star Alliance refine the void and arrange their natal star systems, there has never been a "Nine Sun Galaxy" before. Anyone who dares to try it will only play with fire and burn themselves, and be destroyed by the blazing burning of nine stars.

Therefore, Liang Ji successfully established the "Nine Sun Galaxy" this time, which is why he is so popular in the Star Alliance.

And the effect of the Nine Suns Galaxy, which was arranged with so much painstaking efforts, fully lived up to Liang Ji's hard work and adventure.

Not to mention the benefits of one's own natal star, the effects of the battles and killings now used for projections are far superior to those of ordinary star lords' natal star systems.

Under the illumination of the nine stars, the demonic energy that shrouded the Three Holy Stars instantly dissipated and was burned away. A large number of monsters, demon cultivators, demon heads, etc. among them could not withstand the blazing power of the nine stars. , or directly turned into ashes under the blazing power of the star.

The power of Nine Suns is already terrifying, not to mention that Liang Ji's 'Nine Suns Galaxy' has been specially created and arranged.

The nine stars not only contain the special power of creation, but also incorporate various different attributes of elemental power, divine power, blood power and other powers according to the different 'imitation galaxies' they are in, making these nine stars The power becomes more powerful.

Liang Ji stood in the center of the projection galaxy, looking at the Three Saint Stars where the demonic energy dissipated and was re-exposed. At this time, the demon cultivators and monsters besieging the Three Saint Stars were either burned to ashes, or suffered severe injuries and screamed in agony. Flee away.

On the contrary, the three holy stars that were surrounded were not harmed by the power of the nine stars due to Liang Ji's intention to control the projection power of the 'Nine Sun Galaxy'.

It is more and more proof that Liang Ji has a subtle control over his natal galaxy, the Nine Yang Galaxy.

Looking away from the Three Saint Stars, Liang Ji looked at the demon cultivators and monsters that had fled away. Those who were able to escape without being directly burned to ashes under the 'Nine Suns of Glory' were rewarded with large sums of money. It is a seventh-level demon cultivator and monster.

At that moment, Liang Ji once again activated the power of his natal galaxy, the Nine Yang Galaxy, and headed towards the escaping seventh-level monsters and demon cultivators to suppress them.

"The natal galaxy, imitate the star array in the sky! Suppress and kill!"

A deep shout fell, and all the stars in the 'Nine Sun Galaxy' where the projection came shone brightly, connecting into a star map, covering a large area of ​​​​the void, suppressing, rotating, and grinding!

Those seventh-level demon cultivators and monsters that had suffered heavy losses under the 'Nine Suns Yaoshi' and fled one after another found it difficult to escape. They were suppressed and crushed by the 'Nine Suns Galaxy' transformed into 'imitation Zhou Tianxing Array'. .

In the midst of the star map crushing and killing, even though those seventh-level demon cultivators and monsters launched various attacks and tried all kinds of methods, they were unable to escape. They could only scream in despair and were suppressed and killed one by one.

Seeing this, Liang Ji became more and more satisfied. The combat effectiveness and lethality of this 'Nine Yang Galaxy' fully met his requirements!

Let his combat power directly crush these existences of the same level.

If coupled with his 'unlimited' combat power obtained by integrating the inheritance of the three star palaces, it is not impossible to fight and kill eighth-level enemies across levels!

"Husband, be careful..." At this moment, Liang Ji suddenly received a warning from his wife Peng Yue.

Liang Ji's expression changed slightly, and at the same time he also discovered the 'caution' that Peng Yue reminded!

But in the void below the Three Holy Stars, the void was torn apart at this moment, and a black hole filled with demonic energy suddenly emerged, projecting towards the Three Holy Stars, towards him, and towards the 'Nine Suns Galaxy'!

In that black hole, there was a shrill demonic roar, and even more terrifying demonic power and aura surged out, shaking the surrounding void, chaos, the Three Sacred Stars, and even the projection of the natal galaxy "Nine Yang Galaxy" summoned by Liang Ji. !

"Eighth level demon cultivator!"

Liang Ji had seen the attacks and battles launched by the 'Ten Thousand Demons Palace' on the star field of the spiritual world through the elemental spirits of dragon beasts that had sneaked into the spiritual world. At that time, he noticed the emergence of eighth-level 'black hole monsters' in the demonic path, and he also I have seen the power and aura of those eighth-level demon cultivators and monsters.

At this time, here in the Three Saint Stars, I saw such a 'black hole monster' again, and felt the majestic power and aura of it. Naturally, I recognized at a glance that the one who attacked was an eighth-level black hole demon cultivator!

Liang Ji's expression suddenly became serious. Although he wanted to find an eighth-level enemy to try his methods, but now there is really an eighth-level enemy 'Black Hole Monster' attacking, which undoubtedly made him feel solemn.

"Madam, these remaining monsters and demon cultivators are left to you!"

Liang Ji immediately shrunk the power of the projection of the 'Nine Yang Galaxy', let go of the suppression and crushing of the remaining seriously injured seventh-level demon cultivators and monsters, and concentrated all his strength to directly face the eighth-level 'black hole monster' attack.

Facing an eighth-level enemy, Liang Jirong must not be distracted by other things or spread his strength. He must gather all his strength and fight with all his strength.

Therefore, the remaining demon cultivators and monsters can only be left to Peng Yue to deal with.

"Husband, be careful!" Peng Yue warned with concern, and then quickly said: "Don't worry, leave these remaining monsters and demon cultivators to me!"

As she spoke, she had also summoned the projection of her natal galaxy, the September Galaxy, to come and kill the remaining demon cultivators and monsters that had escaped.

At the same time, under the power of the 'Contract of Connected Stars', the projection of the 'September Galaxy' that Peng Yue had just summoned was also connected with the projection of the 'Nine Suns Galaxy' that Liang Ji had summoned. Starlight power was projected on the two galaxies. communicate and gather among them.

Peng Yue summoned the projection of his natal galaxy, the September Galaxy, not only to kill the remaining monsters, but also to fight for Liang Ji.

Liang Ji naturally did not refuse this. Although the completion of the "Nine Yang Galaxy"'s virtual refining and formation gave him great confidence in the improvement of his own combat power, he even speculated that the "Nine Yang Galaxy" would be used to project and descend. The power, coupled with the 'ultra-limit' combat power he achieved through the fusion of the three-door star palace inheritance, can cross levels to fight against eighth-level enemies.

However, without actual actual combat testing, speculation is just speculation and may not be accurate.

Therefore, now that he was actually facing a battle with an eighth-level enemy, although Liang Ji was quite confident on the one hand, he did not reject any possibility of increasing his combat power, just in case.

Naturally, he would not refuse the assistance of the projection power of the 'September Galaxy' provided by Peng Yue through the 'Contract of the Stars'.

Instead, it was quickly integrated into the projection and descending power of the 'Nine Sun Galaxy', and the power of the projection and descending 'Nine Sun Galaxy' was pushed to the extreme, and it was suppressed towards the eighth-order black hole monster.

At the same time, the body of the 'Star Spirit Giant', standing in the center of the projection of the 'Nine Suns Galaxy' and integrated with the projection of the entire 'Nine Suns Galaxy', is also fully operating the power of the inheritance and fusion of the three-door star palaces. Ultra-limited 'level high-level star magic' 'bloodline origin'.

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