The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1259 Guarding the ‘Earth Immortal Blessed Land’ and placing the ‘Star Gate Beacon’

Liang Ji did not stay in Yuyang Star for a long time. After communicating with Chu Yue, telling him about the situation facing the Star Alliance and reminding him to deal with it carefully, he left Yuyang Star.

After all, he had already agreed to the invitation from the top of the Star Alliance to help guard the 'offshore' area around the Star Alliance and protect the earthly immortals who were refining the life stars in the 'offshore' area into blessed places to prevent them from being attacked by the gods of the gods and the elements of the spiritual world. Spirits, as well as void monsters, demons and other attacks.

Now that the crisis on the 'Yuyang Star' has been resolved, he naturally has to act quickly.

After leaving the "Yuyang Star", Liang Ji immediately checked the "Star Sea Map" sent to him by the Star Alliance. It marked that the Star Alliance assigned him the need to protect the outer star sea and void areas.

Perhaps considering that he is currently here on the "Yuyang Star", the patrol area assigned to him by the Star Alliance is also located in the large outer area around the "Yuyang Star".

At the moment, Liang Ji followed the guidance of the "Star Sea Map" and visited all the "Life Stars" in the area he needed to protect. He visited the earthly immortals in these "Life Stars" and explained to them the reasons why the Star Alliance's outer territory is now being invaded by enemies. situation, let them pay attention to increasing their body defense.

Then, Liang Ji left "star gate beacons" in the void near these "life stars".

In this way, once these 'stars of life' are attacked by foreign enemies, after Liang Ji receives the message for help, he can open these 'star gate beacons' as soon as possible, and then descend through the 'star gate' to resist and kill the invasion. enemies, rescue these "Earth Immortal Blessed Land" life stars.

After all, arriving through the 'Star Gate' is not only convenient, but also faster. It is much faster than receiving a message for help and then escaping through the void.

Otherwise, given the large area of ​​outer star sea and void area that he needs to patrol and protect, once the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' that is attacked is far away, and he rushes over after receiving a call for help, he may not be able to rescue it in time.

It is hard to say that the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' that was attacked has been destroyed by the incoming gods, elemental spirits, etc.

Similarly, Peng Yue also accepted the request of the Star Alliance high-level officials and participated in the battle to guard the rest of the Star Alliance's outer territory "offshore", and the guard area she was assigned was right next to Liang Ji's guard area. The two areas were directly connected.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue simply ran over the areas patrolled by the other party, and both left their own "Star Gate Road Signs".

In this way, once either of the two encounters an enemy attack, the other party can also activate the 'Star Gate Beacon' depending on the situation and send their family members or come in person to support them.

After all, although the 'Contract of the Stars' is easy to use, it can also exert the greatest combat effectiveness.

However, there are many restrictions on the use of the 'Lianxing Contract'. It cannot be used too frequently or for too long, otherwise it will be very detrimental to the development of Liang Ji and Peng Yue's natal stars.

Therefore, if the enemy they encounter does not reach a certain level and strength, it would be more convenient and more effective for Liang Ji and Peng Yue to open the Star Gate through the 'Star Gate Beacon' and send out their family members or go in person to provide support.

As for the 'Contract of Stars', it is reserved for turning the tables and saving lives at critical moments!

After the two of them arranged the 'Star Gate Beacon' for each other and got ready, they did not act haphazardly, but returned to the 'Yuyang Star' together to get together with Chu Yue in the 'Yuyang Star'.

Anyway, they have already set up 'star gate beacons' in the areas that need to be guarded, and each has sent some members of the family to ride on the family starship to patrol the patrol area and check the situation.

Once an area is attacked by enemies, as soon as they receive the message, they can open the 'Star Gate' through the 'Star Gate Beacon', descend to the attacked area, resist and kill the attacking enemies, but there is no need to It is a waste of time and energy to slowly patrol the areas that need to be guarded.

In fact, in order to protect the "offshore" area of ​​the Star Alliance's outer domain and protect those earthly immortals who refine the life stars into "blessed places" in the "offshore" area of ​​the outer domain, the Star Alliance's senior leaders have recruited at least the Star Master monks who have completed the task. A seventh-level star master who has refined his natal galaxy and set up formations.

Because only the Star Masters who have completed the Void Refining and Formation of their native galaxy can open the 'Star Gate' through the 'Star Gate Beacon' and rush to the battlefield as quickly as possible; only the Star Masters who have completed the Void Refining of their native galaxy can , only by attracting the projection and arrival of the natal galaxy, can one's own combat power and protective power be raised to the peak, able to block the attacks of more and stronger enemies, and protect the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' in the 'offshore' area of ​​the outer domain.

It can be said that there is a huge difference in the combat power of the seventh-level star master whether he has completed the cultivation and formation of his natal galaxy.

A seventh-level star master who has not completed the refining and formation of his natal star system, even if he has refined most of the seventh-level demon pills and has completed most of his natal stars in the seventh-level level, is not considered a mature seventh-level star master.

Only seventh-level star masters who have completed the refining and formation of the natal galaxy, even if their natal stars are only refining one or two seventh-level demon pills, and the natal stars have just started in the seventh-level star stage, as long as they have completed the cultivation of the natal galaxy. Refining the void and setting up the formation, even if it is an experienced and mature seventh-level star master, the combat power is far from that of the star master who has not completed the void refining.

On this day, Liang Ji and Peng Yue were exchanging experiences with Chu Yue on star cultivation and sacrifice in the 'Yang Yang Star'.

The Earth Immortal Taoism, refining the 'Star of Life' into the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land', is originally a follow-up path opened up by studying the Star Lord Taoism for various third-level immortals. Naturally, there will be many similar cultivation directions and experiences to the Star Lord. .

For example, for the cultivation of 'natal stars' and 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land', the stars can grow and upgrade, as well as the family members and indigenous people who rule the stars, plan the development of the stars, and even make them consistent with the origin of the stars, the laws of the great road, etc. .

The two roads are similar, so naturally there is a lot for them to communicate.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue have practiced as Star Master monks for many years, and are both top Star Masters who graduated from the Star Palace. They have a lot of experience in the governance, cultivation, promotion, and operation of their natal stars, as well as the rule and cultivation of dependents. Experience, means, methods, inheritance, etc., these are exactly what Chu Yue lacks and needs.

After all, as Chu Yue practices the 'Way of Earth Immortal', he also needs to develop and promote the stars of 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land', inform the natives above the stars, maintain the operation of the stars, etc.

These are things that she has never been exposed to in the past hundreds of years as a cultivator of heretics and immortality. She has no experience and no inheritance. Based on the practice, cultivation and development of the 'Earth Immortal Taoism', she only has the general direction, but the details are all It requires one's own exploration and summarizing experience.

Now, through the guidance and experience imparted by Liang Ji and Peng Yue, it will naturally be of great benefit to the cultivation of the stars of the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land', the rule of the indigenous people, the movement of the stars, and the cultivation of the Earth Immortal Taoism.

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