The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1268: Instantaneous Birth and Death, Fighting against the Eighth-Rank God

The projection of the natal star system and the inheritance of the Three-Gate Star Palace are added. The Deed of Stars borrows the power of Peng Yue's natal stars and the inheritance of the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Dharmas'.

Liang Ji tried his best this time, just to fight with this real eighth-level god and truly test the limits of his current strength.

The body of the 'Star Spirit Giant' is manifested. At this time, not only the power of the natal stars is added to the body, but also the power of the natal galaxy 'Nine Sun Galaxy' is also gathered into its 'Star Spirit Body' through the natal stars.

Therefore, at this time, the body of the "Star Spirit Giant" that he was operating at full strength was undoubtedly many times larger and larger than before he was refining the void and forming the natal galaxy. When his body was expanded, it could even be no less than the size of a galaxy.

And with a single move of his hand, the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' turned directly into the 'Elemental Hammer' and was lifted up by him.

Because he had borrowed the power of Peng Yue's natal stars, natal galaxies, and the Forge of Ten Thousand Methods through the Star-Connecting Contract, the Translimited Star Technique that Liang Ji cast at this time chose the 'momentary element'!

After all, with the addition of the power of the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts', the star power of the 'Instant Element' can be exerted even stronger.

The 'Elemental Hammer' he raised at this time became larger and stronger because it incorporated the power of the two 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts', gathering more majestic and vast power of elemental origin.

Of course, for today's Liang Ji, after completing the refining and formation of his natal galaxy, his own cultivation and strength have taken a further step, and his mastery and control of the three-gate star palace inheritance and fusion power have also taken a step forward.

Liang Ji raised the 'Elemental Hammer' at this time, and on the 'Instant Element' star technique that was running, what flashed was no longer just the light of the elements and the divine light, but the blood of the third star palace inheritance 'Bloodline Atlas'. The power of light also appeared on the 'Elemental Hammer' at this time.

It means that at this time, he has been able to integrate the power inherited from these three star palaces while performing any star technique, and further improve the power of the star technique above the 'super limit' level.


There was a loud roar, and the giant hammer shining with divine light, elemental light, and blood light directly hit the eighth-level god.

At this time, this star technique could no longer even be called the 'instant element', so Liang Ji directly changed its name to 'instant birth and death'.

The giant hammer struck down and collided with the divine light emitted by the eighth-level god. In an instant, countless worlds emerged and died, including the elemental world, the divine light world, the bloodline world, and also the world of blood. The great world that integrates elements, divine light, and blood was created and completely destroyed in an instant.

In this moment, in the midst of creation and destruction, the power of life and death that was born was majestic and terrifying.

In particular, now that the power inherited from the Three Gates Star Palace has been incorporated, there are more worlds that arise and die in an instant, and they are more complex. There are more powers integrated into them, and they are more real. Therefore, the power caused by the birth and death in an instant. Compared with the original single 'moment element', it is dozens of times higher.

The power of life and death collided with the divine light, directly smashing and destroying the divine light of the eighth-level god. The giant hammer continued to bombard down, directly bombarding the 'temple formation' guarding the eighth-level star master before it was blocked.

But it also caused the 'temple formation' to tremble and shake due to the bombardment.

The 'Nine Sun Galaxy' and the 'September Galaxy', which were confronting the 'Temple Array', also erupted instantly, shaking the 'Temple Array'.

"Hmph! You have some skills!"

Seeing that the eighth-level divine light he had unleashed was shattered and the 'temple formation' he had summoned was shaken, the eighth-level god snorted coldly, but his eyes towards Liang Ji became brighter and brighter:

"You can resist me at the seventh-level Star Lord stage! It seems that you, the Star Lord, are one of the best talents in the entire Star Alliance!"

"If I kill you, I am afraid that not only will the Star Alliance suffer pain, but it will also damage a lot of future luck and prospects!"

While speaking, he looked around at the 'temple formation' that had stabilized again, and said in a deep voice:

"Well, after all, this place is too close to the Star Alliance. I don't want to waste too much time, so I will quickly kill you, one of the top talents, and I will retreat!"

As he spoke, he suddenly stretched out his hand and spread out a large amount of divine light. However, these divine lights did not attack Liang Ji and Peng Yue, but scattered around the large number of illusory and real mid-level and low-level people he had summoned to form the 'Temple Array'. 'Temple' projection.

Divine light poured into it, and these illusory and real low-level 'temple' projections suddenly burned and exploded, turning into blossoming divine fires. Along the connection of the 'temple array', they converged to the highest and largest in the center. In the entity 'temple'.

And as the power of many temple projections burning, erupting, and even self-destructing gathers, the aura, power, and divine light in the 'temple' where the eighth-level star lord himself and the entity descends are also constantly rising, reaching the extreme!

Then, the temple merged with the eighth-level god and directly bombarded and collided with Liang Ji's 'Star Spirit Giant'.

Liang Ji felt the majestic momentum of the impact, and his eyes were in a trance, as if he saw a star field speeding up, rolling, crashing and crushing towards him.

Everything along the way, including void, chaos, stars, etc., will be crushed into powder.

Likewise, he, the one who bore the brunt of the attack, felt like he was being suppressed and crushed into powder by its majestic force even before the attack came.

For a moment, Liang Ji felt as if his mind and consciousness had been taken away by him, making him unable to resist.


At the critical moment, the dragon soul wrapped around its natal star raised its head and roared to wake it up.

At the same time, Peng Yue, who was protecting him, also realized that something was wrong, and immediately activated the projection power of the 'September Galaxy' and 'Nine Sun Galaxy' to surround and protect Liang Ji.

Liang Ji also realized at this time that the body of the 'Star Spirit Giant' was directly connected with the 'Nine Sun Galaxy' and 'September Galaxy' that were guarded by it. The power of the two galaxies seemed to turn into a star robe that circulated between the sun and the moon. Draped on his body, the power of Yin and Yang's great grinding transformed by Nine Yang Nine months converged into the giant hammer in his hand, raising the power of the giant hammer again.

In the moment of birth and death, in addition to the flow and explosion of creation and destruction, there is also the rotation and consumption of yin and yang, birth and death.

Liang Ji raised his giant hammer high and kept banging and colliding with the incoming temple. A series of roars and explosions exploded in the void. The force of the impact even directly destroyed the surrounding void, chaos, stars and other forces. Broken into powder.

In the collisions and explosions, the voice of Liang Ji Daruo Galaxy's 'Star Spirit Giant' gradually fell into a disadvantage in the collision with the 'Temple'. With each collision, his figure was He staggered back a step or two, and the temple, which seemed to contain the power of the entire star field, was chasing after him, constantly attacking and suppressing him!

However, although Liang Ji was at a disadvantage, and although he was knocked back a step or two with every collision, he persisted in the end, retreating step by step, but also catching the eighth-level god's full-strength attack step by step!

He indeed did it, crossing the ranks to fight against the eighth-level gods!

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