The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1318 Synchronous Improvement and Exit

Kunlun Star Palace, in a closed-door chamber.

Liang Ji looked at the void that was cut open in front of him, and soon there was a divine light that filled it, quickly closing the void he had cut open.

This was the formation and prohibition arranged by Kunlun Star Palace. After sensing the cut open void, it started to operate spontaneously and repaired it.

After advancing to the eighth-level star master and the state of unity, Liang Ji was considered to be a top strong man in the entire star sea universe and chaotic void. Only some ninth-level beings were stronger than him.

Therefore, he cut through the void and reached the strange galaxy in the outer star sea, but the defensive formation and prohibition of Kunlun Star Palace were difficult to block, and it took some time to react.

It can be seen that his strength has been improved, and he can basically enter and travel in a large part of the Star Alliance.

Of course, in a place like Kunlun Star Palace, the most powerful means are the eighth-level star master and the ninth-level star master, as well as the inheritance of the "God List" and the power of the innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Star Array Map".

Therefore, if he really wants to rely on the power of the eighth-level star master, it is still very dangerous to go back and forth in Kunlun Star Palace and even other nine star palaces.

Similarly, in super civilizations such as the God Realm and the Spirit Realm, the power of the eighth-level star master is enough for him to go in and out and go back and forth in many places, but there are also some places that the eighth-level star master cannot resist and go in and out.

He still needs to go one step further and advance to the ninth-level star master, perhaps to truly go back and forth in this void universe, the vast sea of ​​stars, and even the territory of other super civilizations.

Looking at the void cracks that quickly disappeared in front of him, Liang Ji's excitement and swelling mood of just breaking through the eighth-level star master and successfully rushing through the life and death barrier of the "Hedao Realm" gradually settled and calmed down.

Let him know clearly that the eighth-level star master and the state of harmony are just the beginning. Even the ninth-level existences are not without their designs and fall. It is far from the time for him to be arrogant.

At this time, he sat cross-legged again, reviewed the process of his previous impact on the "state of harmony", carefully felt and checked himself, his natal star, and his natal star system, and confirmed that everything was correct.

Then, he stretched out his hand and directly opened a "star gate" to the natal star, and sent the last eighth-level void jade rabbit demon pill in his hand into it, and a dragon roar came from it.

The "dragon soul" wrapped around the natal star swallowed the demon pill, refined it, and planted it in the natal star.

Liang Ji had done this process countless times in the past, but this time the feeling was particularly different.

At this time, he was in harmony with his natal star, the star was him, and he was the star.

Therefore, when this eighth-level void jade rabbit demon pill was planted in the natal star, Liang Ji had a very clear feeling and feeling.

He could clearly sense that the eighth-level demon pill entered the star and the spirit vein, just like entering his own body.

He could also clearly sense that the eighth-level Void Jade Rabbit Demon Pill was washed bit by bit in the spirit vein of his natal star, and three parts of its power were integrated into the underworld, spirit vein, and the nine heavens, as if it was happening in his body, and he felt it.

Even, these powers belonging to the demon pill were integrated into the natal star, improving the spirit vein of the star, increasing the star's foundation, and the power of the origin. Although it was only a slight increase, Liang Ji felt it very clearly at this time.

This slight increase was also reflected in his body.

Since advancing to the eighth-level star master and the state of harmony, Liang Ji's current "star god" body has become one with the natal star and is a part of the natal star.

Unlike the previous seven star master stages, the star master's body and the natal star are closely connected, but they are still two independent individuals. The star is the star and the star master is the star master.

Now, at the eighth level of Star Master and the state of harmony, the Star Master is the Star, and the Star is the Star Master.

Therefore, the growth and improvement gained by planting the demon pill in the natal star and digesting the demon pill also directly occurred in Liang Ji's "Star God" body.

From then on, the cultivation and improvement of the star and the Star Master are the same.

No longer need to improve the natal star first, and then the natal star circulates the star power and other forces into the body of the Star Master to promote the cultivation and improvement of the body and soul of the Star Master as in the past.

After carefully understanding this change, Liang Ji calculated the time of his retreat and impact on the state of harmony.

However, he found that it didn't seem to have been a long time since he was in harmony with his natal star and felt that his spirit was integrated into every part of the star, but in reality, sixty years had passed!

A whole sixty years!

Although he didn't spend hundreds of years in retreat to impact the state of harmony like Master Chiyu did at the beginning,

However, this sixty years, or sixty years, is considered a long time in the history of the Star Alliance, among the many times that Star Lords have retreated to reach the eighth-level Star Lord and the state of harmony.

Most Star Lords who retreat to reach the eighth-level Star Lord and the state of harmony usually get a result within thirty years, either successfully advancing to the eighth-level Star Lord and the state of harmony, or failing to achieve harmony and dying in the star of Dao.

Now he has sixty years, which is obviously beyond the normal time.

Liang Ji didn't know what special thing about him caused the change. After all, he has quite a few special things, such as the fusion of the Dragon Soul, the inheritance of the Three Gates Star Palace, the Nine Suns Star System, etc.

This time is even longer than the time he estimated when he was "creating the Dao".

But no matter what, he has finally passed the life and death barrier of the ‘Realm of Unity’ and successfully advanced to the eighth-level star master and the realm of unity, which is enough.

At the moment, Liang Ji packed up and did not delay any longer. He opened the blockade of the many formations and prohibitions from the closed-door secret room and walked out of the secret room.

In the closed-door secret room, Liang Ji saw Peng Yue who had been waiting outside at a glance.

Similarly, Peng Yue also saw Liang Ji walking out of the secret room at the first time, and her face suddenly showed a huge surprise.


She rushed up and shouted with surprise.

The time of retreating for a sixty years and impacting the ‘Realm of Unity’ is obviously longer than the normal time. During this period of time, Peng Yue’s worries and concerns can be imagined.

If it were not for the fact that the ‘Zhoutian Star Array Map’ could confirm the situation of Liang Ji’s natal star and confirm that he had not fallen, and if there was no precedent of ‘Chiyu Mentor’s’ hundreds of years of retreat, otherwise Peng Yue would probably find it even more difficult to persist.

Even at this moment, Liang Ji could still see the surprised face of Peng Yue, and the worry in his eyes.

Liang Ji reached out and hugged the other party, smiling and said: "I'm sorry to have worried you, Madam. I have successfully advanced to the eighth-level star master and successfully passed the life and death barrier of the 'realm of harmony'!"

"I knew you could do it!" Peng Yue also hugged Liang Ji tightly, and said excitedly.

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