The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1321 The Power of the Eighth-Rank Star Lord Returns to the Heavenly Demon Star Domain

After Liang Ji left Kunlun Star Palace, as he expected, he also received invitations from Wanxiang Star Palace and Taiyi Star Palace to serve as the honorary vice president of the two star palaces.

Liang Ji naturally agreed directly and went to the two star palaces to leave a mark on the acquired spiritual treasures "Wanfa Melting Furnace" and "Bloodline Atlas" worshipped by the two star palaces, and obtained the authority to mobilize the acquired spiritual treasures of the two star palaces.

So far, Liang Ji's three star palaces and three acquired spiritual treasures have protected and helped him. Although he has just advanced to the eighth-level star master, his combat power is definitely the top among the eighth-level star masters.

That is to say, there is a huge gap between the eighth and ninth levels, otherwise Liang Ji would like to try to cross the ninth level again.

After dealing with these star palace matters, Liang Ji did not rush to go to the "Taihao Star Palace" again to take a new and higher-level "Zhoutian Xingshu" authority test.

Instead, he returned to the ‘Tian Yao Star Region’ with Peng Yue, and returned to his home ‘Longshe Star’.

At this time, the news that he had successfully passed the ‘Hedao Realm’ life and death barrier and advanced to the eighth-level star master had already spread in the Star Alliance.

Not only did Liang Ji and Peng Yue receive congratulations from many people and forces they knew and didn’t know, but the ‘Longshe Chamber of Commerce’, as the representative of his forces, received even more congratulations from all sides in these days.

There were even many people and forces they knew and didn’t know who came to the Tian Yao Star Region ‘Longshe Star’ to visit Liang Ji.

Liang Ji received the news from the ‘Longshe Chamber of Commerce’ and knew that these things needed to be dealt with.

In the Star Alliance, almost every star master who advanced to the eighth level would hold a celebration banquet after coming out of seclusion, not only to deal with these people and forces who came to congratulate from all sides, but also to tell some of their experiences in impacting the ‘Hedao Realm’ life and death barrier and advancing to the eighth-level star master at the banquet.

This is also a tradition in the Star Alliance.

At the beginning, when Chi Yu, the mentor, came out of retreat after advancing to the eighth level of Star Lord, and when Xie Lingxu, the principal of Tianshe Academy, came out of retreat after advancing to the eighth level, similar celebration banquets were held.

Liang Ji also participated in both, and gained a lot of experience inheritance from the two eighth-level Star Lord predecessors.

Now that Liang Ji has successfully advanced to the eighth-level Star Lord and come out of retreat, he naturally needs to hold a celebration banquet for the eighth-level Star Lord to deal with the congratulations from all parties, and at the same time, to pass on his experience inheritance of impacting the "realm of unity" and advancing to the eighth-level Star Lord to all parties in the Star Alliance.

Liang Ji does not need to worry about the preparation of this banquet.

His "Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce" has been growing and expanding with the development of Liang Ji over the years, especially after Liang Ji completed the basic test of "Zhoutian Xingshu" in advance at the seventh-level Star Lord stage, and was able to master some of the authority of the innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Xingchen Array Map" in advance, becoming the top senior executive of the Star Alliance.

The Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce has also developed rapidly over the past few hundred years with the increase in revenue. It has now become a top force and organization with influence across the thirty-four star regions of the Star Alliance.

Now, with Liang Ji successfully passing the life and death barrier of the "Realm of Unity" and advancing to the eighth-level star master. The strength and power of the Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce has not only stabilized rapidly, but has also grown a lot again.

After all, as long as Liang Ji, the eighth-level star master, exists, even if he does not successfully advance to the ninth-level star master later, he will be one of the top senior officials in the Star Alliance for at least thousands of years, and the Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce under his command will naturally be able to maintain its heyday for at least thousands of years.

In this way, there were many people and forces in the Star Alliance who were originally on the sidelines, and they naturally changed their attitudes and made friends with the Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce, which naturally made the already prosperous power of the Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce grow and improve again, becoming stronger.

Therefore, Liang Ji did not need to worry about the celebration banquet for the eighth-level star master, as the Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce had already prepared for it.

Therefore, Liang Ji received a message from the Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce and knew that the celebration banquet had been prepared. Naturally, he had no intention of delaying outside any longer. He held the celebration banquet first, dealt with the congratulations from all parties in the Star Alliance, and then slowly dealt with other matters.

In the void of the star sea in the Star Alliance, this time Liang Ji and Peng Yue returned to the "Heavenly Demon Star Region". They did not choose to take the "Starlight Gate" between the star regions to teleport, nor did they choose to travel back slowly, but chose a new way to travel.

But Liang Ji's "Star God" stood in the void, stretched out his hand to the void in front of him, and a void crack was melted in front of him and Peng Yue.

Through this void crack, the two could see that there was a dazzling star region opposite the crack. There were many stars in the star region, shining with all kinds of dazzling stars of creation, with different colors.

It was the "Heavenly Demon Star Region" that both of them were quite familiar with.

After advancing to the eighth-level star master, Liang Ji's soul and himself merged with his natal star and turned into a "star god". His strength and means were greatly increased. Directly breaking through the cracks in the void and arriving at a familiar or unfamiliar star field or void is one of the means of the eighth-level star master.

It can facilitate the eighth-level star master to travel or escape in the star sea universe.

Of course, the thirty-four star fields of the Star Alliance and the void chaos are all covered and shrouded by the innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Star Array Map", and the void is also blocked by the "Zhoutian Star Array Map".

If Liang Ji was not a high-level member of the Star Alliance and had the authority of the "Zhoutian Star Array Map", he would have been blocked and countered by the "Zhoutian Star Array Map" as soon as he opened the void within the Star Alliance star sea.

"Is this the power of the eighth-level star master?"

At this time, Peng Yue, who was standing by, was also looking at the crack in the void in front of him. Seeing the familiar 'Sky Demon Star Region' behind the crack, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Hehe, of course!" Liang Ji smiled, stretched out his hand and took Peng Yue's hand, saying: "Madam, today your husband will take you to experience the power of the eighth-level star master, and you can travel through the thirty-four star regions of the Star Alliance in one day!"

While speaking, he had already pulled Peng Yue directly into the crack in the void and flew towards the 'Sky Demon Star Region' opposite the crack.

In an instant, Liang Ji could feel the majestic, chaotic, sharp turbulent flow of the void and the chaotic power all around, rushing and sweeping towards them.

This was a more terrifying attack than the void power and chaotic power he suffered when he was a seventh-level star master and was escaping in the void.

After all, every step he took at this time was across the distance of several star regions. The void power and chaotic power in this long distance were directly cut and crossed by him, and naturally he had to bear the backlash and impact force.

This powerful backlash force can easily tear apart and crush a seventh-level star master.

However, for Liang Ji, who has already advanced to the eighth-level star master, these backlash forces of the void and chaos are not fatal.

His "Star God" body burst out with brilliant starlight, protecting himself and Peng Yue, rushing all the way, breaking through all the backlash and obstructions of the void and chaotic forces, and directly stepped out from the other side of the void crack. Looking up, he has arrived at the "Heavenly Demon Star Region".

The whole process is even faster than the transmission of the "Starlight Gate" between star regions.

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