The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 147 Dragon gave birth to nine sons (please subscribe)

On the official website of Kunlun Star Palace, in the ‘student loan’ module, Liang Ji wrote the second message: I will come back after all the money is gone.

He didn't expect that he would have to apply for a second 'student loan' just after he entered school. As expected, 'the loan is good for a while, and the loan will always be good'!

However, there is no other way. After entering the second level, what he needs most now is the investment of various resources and inheritance.

Even the qi-refining technique he selected, 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Qi', requires meritorious service or credits, which can be obtained from the internal network of the qi-refiner's official website, 'Xuanmen'.

Nowadays, Liang Ji, who is "poor", has no choice but to choose "student loan".

With his current military strength, he would suffer heavy casualties against the second-order Void Demon Clan, so he could hunt down the first-order Void Demon Clan more easily.

If you use this method to earn spiritual stones and meritorious deeds, you don't know how much time and energy you will waste. Instead, it is better to take out a loan first and train the second-level dependents. Earning spiritual stones and meritorious deeds will be faster and easier.

As for using second-level natal stars to cultivate spiritual objects and earn spiritual stones, it also takes time, and it requires first investing in second-level spiritual roots and spiritual seeds, and also requires investing enough spiritual stones first.

Fortunately, Kunlun Star Palace understands the needs of newly admitted students very well and takes great care of them. Therefore, the 'loan application' for the first academic year of newly admitted students will basically be approved, and it is interest-free.

In this way, Liang Ji became less and less stressed when he applied for a 'student loan'.

Xinggong also issued loans very quickly, and after receiving the funds, Liang Ji began to implement his plans and ideas.

He purchased a fish-man indigenous bloodline seed from the market transaction module on the Star Palace official website.

This bloodline seed was harvested by the seniors in the Star Palace by hunting and killing the indigenous fish-men among the life stars discovered in the vast starry sky outside the Star Alliance.

There are many types of similar indigenous bloodline seeds, such as snake-men, ape-men, tiger-men, elephant-men, jackals, etc.

Of course, there are also various original rune seeds, including strength, speed, flight, defense, etc., which are very complete.

They were all harvested by the seniors and sisters when they were exploring the sea of ​​​​stars.

There are priceless treasures in the market outside, but they are very common here.

While Liang Ji was waiting for Star Palace to review and issue the loan, he carefully studied the courses on 'Bloodline Seeds' and 'Rune Seeds' in the 'Basic Courses' module on the official website.

Based on my own thoughts, I finally chose to use 'bloodline seeds' to conduct experiments.

His mind turned to the stars of his life, looking at the city and nine villages of the dependent clan, and finally his eyes fell on the village on an island in the sea.

This village is built on an island in the sea. The half-dragon family members living in it carry out their daily life and work more in the sea. They raise various fish, shrimps and crabs in the sea, which provides a good environment for Dragon Soul City and other villages. The half-dragon family provides all kinds of fish and seafood.

This village was also directly named ‘Longdao Village’.

Liang Ji tried to refine the purchased 'fish-man bloodline' seeds into the half-dragon dependents in Longdao Village, instead of refining them into all half-dragon dependents.

Then, he observed the changes in the growth and development of the half-dragon family members in Longdao Village.

Time passes quickly. Within a few days in the Kunlun Star Palace, hundreds of years have passed on Liang Ji's natal star. The half-dragon family members in Dragon Soul City and the other eight villages have not changed much, but the number of new family members has increased. There are many, and there are also more half-dragons who have advanced to the first and second levels.

However, in Longdao Village where Liang Ji experimented and observed, the half-dragon family members gradually began to show some changes. Their body shapes generally maintained the appearance of half-dragons, but their tails gradually changed from snake tails. Into a fish tail.

Moreover, these fish-tailed half-dragon people prefer to live in the sea, and their combat power in the sea is stronger. Even the second-level fish-tailed half-dragon people can gradually control the sea water and control the power of water. .

However, correspondingly, the power of the 'Xuanhuang Body' they cultivated, in terms of strength, defense, spell-breaking effects, etc., was much weaker than that of the normal half-dragon dependents.

In particular, when these fish-tailed half-dragons face the power of the earth element that restrains the water element, their defense and spell-breaking effects are minimized.

There are gains and losses.

At the same time, Liang Ji also discovered that the appetite of these fish-tailed half-dragons increased greatly, and they often devoured large amounts of fish, shrimp, and seawater in the sea.

"The head of a dragon is the tail of a fish. It has a moist mouth and a thick throat. It is easy to swallow in life. It belongs to water and can ward off fire and suppress evil. It is the blood of the Nine Sons of the Dragon, Chi Kiss!"

Liang Ji looked at the changes in the half-dragon family members in Longdao Village with a smile on his face.

It can be said that this was the purpose of his experiment and further verified the feasibility of his idea.

"The test was successful!"

The half-dragon family members of Longdao Village, after integrating into the "fish-man bloodline", successfully cultivated the Chiki bloodline of the nine sons of the "Nine Sons of Dragonborn", and controlled the power of water.

"Then, the remaining eight sons of the dragon-born nine sons can naturally be cultivated by integrating the corresponding bloodlines."

Liang Ji's eyes fell on the other eight villages outside Dragon Soul City.

As for Dragon Soul City, he plans to continue to maintain the purest dragon bloodline and Xuanhuang body. After all, dragons give birth to nine sons, and dragon bloodline is the most important foundation.

The purpose of the Nine Sons is to increase the Half-Dragon Familia's ability to control various attributes, increase the diversity of the Half-Dragon Familia's battles, and be more conducive to the development of the Half-Dragon Familia.

However, as the foundation of a half-dragon, a powerful physical body, a black and yellow body, breaking magic, etc., naturally come first.

Therefore, Dragon Soul City, which has the largest number of Familia, the strongest development, and a leading position, still needs to maintain the purest blood and combat power of the Half-Dragon Familia.

At the moment, Liang Ji began to search and buy various indigenous bloodline seeds in the 'Trading Market' on the Star Palace official website, and then refined them into the natal stars and the half-dragon dependents in the corresponding villages.

The blood of the Niu people was refined into the half-dragon family of Longzhi Village, and the eldest of the nine sons of Longzhi was cultivated with the blood of the Niu Niu, with the power of palm tree movement.

The jackal bloodline was refined into the half-dragon family in Longmu Village, and the bloodline of the second child, Yajuan, was cultivated, and he was able to control the power of gold.

The bird-man bloodline was refined into the half-dragon family in Longfu Village, and the third child was cultivated with the bloodline of Chaofeng, who could wield the power of the wind attribute.

The blood of the toad people was refined into the family members of the half-dragon people in Longdan Village, and the blood of Laosi Pulao was cultivated, and the power of the poison attribute was cultivated.

The lion blood was refined into the half-dragon family of Longgong Village, and the blood of the old Wu Suanni was cultivated, and the power of fire was cultivated.

The blood of the Turtle Man was refined into the Half-Dragon family in Longshan Village, and the bloodline of the Sixth Overlord was cultivated, which allowed him to master the power of earth.

The tiger man's blood was refined into the half-dragon family of Longchao Village, and the blood of the old seven beasts was cultivated, and the power of the thunder attribute was cultivated.

The bloodline of the Luobang people was refined into the Half-Dragon family in Longjiang Village, and the bloodline of Lao Bajiaotu was cultivated, and the power of the ice attribute was cultivated.

Finally, add Longdao Murakami, the bloodline of Laojiu Chiki who wields the power of water!

The dragon gave birth to nine sons, nine villages, cultivated in nine different directions, mastering the power of nine attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, ice, and poison, eleven common in the Star Alliance In addition to the two types of attribute power, the half-dragon family members have mastered it.

This not only greatly enriches the diversity of the development of the half-dragon clan, but also greatly increases their means of fighting and killing, which will definitely greatly increase their combat power!

The names of the nine villages were also changed to the names of Jiuzi accordingly, and they were divided into Qiuniu Village, Yaizhan Village, Baxia Village, Jiaotu Village, Chiki Village, etc.

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