The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 172 Carrying mountains and calling for rain (please subscribe)

After successfully buying two broken bloodline magical seeds, Liang Ji followed Senior Qi and Senior Sister Yang and continued to browse the black market.

During this period, Senior Qi Changge bought a broken formation map, but Senior Yang Yun didn't buy anything.

I wonder if the level of the black market here is too low, and there are no goods sold that she can use.

On the other hand, I saw a few broken bloodline magical seeds later on, but they were basically fakes. Only one place had a genuine one, but it was not the bloodline magical spiritual species that Liang Ji needed.

But for him, this trip to the black market and being able to harvest a suitable bloodline magical seed 'Rejuvenation' was already a worthwhile trip.

Senior Qi and Senior Sister Yang didn't know if they had found the clues they wanted. After taking Liang Ji around the entire black market, they did not stay any longer and quickly left the black market.

When they arrived outside, before Liang Ji could speak, Senior Qi Changge suddenly put his hand on his shoulder and said via voice message: "Don't talk, someone is watching us."

With that said, he pulled Liang Ji between him and Senior Sister Yang, and was under their protection.

Liang Ji felt a shiver in his heart, and without saying anything, he just followed the other person's movements and walked between the two of them.

Senior Sister Yang also turned to him at this time, talking about random topics and discussing what she had just seen in the black market, as if she didn't find any problems.

Liang Ji understood and talked about the black market with the two of them, without saying much else.

It wasn't until they were far away from the area where the black market was located and got on the speed car and drove a distance that the two of them relaxed.

When Liang Ji saw this, he knew that the surveillance should have been withdrawn.

Qi Changge frowned at this time and said: "Generally speaking, for safety reasons, the black market will conduct a certain degree of surveillance on guests entering and exiting."

"However, the black market here in Xiu Snake City is obviously too tightly monitored!"

"It should be that some of our previous investigations have alarmed some people. It seems that we chose to hide our identities this time and conduct a secret investigation."

Senior Sister Yang Yun on the side also nodded slightly at this time and said: "The more this happens, the more it means there is a problem, and it means that the clues and direction of our investigation are correct."

"Hopefully we can catch a big fish this time."

Senior Qi Changge smiled and said: "Team leader, if you really caught a big fish, don't forget the contribution of my junior brother."

Although Liang Ji didn't know what their specific mission was, when he heard these words, he immediately understood what Senior Qi meant, and immediately looked at Senior Yang Yun.

Seeing this, Senior Sister Yang smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't go back on what I promised."

"Thanks to the cover of Senior Brother Liang this time, he must be indispensable for the credit."

"Chang Ge, when you go back, you can make a list of the broken bloodline magical species in our warehouse and give it to Senior Brother Liang and let him choose first."

"Okay, team leader!" Qi Changge said immediately.

"Thank you, senior!" Liang Ji thanked Qi Changge quickly and said, "Thank you, senior."

"If there is anything else you need me to do later, please feel free to tell me."

Senior Sister Yang Yun smiled when she heard this and said: "You will not be able to participate in what happens next. It will be the action of our department; and once exposed, it may be dangerous to you and your family."

"Next, you just need to continue to be a good guide and take us both to visit Snake City and the Serpentine Star."

Senior Qi Changge also nodded in agreement. Seeing this, Liang Ji did not continue to pester, and soon the three of them returned to Xiu She City.

"By the way, junior." Back in the city, senior Qi Changge said at this time: "The two broken bloodline magical seeds you bought must not be refined directly. After you return to the Star Palace, please ask the stars to The palace will help you check and process it before refining it."

"In case there is any hidden method in those two seeds."

"You should know this very well. The classmates of yours who were in the same class and were plotted by the demon cultivators are typical examples."

Although Liang Ji has a dragon soul to protect his natal star, anything planted into his natal star will be devoured and refined by the dragon soul first, so he is not worried about any problems with this bloodline magical seed.

But he still nodded in agreement to Senior Qi's instructions.

Anyway, for him, asking Xing Gong to help deal with it doesn't cost much time and spiritual stones, and it also adds a layer of protection.

In the next few days, just as Senior Qi said, Liang Ji still took them to visit various places, even leaving Snake Xiu City and visiting famous scenic spots in Tian Serpent Star.

It's like they are really here to travel and have no other purpose.

A few days later, senior Qi Changge finally gave him a catalog, which was a statistics of the broken bloodline psychic species in their warehouse. There were more than a dozen species.

Liang Ji took a fancy to three of them: carrying mountains, spreading fog, and calling for rain.

'Danshan' is undoubtedly the most suitable for the Baxia Familia. Its skills can increase the defense power of the Baxia Familia several times and can also increase their attack power several times.

Needless to say, the 'Call the Rain' is very compatible with the Chikiss Familia, and can be used in conjunction with the 'Call the Wind' bloodline magical power that the Chaofeng Familia has mastered, greatly increasing its power.

Even the magical power of 'Bull Fog' does not seem to have much power, but at certain times and on certain battlefields, it can often play a big role.

But according to what Senior Qi said, he can only exchange for one credit at most.

Among them, I'm afraid there are reasons why Senior Qi and Senior Sister Yang want to take care of and fight for her.

And this left Liang Ji with a difficult choice.

‘Building fog’ can be put aside temporarily, but ‘carrying mountains’ and ‘calling rain’, he is reluctant to give up.

So Liang Ji couldn't help but ask: "Senior, do I still have a chance to make meritorious deeds?"

Upon hearing this, Senior Qi shook his head with a smile and said, "What happens next is too dangerous for you. That is not meritorious service, it is death."

"Then can I exchange it for spiritual stones or meritorious deeds?"

Liang Ji immediately asked again.

"It's impossible to have spiritual stones." Senior Qi shook his head and said, "It's impossible to take out the things in the department warehouse and sell them privately."

"But there is some hope in exchange for meritorious deeds." Senior Qi Changge pondered and said, "The Star Alliance encourages everyone to make more meritorious deeds. In many aspects, you can use meritorious deeds to exchange for needed resources and treasures."

"I'll talk to the team leader. If I vouch for you, I should be able to redeem one or two coins."

When Liang Ji heard this, his eyes immediately lit up and he asked, "Senior, how much merit does it take to exchange for a broken bloodline magical seed?"

"Basically, it ranges from one hundred to three hundred meritorious deeds." Senior Qi said: "The better it is preserved and the stronger the magical effect, the more meritorious deeds are required."

"Then, what about 'Mountain Carrying' and 'Calling Rain'? How much do they cost?"

Liang Ji asked again.

Upon hearing this, Senior Qi checked and said: "These two are almost the same, both have around 150 meritorious deeds."

Hearing this, Liang Ji immediately said: "No problem, as long as I exchange it, all my merits from the Star Palace loan will be exchanged."

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