The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 182 I’m too strong (please subscribe)

"Kill! Follow me and focus the fire attack!"

In the designated hunting ground, Zhao Peng directed the battle. His Qingpeng Familia swept through with strong winds and wind blades, blasting towards the selected void whale monsters one by one.

The family members of Yu Henghai, Song Yu and others also followed closely and attacked, killing each void whale monster on the spot.

Only Liang Ji's family could not keep up with their tacit cooperation. Later, they simply stopped attacking with them. Instead, they stabilized the battlefield, defended against the impact of the Void Whale Demon, and pressed them back into the hunting grounds. You can choose your own target to attack and hunt.

But even so, among the 400,000 clans sent by Liang Ji, only five clans, namely the Chaofeng clan, the Chikis clan, the Jiaju clan, the Jiaotu clan, and the Baxia clan, and 200,000 warriors, participated in this siege and hunting. among.

There are also half-dragon, Bi'an, Pulao, Suan and other warriors from the clan, who can only watch from the periphery and cannot intervene in this siege and battle.

On the other hand, the Prisoner Niu Familia could occasionally be on the sidelines, using the magical power of 'rejuvenation' to cast a green light on the injured Familia in the hunting ground, restoring their injuries and saving their lives.

When the members of the whale hunting team saw the skill of the Prisoner Niu Familia, their eyes lit up.

"Classmate Liang Ji, quickly, let your family members heal my family members too!"

Zhao Peng was the first to shout.

Although it is said that five of Liang Ji's family members have joined the battlefield in the hunting ground, resisting the impact of the Void Whale Demon and re-stabilizing the battlefield.

However, the number and combat power of the void whale demons in the hunting ground this time were still far beyond the normal hunting limit of the whale hunting team.

Under the impact of those chaotic and crazy void whale monsters, even with the help of Liang Ji's family members, the attacks on Zhao Peng and others' family members' team were greatly increased, and the casualties would inevitably increase.

At this time, seeing the healing and life-saving skills of the Prisoner Niu Familia, I naturally became very envious.

When Liang Ji heard this, he did not refuse at the moment. The bloodline magical power that allowed the Prison Niu Familia to use 'rejuvenation' shed a green light like rain in the ranks of several people.

In a short time, many of the five-member Whale Hunting Team Familia who had suffered major or minor injuries quickly recovered from their injuries, and their blood, energy, and fighting strength also quickly recovered.

The 'rejuvenation' effect of bloodline magical power is more effective and faster than many special healing spells and elixirs.

Zhao Peng, Yu Henghai and others also clearly noticed the recovery and changes of the family members, their eyes became brighter and brighter, and they praised and thanked each other.

And as the injuries and combat strength of several members of the family recovered, it became faster and easier to hunt down the void whale monster.

However, calls to the Prisoner Niu Familia for healing and life-saving are becoming more and more frequent.

Later, Liang Ji had no choice but to speak out: "The healing skills of my family also require the consumption of blood energy. The number of times they can be used is limited, and I can't use them anymore."

In this way, the whale hunting team just lowered the frequency and number of calls for treatment. At the same time, the speed and momentum of the family's attack also immediately slowed down.

After being surrounded and killed for nearly an hour, Liang Ji and the whale hunting team had just killed more than thirty void whale monsters in the hunting ground.

This time and efficiency are shorter and better than when the whale hunting team usually hunts more than 20 void whale monsters.

Moreover, the harvest from more than thirty Void Whale Demons is far greater than the harvest from more than twenty.

However, even though the Prisoner Ox Familia often uses the magical power of 'rejuvenation' to heal injuries and save lives, the five-member Whale Hunting Familia team suffered significantly more casualties and heavier injuries than usual.

On the contrary, it was Liang Ji's family team that suffered the fewest casualties.

In this aspect, his family members are generally much stronger than the five people in terms of defense and combat power. His domineering body, black and yellow body, and "big and small Ruyi" bloodline magical powers have given Liang Ji various bloodlines. The family members have extremely strong basic qualities.

On the other hand, it is naturally the effect of the 'Rejuvenation' bloodline magical power of the Prisoner Niu Familia clan, which can continuously heal and rescue injuries.

After all, they are their own family members, and the treatment and rescue of the Prison Niu family members are always more timely.

The few casualties were all due to the fact that other people's family members were about to be severely damaged and broken by the rioting and attacking void whale monsters. Liang Ji's family members had to force their way up to stop the whale monsters and rescue them, which inevitably caused some casualties.

"Classmate Liang Ji, during this hunting, Song Yu, Wei Hai and other family members suffered more serious casualties. I suggest that when distributing the spoils, give them more to make up for their losses."

Zhao Peng looked at him and said with a smile:

"You have no objection, right?"

Hearing this, Liang Ji couldn't help but look at the other people. Song Yu was still silent. Wei Hai opened his mouth to speak, but was stopped by his sister Wei Xue.

Yu Henghai, on the other hand, interjected with a smile: "I think it is better to follow the agreement in advance, each according to his merit..."

Zhao Peng waved his hand and said: "It is not easy for everyone, especially Song Yu. He relies on the harvest of whale hunting to cultivate his family. If the harvest is not as good as the loss, wouldn't it mean that his cultivation path will be cut off?"

"In this way, I will also divide a part of my loot and distribute it to the family members who have suffered serious losses."

After hearing what he said, Song Yu and Wei Hai hurriedly said: "No! No need..."

Seeing this, Liang Ji could only say: "If the battle damage is serious, you can allocate more to avoid losing more than the gain."

Zhao Peng smiled when he heard this and said: "Classmate Liang, I know you are generous and you are worthy of being a top student of Kunlun Star Palace."

Liang Ji smiled lightly and shook his head, but did not answer.

Zhao Peng didn't pay attention and ordered the family members to start cleaning up the battlefield and cutting up the spoils.

In the end, more than 30 void whale demons opened up eleven demon pills. The five members of the whale hunting team each got two pills, while Liang Ji only got one.

Looking at the demon pill in his hand, Liang Ji understood more and more that this whale hunting team was not suitable for him.

Not only because of the lack of tacit understanding of fighting cooperation with several people, but also because of Zhao Peng's obvious rejection and squeeze.

"It's because I'm too strong!"

"The combat power of the whale hunting team cannot keep up with the combat power of my family members. If they are forced to fight together, my family members' combat power cannot be used, and their family members will suffer more casualties."

"Their battlefield is not suitable for me. I pay too much and gain too little."

"I should find a battlefield that suits me."

Liang Ji was thoughtful and looked at the black wave river and the group of void whale monsters in the distance that had disappeared into the void.

As Yu Henghai said, the hunter among the void whale monsters may be a suitable battlefield for him.

Soon the battlefield was cleared and the spoils were divided. The whale hunting team once again tracked and locked the direction and route of the void whale monster group.

Several people opened the star gate, and their respective families' teams passed through the star gate and arrived at the next battlefield.

This time it is still a belt of broken stars, like a galaxy, spreading in the void star sea and black hole field.

Liang Ji has understood that most of the places where the Void Whale Demon Group passes by will be such broken star belts. On the one hand, these broken stars are easier to be swallowed by the Void Whale Demon Group; on the other hand, the Void Whale Demon Group Where the swarm passed by, even if there were huge stars, they were basically constantly impacted and smashed into pieces, turning into such broken stars.

"Quick, Song Yu, arrange the battlefield!"

Zhao Peng raised his voice and commanded again.

Liang Ji interjected at this time: "Let's change the tactics this time. I see that the family members of your team are very cooperative in fighting. My team of family members forced their way in, but it disturbed your cooperation."

"It is better to divide the battlefield into two parts. You can continue to arrange the battlefield according to the previous scale and habits and hunt the void whale monster."

"My family members will be by the side when the time comes to stop some void whale monsters and open up another battlefield."

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