The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 196 The merits of the harvest (please subscribe)

As the stars became more and more shattered and destroyed, the star energy that had been suppressed for countless years in the core of the stars was completely released and exploded, just like the explosion of the sun.

Although more and more starlight energy and star treasures rushed out with the explosion, the environment in the Broken Stars became increasingly worse and more terrifying. The blazing high temperature and the impact of star energy were no longer even second to Liang Ji and others. The rank family members can resist and bear it.

At this time, they have even given up harvesting starlight energy and searching for star treasures, and have sent most of the Familia back to their natal stars. Only a small number of Familia with the strongest defense are still guarding the extreme north where the stars are broken. The earth protects the immortal palace of the predecessors.

It not only resists the impact of the Void Demon Clan, but also resists the impact of the exploding star energy.

Finally, a huge star gate opened in the void, and teams of fifth- and sixth-level families rushed out on various battleships and starships.

On the starships and battleships, various formations and restrictions were activated, and the bright divine light burst out, or blasted the void demon tide that was attacking from all around, blasting out large shoals of flesh and blood in the void demon tide; or sweeping down. , directly suppressing the surging star energy and protecting the fairy palace.

A starry figure formed on those battleships and starships. It was a middle-aged man with a resolute face. He saluted Liang Ji and others, and then showed his identity and said: "I am Wang Huaihua, the captain of Zhaowu School of the Yinghai Black Hole Garrison. I have been ordered to Receive and protect the immortal palace of our ancestors.”

When Liang Ji and others saw this, they all returned the gift one after another and reported their birthplaces and names.

Then, hand over the immortal palace to the other party.

"We will truthfully report your merits to the Star Alliance and your Star Palace School, and you will be rewarded with meritorious deeds afterwards."

"The destruction of this star has completely erupted. Your family members are no longer suitable to stay here. You can withdraw first."

Colonel Wang Huaihua took over the Immortal Palace and said to Liang Ji and others.

"Captain Wang." At this time, a senior from Lingbao Star Palace said, "Can we stay on the garrison warship and watch the star breaking process and scene?"

The scene of stars shattering and destroying contained the avenue of destruction. The students who were born in the Star Palace present had basically learned and practiced the star technique ‘Star Breaking Strike’.

Regardless of whether everyone has achieved cultivation or not, being able to watch such a scene of shattered and destroyed stars up close will be of great benefit to their understanding and practice.

When the other Star Master students heard this, their eyes shone slightly, and they all requested to watch the destruction of the stars on the garrisoned battleship.

The captain of the garrison, Captain Wang, might also be aware of the star technique ‘Breaking Star Blow’, or he might be considering the influence of the star palaces of everyone present, so he agreed after a moment’s thought.

At the moment, Liang Ji and others took back the large troops of the family members to their natal stars, leaving only a small team to board Captain Wang's battleship.

Everyone took the form of starlight and watched the shattering and destruction process of the stars on the battleship.

This time was different from the time of 'Black Mercury'. At that time, Liang Ji's family had just advanced to the second level and were still too weak. They could not even stay on 'Black Mercury' until the final star was destroyed, so they had to retreat early. .

Moreover, behind them, they were watching the stars shatter from the battleship of my sister-in-law in Henghai. The other side's battleship was also at the outermost position, far away from the 'Black Mercury'.

However, at that time, it was the first time for Liang Ji to face and witness such a scene of stars shattering and destroying, so he suffered the greatest impact, and also had the deepest feelings and insights, which later allowed him to perfect the 'Broken Star Strike' star technique.

But this time, his family members were stronger. On top of the stars, they even survived the early stages of the star's destruction, allowing him to personally experience the process of the stars falling apart and the energy of the stars exploding like the sun.

Moreover, at this time, the battleship he was on was a garrison battleship that was charging forward. It was closer to the destroyed stars, allowing him to see more clearly and feel more deeply.

Maybe it still can't match the impact and shock of facing the destruction of stars for the first time like in the 'Black Mercury', but it also gave Liang Ji a lot of shock and insights.

It also made his understanding and practice of the star technique 'Breaking Star Strike' deeper and deeper, and his mastery became more refined and refined.

The development of the natal stars and the improvement of the Dao Fruit were originally reducing his grasp of the stars and Dao Fruit, but at this time, he caught up again in an instant, and even mastered them more finely and deeply.

"The Yinghai black hole is in its active period, and there will be more similar star shattering and destruction in the future."

"If I have a chance, I might be able to go and have a look."

"Not just to collect starlight silk ribbons and star treasures, but also for the grandeur and avenue of star destruction."

Liang Ji had a clear understanding in his heart and turned around several thoughts.

Soon, among the broken stars, the energy of the stars exploded higher and higher, just like the sun rising and bursting out from them. Even if Liang Ji and other second-level star masters were on the battleships on the front line, they could no longer It's hard to see what's going on.

The dozen Star Palace students present had become familiar with each other after a joint operation. After adding spiritual messages to each other, some people left one after another.

Liang Ji looked at the broken stars that had been shrouded by the 'sun', and could not gain more, so he said hello to Lu Qing, Sheng Hong and others, and the two parties agreed to continue chasing the Void Whale Demon Group together, so they both Each left.

Returning to Yinghai City, Liang Ji sorted out the harvest from Broken Star. He harvested more than two thousand from the 'Starlight Silk Ribbon' alone, which can be said to be nearly twenty times what he harvested from the 'Black Mercury'. .

Most of these were harvested in the last hour in the far north of Broken Star.

At that last moment, the Immortal Weapon Palace that suppressed the core of the stars was rushed out, and the energy of the stars that had been accumulated for countless years was unleashed and exploded, almost filling the entire Far North.

When Liang Ji and other star masters collected the 'Starlight Silk Ribbon', they basically just had to pick it up casually. There was no need to compete with the Void Monster Clan. At that time, the speed at which they collected the 'Starlight Silk Ribbon' was limited by the projected stars. The identification efficiency is not high enough.

Otherwise, Liang Ji estimates that the number of 'Starlight Silk Ribbons' he harvested this time may exceed 3,000.

Liang Ji exchanged all these 'Starlight Silk Ribbons' for meritorious deeds, and the meritorious deeds in his account directly reached more than 2,300.

This merit is more than enough for him to repay the merit debt in Xinggong's 'student loan'.

However, after Liang Ji pondered for a while, he did not choose to repay the meritorious 'loan'.

The loan he borrowed based on his strength was interest-free, so he was naturally not in a hurry to repay it.

Instead, he logged into the Star Network and opened the intranet of the Human Immortal Taoism official website, Human World Taoism, and the Qi Refining Master Taoism official website, Xuanmen, and searched for techniques suitable for his parents to pass on.

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