The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 236 The Sky Ghost Escape Talisman (please subscribe)

After the banquet was over, Liang Ji and the four of them left Shan Delou and took a flying car to the place where he blocked him in the city.

At this time, more patrol teams can be seen on the streets and in the air, checking sites.

The four Liang Ji's cars were inspected several times along the way, but they were all students from Kunlun Star Palace, and Senior Chen Zhao had a military rank. They just showed their IDs and were allowed to go.


Halfway through the speeding car, there was suddenly a loud roar coming from a distance.

When Liang Ji and others heard the sound, they looked immediately and saw large fires and thunders in the distance, roaring explosions, and sounds of fighting.

"That's the direction of the airport!"

Liu Xu couldn't help but raise his voice, but his face showed a bit of interest and said:

"Unexpectedly, there are really evil cultivators who are willing to attack and create chaos at this time!"

"It's a pity that we left too early, otherwise we might have been able to see what those evil cultivators were like."

"Hmph!" Senior Chen Zhao snorted coldly and said, "I think you are just jumping over the wall in a hurry."

"The premature explosion of the Yinghai black hole not only disrupted the layout of Yinghai City and the Yinghai Star Territory, but also disrupted the action plans of some evil organizations who wanted to take the opportunity to disturb the muddy waters and create chaos."

"It is estimated that there are some evil monks who came in a hurry at this time. As a result, they encountered the city's purge and crackdown on them."

"These evil cultivators who just arrived were probably discovered in the airport and had to jump over the wall to attack and create chaos."

At this time, the forces in Yinghai City had also taken action, gathering towards the explosive and chaotic airport.

Starlight emerged in the sky, intertwined into a starlight network and blocked in the sky.

And this time, the starlight network no longer only blocks the direction of the airport, but even begins to spread to the entire sky of Yinghai City, covering and blocking the entire sky of Yinghai City.

Many aircraft flying in the air have received air ban orders, allowing them to land, fly close to the ground, or move.

The flying car that Liang Ji and others were riding had to lower its altitude and fly close to the ground.

In the city on the ground, those criss-crossing roads seemed to have a spiritual light emerging from the formation lines at this time, intertwining into formations, and in key places in the city, there were specially built buildings, such as the key formations to suppress the suppression of formations. The weapons, at this time, all had spiritual lights emerging one after another.

The entire Yinghai City was like a complete formation being activated at this time. In the direction of the airport, a large formation of spiritual light had risen into the sky, connecting with the starlight network blocked in the sky, blocking the entire airport.

In various parts of the city outside the airport, the formations are already in the pre-activation stage. The formations are flashing with light and may be activated and take effect at any time.

The battleship team cruising in the sky and the inspection team patrolling on the ground also moved quickly at this time, some of them surrounded the airport, and some of them moved towards suppressing and blocking key nodes in various parts of the city.

Propaganda warnings from the Star Territory Government and garrison teams once again sounded in the air and in the city, asking the monks in the city not to panic, to return to their respective residences, and to cooperate with the inspections of the city's inspection team. Anyone who takes the opportunity to cause chaos will be directly suppressed.

The speed of the flying cars of Liang Ji and the four people, as well as the flying cars driving around the city and other various aircrafts, dropped sharply at this time. This was restricted by the pre-activated formations in the city and the starlight network that blocked the sky. Prevent anyone in the city from taking this opportunity to cause attacks and chaos.

The four of them could not help but look in the direction of the airport at this time.

You can see the star network and the city formation, constantly emitting various spiritual lights and staggered starlights. They are not only attacking the enemies in the airport, but also continuously strengthening the cutting and blockade of the airport.

In the sky, the gathered battleships have also launched an attack. Various divine lights are either blasting down like pillars to kill the enemy, or intertwining like under a net bag, trying to capture the evil monks who create attacks and chaos.

The roars and sounds of fighting in the airport are fading rapidly. It can be clearly seen that Yinghai City has the upper hand. If this continues, the chaos and attacks in the airport should be completely suppressed soon.

And at this moment, I suddenly saw a black talisman flying out of the airport and melting directly in the air. The invisible power of the void suddenly exploded, tearing open the starlight network that blocked the sky and tearing open the void. A dark rift.

"Hmph!" Seeing this, Senior Chen Zhao snorted again and said in a deep voice: "The Heavenly Ghost Escape Talisman of the Ghost Cultivator Tradition!"

"Those ghost cultivators expelled the demon cultivators from the Heavenly Demon Palace from the ghost cultivator tradition, saying that they were demon cultivators and had nothing to do with their ghost cultivator tradition."

"On the other hand, we maintain inextricable connections!"

While listening to what Senior Chen Zhao said, Liang Ji looked at the battle in the direction of the airport, thinking deeply in his heart.

It seems that the reason why the three major evil organizations have been able to develop in the Star Alliance and cannot be eliminated despite long-term arrests and attacks is probably also related to the connections with other cultivating traditions.

In the direction of the airport, there was already a starship rising into the sky, rushing towards the crack in the void torn open by the 'Tiangui Escape Talisman', trying to take this opportunity to escape from Yinghai City.

Obviously, among the starships were the evil monks who were causing chaos and attacking in the airport.

At this time, he saw that the starship was about to escape into the rift in the void and fly away. In the direction of the east city of Yinghai City, a starlight suddenly shot out, piercing the void as if teleporting, and directly bombarded the starship.

Various formations and restrictions emerged in the starship, and spiritual light shone. Trying to resist this starlight was still in vain.

The huge starship, at this moment, was like a huge firework exploding in the sky, destroyed before rushing into the rift in the void.

The direction to the east side of Yinghai City is exactly where the Yinghai Academy is located.

This is someone in Yinghai Academy taking action.

But just when everyone thought the ending was decided, they saw another roaring explosion among the huge fireworks of the starship explosion. A large area of ​​bright and dazzling divine light erupted from it, exploding and destroying the starship. The fireworks tore and burst.

In the divine light, dozens of figures swept across, and a large number of various debris bombarded all over Yinghai City.

In the sky of Yinghai City, the starlight network that enveloped and blocked suddenly shone and moved to capture and stop the impact of the divine light, as well as the figures and things swept by the divine light.

In the city, the criss-crossing formations were also activated one after another, and the auras of various formations soared into the sky, bombarding those divine lights, figures, and things.

But those divine lights actually have the power to compete with the starlight network and the city's large array. Although most of them were smashed and obliterated, a small part of the divine light still swept through people and things and broke into Yinghai City.

During the speeding car, Senior Chen Zhao's face condensed slightly and he said solemnly: "It's the power of the divine crystal!"

"The Pantheon and the Pantheon are indeed acting together again!"

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