The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 287 Array Master

"Ten veins gather spirits, the melting pot of heaven and earth! The great formation, rise!"

In the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain, in the square in front of the Sacred Artifact Pagoda and the Tiandi Temple, there are high platforms. A tall, pale-haired old man from the Baxia clan stood on the platform with his head held high, holding an array plate in his hand and giving orders.

This old man who dominates the lower clan is the first formation master among the ten bloodline clans. He was given the name 'formation' by the sacrificial leader 'Xi'. There are even various formation patterns emerging on the carapace on his back, forming a formation. picture.

The formation layout and transformation of the Longshou Mountain Holy Land were naturally presided over by him personally, with the cooperation of the formation masters from each bloodline clan.

At this time, following his order, green light shot up to the sky above the peak on the east side of Longshou Mountain. Various array devices were activated on the mountain peak. The blue light intertwined and connected to form a large formation on the mountain peak.

On the top of the mountain, there is also a high platform built. The formation master of the Qi Niu Familia clan stood on the high platform, holding the formation disk to operate the formation, and raised his voice and responded: "Qi Niu Peak, the Aoki Grand Formation has been successfully launched!"

Immediately afterwards, there was a red light soaring into the sky on the southern peak of Longshou Mountain. There was a high platform on the top of the peak. On the platform, the formation master of the Suan Ni clan activated the large formations arranged up and down the mountain. The red fire lingered up and down the mountain and raised his voice: "Suanni Peak, the red flame formation has been activated!"

Afterwards, there was golden energy rising to the sky on the mountain peak to the west. On the high platform of the peak, the formation master of the Yajuan clan activated the formation. Golden light and golden energy burst out from the mountain peak and circulated in the formation. He raised his voice and shouted: "Yaiwan Peak, the Gengjin Formation has been successfully launched!"

After that, the mysterious light soared into the sky on the mountain peak in the north. On the top of the peak, there was the formation of the Chikisi clan masters operating the formation. Torrents and waterfalls flowed around the mountain. He raised his voice and said, "Chikiss Peak, the Xuanshui formation is activated!"

Then, around Longshou Mountain, formations of light appeared, circulated, and soared into the sky on one peak after another.

On the Chaofeng Peak, the formation masters of the Chaofeng Familia tribe operate the 'Flowing Wind Formation', on the Biuan Peak the formation masters of the Biuan Familia tribe operate the 'Lightning Strike Formation', on the Jiaotu Peak the formation masters of the Jiaotu Familia tribe operate the 'Ice Formation', The formation masters of the Pulao family members on Pulao Peak operated the "Poisonous Miasma Formation", and the formation masters of the Baxia family members on Baxia Peak operated the "Thick Earth Formation".

Finally, in the central Longshou Mountain, a large formation with flowing yin and rays of light was activated, and the formation masters of the half-dragon family members operated the large formation.

Large arrays were activated one after another, and the array lights soared into the sky and reflected each other in mid-air. However, they were still independent of each other and were not connected to form a large array.

The first formation master of the Familia clan, the 'formation', at this time raised the formation disk in his hand, made a seal on his hand, and urged the formation disk to fly into the sky. The large arrays of light all around were suddenly attracted and submerged into the formation disk. In the middle, they meet and connect in the array.

With the harmony and movement of yin and yang as the center, and the five elements, wind, thunder, poison and ice operating outside, ten large formations of ten bloodline families, under the operation and control of the first formation master, are connected into a large formation, covering the entire Holy Land of Longshou Mountain.

When the entire formation is connected, with the nine peaks outside, the formation surrounds it like a huge furnace, bringing together the Longshou Mountain Holy Land, the Sacred Artifact Pagoda, the Tiandi Temple, and the surrounding religious buildings to form the 'Longshou Mountain Holy City' Surrounded.

It’s the ‘Ten Meridians Spirit Gathering Heaven and Earth Furnace Formation’!

"Gathering Spirits!"

At this time, a large formation was formed. The first formation master turned his formation tactics and let out a deep shout. The ten formation lights intertwined in the sky suddenly fell and merged into the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain.

The next moment, you can see the power of various bloodlines and attributes flowing from the surrounding peaks and formations, and merge into the holy land.

Amid the buzzing and shaking, the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain began to grow and rise, becoming more majestic and spectacular.

The sacred weapon pagoda on the top of the mountain is also humming and shaking, and the light of various attributes on it is flowing. The heavy injuries and cracks suffered when hunting the third-level camel demon have been healed and restored. The pagoda has returned to the ultimate state of the magic weapon. Now it is buzzing. The vibrating sound and shining light showed signs of advanced spiritual weapons.

However, as the formation disk in the air moved and fell, integrating into the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain, the vibration and shining of the pagoda gradually ceased, and the final advancement was not completed.

Liang Ji's mind and consciousness are paying attention to the transformation of the Longshou Mountain Holy Land formation. Seeing this, he understands that the natal magical weapon 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower' already has the foundation and conditions for advanced spiritual weapons. What is missing now Instead, it was his own soul-refining power.

At least he needs to complete the soul-refining 'out-of-body' practice before this 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower' can complete the final promotion, from a natal magical weapon to a natal spiritual weapon.

Seeing that the formation had been completed, Liang Ji's mind changed and he looked towards the ocean to the east.

At this time, in the sea, in the deep sea east of Chiki City, the warrior leader of the Chiki Familia, ‘Xuanyu’, was leading the warriors of the Chiki Familia to surround and hunt a third-order spiritual beast giant shark in the sea.

But seeing 'Xuanyu' raising his hand to offer an array diagram, the patterns in the array flowed like a thousand waves surging over each other.

Under the formation diagram, the third-order Chiki Familia is the leader, followed by the second-order Chiki Familia, forming a team.

The leader of the third-level Chiki Familia possesses the power of the soul and can directly connect to the formation diagram, and use the formation diagram as a context to connect and control the second-level Chikissi Familia team behind them.


‘Xuanyu’, the warrior leader of the Chiki Familia clan who presided over the entire formation and commanded the entire battle team, gave a deep command to start the battle formation.

The formation map merged with the entire Chikiss Familia team, and the entire Chikissai clan seemed to have turned into a large formation, turning into overlapping waves, killing towards the third-order spiritual beast giant shark in the deep sea ahead.

The surrounding sea water was also under the control and operation of the battle formation, turning into heavy waves and crashing towards the giant shark spirit beast.


The giant shark spirit beast roared, and its huge body struck across the sea, stirring up boundless waves all around and crashing in like mountains.

However, when the Chikiss clan battle formation hit, these mountainous waves were suppressed one after another, and even rolled up, turning into the power of the battle formation to operate and control, and merged into thousands of waves to continuously bombard them. The giant shark was killed on the spot.

Such a straightforward victory made the warriors of the Chiki Familia burst into cheers.

The leading warrior leader of the Chikiss Clan, 'Xuanyu', stretched out his hand and the 'Thousand Waves Formation' integrated into the clan's battle formation flew out and landed on his hand, making him unable to put it down.

The third-level Familia gathered their souls and mastered the power of the soul. They were able to lead more Familia warriors to form battle formations using formation diagrams, integrating the power of many Familia warriors into one, thereby maximizing their combat power and hunting down enemies.

From then on, the fighting style of the warriors of the clan will enter a new stage. It is no longer a battle of fighting alone, but a battle formation era of commanding the battle formation and gathering the strength of the crowd to fight and kill.


"Bring the prey back to the city!"

The Chiki Familia warrior leader ‘Xuanyu’ gave an order, and the Chiki Familia warriors lifted the body of the third-order spiritual beast giant shark and headed towards Chiki city with cheers.

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