The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 290 Out of Body

The leader of the warriors, 'Chi', sacrificed the formation diagram and unified the battle formations of the ten bloodline clansmen to form the decisive 'Ten Directions Extermination Formation'. The ten formations rotated and enveloped the ten directions, like a huge storm vortex, jumping directly into the air. Crows.

Ice and flames, storms and thunder, torrential mountains, golden swords and vines, the rotation of yin and yang, all kinds of mutually reinforcing whirlpools of power swallowed up the black clouds and poisonous fire that swept the crowd of crows, and faced off against the void crow demons that were only two to three hundred feet in size. Crash together and engulf them.

With roaring explosions and crows' cries, the Shifang Extermination Array was like a huge meat grinder, constantly strangling and crushing the crow demons swallowed into it.

But at the same time, the crow demon swallowed into the formation was like a giant beast caught in a net, struggling and erupting violently, tearing apart the beast net and impacting the formation.

Warriors from various bloodline clans were constantly being severely injured and even killed by the crows' bursts and attacks. They were blasted out of the 'Ten Directions Extermination Array', with their flesh and blood scattered in all directions.

Seeing that the suddenly attacking crows were suppressed, Liang Ji immediately used the 'Star Mirror' projection to collect the starlight energy that exploded and escaped around him, so as not to attract more void monsters.

Ga! Ga...

In the 'Ten Directions Extermination Array', the screams of the crow demon became weaker and weaker, and the sounds of struggles and explosions also became smaller and smaller.

The leader of the warriors, Chi, was running the formation more and more smoothly. The power of wind, thunder, water, fire and other elements of destruction came down, killing every third-order crow demon that was swallowed up in it.

After the war, they cleaned up the battlefield and harvested seven third-order crow demon demon pills, which was more than the third-order camel demon's demon pills.

It's just that for Liang Ji, these third-level crow demon pills can only be sold, but they cannot be used. According to the market price he knows, these crow demon pills can only be sold for 50,000 to 60,000 yuan for low-grade spirits. stone.

Looking at the Familia warriors who died in the battle, there were thousands of second-level warriors and more than a dozen third-level warriors.

These spiritual stones are not enough to train these sacrificed warriors.

It can be said that this is a losing battle.

Of course, the casualties caused by the self-destruction of the two camel demons just now were more serious. The battle formations of Ba Xia, Jiao Tu and other dependents were the first to bear the brunt. Not only were the second and third level warriors of the dependents suffered heavy casualties, but the formations were also severely damaged.

Now, Liang Ji checked the post-war situation and found that it was not suitable to continue hunting the camel demon, so he opened the 'Starlight Portal' to send the family members back to their natal stars, temporarily ending the hunt.

Moreover, this hunting also yielded five third-level camel demon demon pills, which were enough to be refined for a period of time, and at the same time, the losses of the family members could be restored.

Therefore, Liang Ji did not stay in the Manggu Star Territory for a long time and returned directly to the Kunlun Star Palace.


The dragon soul wrapped around the stars raised its head and roared, swallowed the demon pill sent into the stars, refined it and planted it into the natal stars.

In the Longshou Mountain Holy Land of the natal star, the sacrificial leader 'Xi' held a sacrificial ceremony as usual to express gratitude to the Emperor of Heaven for his gift.

In the surrounding area, palaces have been built on the peaks, which are consistent with the grand formation, gathering the power of the five elements, wind and thunder, poisonous ice, etc., and condensing and manifesting on the peaks of the peaks, including Prisoner Niu, Yazhen, Chaofeng, The images of Biuan and other dependents are all worshiping towards the main peak where the Holy Land Pagoda and Tiandi Temple of Longshou Mountain are located.

These palace buildings are also temples to the Heavenly Emperor, which are worshiped and worshiped by the dependent families of each bloodline.

At this time, while the sacrificial leader 'Xi' was holding a sacrificial ceremony on the main peak, the sacrificial clans of each bloodline were also conducting sacrificial rituals on the surrounding peaks.

The faith, incense, and power of belief of each bloodline family members gathered from each peak and were integrated into the main peak Tiandi Temple and the Sacred Artifact Pagoda.

On the main peak, the Sacred Artifact Pagoda buzzes and trembles, shining with the light of various elemental energies. In the flow of these lights, some natural elemental runes and restrictions can be seen circulating and submerging into the pagoda.

These natural elemental runes and prohibitions were all harvested by Liang Ji from the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' in the Wanxiang Star Palace. The last time he took advantage of the opportunity to recover from the rupture of his natal magic weapon, he refined it into the pagoda.

Nowadays, in the process of being nurtured by the stars and the earth, and being worshiped and refined by the families of various bloodlines, it has been completely integrated into the pagoda, becoming the power and foundation of the pagoda's advanced spiritual weapon.

Inside this trembling, shining pagoda, a figure that seems to be illusory and real is climbing the tower step by step, climbing towards the top of the thirty-three-story pagoda.

This is the manifestation of the 'Pagoda Soul Refining Method' that Liang Ji is currently conducting.

That illusory and real figure is the projection and manifestation of his soul.

As his soul ascended the pagoda step by step and climbed to the higher pagoda, the soul's projected figure also solidified and became real step by step, as if Liang Ji's soul had really entered this thirty-three-year-old pagoda. Climbing up in the black and yellow exquisite tower with layers of heaven and earth.

Step by step, layer by layer, we gradually approach the top of the tower.

As the soul climbs the pagoda, various attributes and energy belonging to the bloodline of the pagoda are manifested in each layer of the pagoda. Powers such as wind, thunder, water, fire, yin and yang, and the five elements, which are both illusory and real, refine the soul and make the soul continuously stronger. , solid.

At the same time, as the soul ascends the pagoda step by step and undergoes the training of various layers of power in the pagoda, the power of the soul is also integrated into the pagoda bit by bit, becoming the power for the pagoda to grow and advance spiritual weapons.

So day after day, in the process of Liang Ji's soul refining practice, his soul and the natal magic weapon pagoda grew simultaneously.

Finally, on this day, the soul climbed to the 33rd floor of the pagoda and reached the highest level of the pagoda. It only needed the last step to jump out of the pagoda to complete the first step of soul refining, 'out of body' practice.

The buzzing vibration of the pagoda and the light shining on it have also reached their limit, leaving only the last step to advance.

At this time, it was the night of the full moon on the natal star. In the Holy Land Square in front of the pagoda, the sacrificial leader 'Xi' was presiding over a grand sacrificial ceremony. Sacrificial ceremonies and blessings were also held on the surrounding peaks of the clans. , worship and bless.

Liang Ji's soul has reached the top of the pagoda and can jump out at any time to reach the outside world.

For monks who practice the ghost-immortal Taoism, the step of 'leaving the body' is undoubtedly an extremely cautious and dangerous step. They often need to prepare various spiritual incense, elixirs, and even magic weapons, formations and other treasures in advance for protection. At the same time, we must carefully calculate the weather, location and other external circumstances to choose the safest time and location, and only then can we cautiously try to 'leave the body'. If we are not careful, it will lead to a soul-crushing ending.

However, for the Star Master monks, this step of 'leaving the body' is much simpler and safer.

At this time, because of the existence of the natal star, Liang Ji's soul can directly leave the body and enter the natal star. It is protected by the star power of the natal star, as well as the protection of many family members' beliefs and the power of incense. This is a comparison. Any spiritual incense, elixir, favorable weather, right place, etc. are better and safer conditions.

When the moon reached the zenith, the sacrificial ceremony at the Longshou Mountain Holy Land reached its climax. Liang Ji's soul jumped out of the tower and successfully left his body!

The star power of the natal star, the moonlight in the sky, the faith of the family members, and the power of incense all gathered together to protect, refine, and integrate into his soul.

The computer has not been repaired yet, so these two chapters were coded on the mobile phone. I'll go to the computer store tomorrow to check it out. If it can't be repaired, I'll have to buy a new one. It's a pity that I have all the data on my computer.

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