The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 292 Jin Dechi

More than two thousand heroic spirits of the family members knelt on the ground, kowtowed to Liang Ji's soul, chanted the gift of the Emperor of Heaven, and thanked the Emperor for opening up the underworld.

Liang Ji's soul now walked through the air, came to Fengquan, and all the way to the center of the lake where Fengquan was flowering.

Here, his soul hand formed a seal, and a soul seal hit the bottom of Fengquan. The entire Fengquan and the entire underworld began to vibrate and sway. In the center of Fengquan, an island gradually rose from the bottom of the lake and sea, standing on Fengquan. in the middle of the spring.

The soul mark on his hand was changing, and earth and rocks gathered on the island, solidifying and manifesting into a palace. There was a plaque on the palace, with three large runic characters appearing on it: Fengquan Palace.

In this "Fengquan Hall", there is a sacred platform built, and there are statues of gods on the sacred platform.

This statue is quite similar to the statue of the Emperor of Heaven, but it is somewhat different. It has more elements of the underworld, Yin Qi, and soul. It can be regarded as a manifestation of the Emperor of Heaven in the underworld.

Liang Ji's soul flew into the statue, leaving a mark on the statue, and then came to the backyard of the palace.

Here, the soul mark on his hand was turned again, and the ground began to collapse to form a pool, with spring water from Fengquan gradually gushing out from the bottom of the pool and filling the pool.

At this time, his soul reached out and made a move in the air, and several more meteors fell from the sky. They were swallowed and refined by the dragon souls wrapped around the stars, and then sent to the underworld and landed in the hands of Liang Ji's soul.

Those were two broken crystals, and what manifested in them were the natural golden elemental runes and prohibitions. They were part of the elemental runes and prohibition crystals that Liang Ji had harvested in the Vientiane Star Palace's 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods'. Most of them were Some of them were refined into his natal magic weapon, but there was also a set of each elemental rune and prohibition reserved specifically for use here.

In addition to these two broken crystals, there are also three jade bottles. One bottle contains the essence refined by Liang Ji using the essence and blood of ten bloodline clans; one bottle contains golden liquid, which is the sea of ​​bitterness. A special product of the Star Palace, 'Vajra Spiritual Liquid', can make the body of the dependents stronger and more powerful. Liang Ji spent a lot of effort to buy it from the Bitter Sea Star Palace.

The third jade bottle contains a black liquid. It is an extremely pure soul liquid that can strengthen and grow the soul. It was also obtained by Liang Ji after spending a lot of merit in the trading module of Xinggong's official website. It is Xinggong's. After the senior student killed the natives and enemies in the outer star sea, he collected a large number of souls and refined them.

In addition, there is a golden bead and a golden lotus seed.

This golden bead is a golden treasure contained in the heaven, earth and spiritual veins among the stars in the outer realm. It can be regarded as a natural spiritual treasure, which contains the purest power of gold.

Golden lotus seeds are also a kind of golden lotus curtain created by nature among the stars in the outer world, in some Jedi places that are completely formed by the power of the golden element, and contain the purest power of the golden element.

The two treasures were also obtained by the senior students of Xing Palace from exploring the outer sea of ​​stars, and Liang Ji spent a lot of money to buy them.

For this reason, Liang Ji even had to sell some of the high-level spiritual materials he had harvested in the Immortal Palace of his predecessors in exchange for high-grade spiritual stones to be able to purchase these extremely rare treasures.

At this time, Liang Ji's soul sent these golden runes, forbidden crystals, family blood essence, diamond spirit liquid, soul liquid, golden beads, and golden lotus seeds into the newly opened spring pool in sequence.

A pool of Fengquan water changes rapidly, and the runes and prohibitions of the golden element are swimming in it like fish. The blood essence, vajra spirit fluid, and soul liquid all merge with Fengquan, turning a pool of Fengquan water into a pool of golden water, golden beads Suppressed at the bottom, the golden lotus seeds took root, sprouted, and gradually grew in the golden water.

Liang Ji's soul stretched out his hand and pointed to the side of the golden pool. The black underworld quickly rose and solidified, turning into a black stone tablet with three large runic characters on it: Jin De Pool.

When Liang Ji's soul pulled up the island in the center of Fengquan, built the 'Fengquan Hall', and opened the 'Jinde Pond', more than two thousand heroic spirits of the family members knelt down and worshiped on the shore of Fengquan. Under the leadership of more than a dozen sacrificial spirits, They continued to bow and salute towards the middle of Fengquan, praising the miracles of the Emperor of Heaven.

Among them was a heroic spirit who had studied epic records from the historians of the tribe. At this time, while bowing and praising the Emperor of Heaven, he recorded the epic of the Emperor of Heaven opening up the underworld on the land of the underworld.

When the 'Fengquan Palace' was built and the 'Jinde Pond' was opened, Liang Ji's soul flew up from the island and announced: "Only the most heroic and powerful heroes can board the island and receive the gift of the Emperor of Heaven."

After hearing the oracle of the 'Emperor of Heaven', the heroic spirits who prostrated themselves on the shore of Fengquan jumped into Fengquan one after another and swam towards the island in the center of Fengquan.

However, these thousands of heroic spirits were not very powerful. As they swam to the island, they gradually sank to the bottom of Fengquan and passed away in reincarnation.

Among them, the heroic spirit who swam the closest was really the warrior who recorded the epic story of the Emperor of Heaven opening up the underworld. However, he could not hold on until he only swam halfway, sank to the bottom of Fengquan, and was reincarnated.

Although none of these heroic spirits were able to land on the island, their spirits were soaked and baptized by the water of Fengquan in the Fengquan Pool, and their souls also grew and became stronger. After they reincarnated and became a dependent clan again, it would be easier to awaken their bloodline. , it is easier to advance, and after advancement, it will become more powerful, and it will be easier to become a leader among tribes and dependents.

The farther you swim in Fengquan and the more you are soaked and baptized by the water of Fengquan, the more benefits your soul will receive and the stronger it will be, and the stronger it will be after reincarnation.

Liang Ji's soul looked at all the souls sinking to the bottom of Fengquan and shook his head slightly. He knew that in a short period of time, there should be no souls or heroic spirits among the family members who could swim across the entire Fengquan, land on the central island, and be rewarded by the Emperor of Heaven. .

His soul flew out of the underworld. At this time, it was a moonless and starless night among the stars in the outside world. Liang Ji's soul also received a lot of benefits in the process of opening up the underworld, becoming more powerful and tenacious. .

However, at this time, his soul still does not have the power to travel at night, so he can only return to the natal spiritual weapon 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower'. Under the protection of the spiritual weapon pagoda, he can sense and study the distribution of magnetic fields and force fields in the natal stars. , operation.

After some induction and research, Liang Ji's soul returned to its original body and circulated the infinite Qi in the Dantian Qi sea to distribute, interweave and circulate around his body, gradually forming a force field and aura. In this force field, the Qi was , the aura starts to rotate on its own, gradually becoming consistent with the force field and magnetic field of the natal star, and sensing the force field and magnetic field of the star.

However, when the aura field circulated for hundreds of weeks and was extremely close to the force field and magnetic field induction of the stars, something suddenly appeared, and the aura field in which the true energy circulated collapsed and dissipated.

The zhenqi in the dantian qi sea was turbulent. As Liang Ji moved and measured the power of the stars, it poured in and suppressed it, and then it calmed down again.

The practice of the star technique ‘Guardian of the Stars’ failed again, but there was not much disappointment on Liang Ji’s face.

"Compared to the time four days ago, the aura must have circulated for thirty more weeks, and the force field and magnetic field induction with the natal stars have become clearer."

"The general direction is correct. All that needs to be adjusted are the details. I believe that we are not far away from truly cultivating the second star technique, 'Star Guardian'."

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