One month later, Kunlun Star Palace was in Kunlun City.

Liang Ji rode a flying car and arrived in front of a large courtyard in the south of the city. Senior Qi Changge was already waiting here and greeted him immediately when he saw his arrival.

"Senior, thank you very much this time. Please wait here."

Liang Ji immediately went up to greet him and bowed his thanks first.

Senior Qi Changge waved his hand and said, "You're welcome. Based on your information, it's absolutely no problem to apply to join the Star Alliance security department as an intern. I didn't do anything."

As he said that, he led Liang Ji towards the courtyard. When he reached the door, a spiritual light appeared and swept past him.

"Liang Ji, use a burst of true energy, detect a burst of spiritual consciousness, and let this access control record it."

As Senior Qi Changge spoke, he had already activated his true energy and detected his spiritual consciousness. A series of verification information suddenly appeared on the spiritual light screen. His identity was quickly determined and the restrictions were released.

Liang Ji also fired a burst of true energy and detected a spiritual sense. The spiritual light prohibited him from recording his information, opening a temporary access authority.

This compound is a residence of the Star Alliance government in the Kunlun Star Palace, and is dedicated to handling and handing over various affairs related to the Star Alliance and the Star Palace.

For example, the joint defense and coordinated actions between the Star Alliance and Star Palace, and applications from Star Palace students for internships or military service in some departments and teams of the Star Alliance, etc. are all processed here.

A month ago, Liang Ji mastered the astrology of 'Star Guardian' and met the requirements mentioned by Senior Qi, so he contacted the other party and applied for an internship in the Star Alliance security department. It took nearly a month for approval before being approved.

Today, he came to take a test to see if he met the conditions to join the Covenant security department. The test location was at the Covenant government's station in Kunlun City.

Senior Qi Changge led Liang Ji into the courtyard, walked all the way to the depths of the courtyard, and entered a building straight into the ground.

The monitoring and inspection of various formations and restrictions along the way are obviously much stricter than at the entrance. Liang Ji also had to present an application for internship in the Star Alliance security department and follow Senior Qi before he could go all the way into the depths. .

When we arrived at the second underground floor, there was a special testing venue. There were already three people waiting here, two men and one woman, all middle-aged.

Senior Qi Changge obviously knew them well, and he greeted them first: "Senior Zhang, Senior Mei, and Brother Lu, I'm sorry to trouble you this time."

The three of them responded with smiles and said, "You're welcome."

"It's not a hassle, it's all work."

“It’s not too late for us to welcome new colleagues.”

After greeting several people, Senior Qi introduced three people to Liang Ji. Among them, Senior Zhang and Senior Mei were both students of Kunlun Star Palace. One had graduated, one was a fourth-level star master, and the other was a man named Lu. He is a graduate of Taihao Star Palace.

Liang Ji immediately stepped forward to greet him one by one. The three of them responded with smiles and praised him a few words. They also talked about his experience of helping senior Qi Changge and senior Yang Yun complete their tasks when he was a second-level star master. They were very complimentary. Ichiban.

Liang Ji smiled modestly.

After a few people chatted, the three of them opened the formations and restrictions in the venue for testing.

Senior Sister Mei smiled and said to Liang Ji: "Senior Brother Liang, just stand on the field and don't make any preparations."

"Our first step is to test your ability to protect yourself in the event of a sudden attack."

"Okay, senior sister." Liang Ji agreed and walked into the testing venue.

"Relax, just like your usual leisure time." Senior Sister Mei was still urging him.

Liang Ji was also listening to the other party's words when suddenly a sharp golden light shot out from the side. The speed was so fast that he didn't even have time to react. The golden light had already shot in front of him.


At this time, a buzzing sound sounded, and Liang Ji's true aura and star technique 'Star Guardian' deployed around his body came into effect instantly, blocking the golden light.

Liang Ji was also frightened by this sudden attack, and was relieved when he saw the star technique 'Star Guardian' working.

"Very good!" Senior Sister Mei looked at the aura of true energy emerging around Liang Ji, nodded and said: "Senior Brother Liang, if you want to work in the Star Alliance security department, you must be prepared to face sudden attacks by evil cultivators at any time."

"The attacks of evil cultivators are often more sudden and violent than ours this time. If you don't have enough power to protect yourself, fighting against the evil cultivators will simply lead to death."

"The Star Alliance does not encourage casual consumption of Star Masters' lives."

As he spoke, he turned to the other two testers, Zhang and Lu, and said, "Intensify the intensity of the attack and increase the diversity of the attack."

The next moment, we saw all kinds of wind, thunder, water and fire, mountains and boulders, pure power, the strange power of withering vegetation, etc. Various attacks continued to attack from all directions, and the attack power became stronger and stronger, constantly bombarding and crushing. The aura of true energy that overwhelmed Liang Ji's whole body.

Under more and more powerful attacks, the aura around Liang Ji began to twist, deform, and gradually decrease, but it was not directly broken, and the true energy in his Dantian sea also Consumed quickly.

Among the natal stars, the star power and the power of heaven and earth quickly surged in and transformed into true energy, making up for the consumption in the sea of ​​​​Qi in Dantian. The source was endless, so that the aura around him was always maintained and never shattered.

At the same time, Liang Ji activated the 'Tao Fruit' in the natal stars, and the wind and clouds surged above the stars. The magnetic fields and force fields of the stars circulated, connected with the aura of the whole body, increasing the power of the 'Guardian of the Stars'.

"Good! Very good!" Senior Sister Mei was still praising her and said: "The attack power has exceeded the seventh level and reached the sixth level. It will continue to increase and see where your limit is."

Before he finished speaking, among the dense attacks of various attributes around him, a shadow-like attack suddenly struck, directly passing through his aura, breaking through the protection of his 'star guardian', and sinking into his body. Attacking the soul in his sea of ​​consciousness.

This is the soul attack of the Ghost Immortal Tradition. The power of the star technique "Star Guardian" is only the power of true energy, which can prevent various physical attacks, attribute attacks, force field attacks, etc., but it also has the disadvantage of not being able to withstand soul attacks.

This shadow-like soul attack rushed into his sea of ​​consciousness and went straight towards his soul. At this time, large shadows also appeared in Liang Ji's sea of ​​consciousness and around his soul, which were the projections of the 'Fengquan Underworld' among the stars.

The soul attack rushed into a large shadow, and countless "Fengquan" suddenly poured out to engulf it, washing away all attributes, and finally turned into the purest soul energy. It disappeared with the shadow and returned to the "Fengquan Underworld" of the stars. Become a force for the evolution and development of the underworld.

The requirements of the Star Alliance security department for those who join are at least third-level star masters, who have mastered the astrology of "Guardian of the Stars" and opened up the underworld.

The ‘Guardian of the Stars’ protects the body, while the underworld protects the soul.

This test not only tested Liang Ji's response to sudden attacks by various substances, attributes, and force fields, but also tested his defense and response to soul attacks.

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